Dried mascara what to do. How to dilute dried mascara: all means and methods


Sometimes it happens that your favorite mascara can dry out long before the expiration date, and the brush leaves dry lumps on your eyelashes. Of course, you can buy a new tube, but if the mascara is quite expensive and your budget does not allow you to spend money every time, you can try to “bring it back to life” or simply dilute it with different means.

It is quite possible to restore dried mascara. But the question logically arises: is it necessary and possible to do this at all, is it safe to conduct such experiments? To give a specific answer to this, it’s worth understanding what causes the mascara to harden.

  • Expiration date. In this case, the mascara dries out from old age and should not be restored.
  • Storage conditions violated. If the tube has been in the scorching sun for a long time, near heat sources or in frosty air, the mascara not only dries out, but also deteriorates, and its shelf life is halved. In this case, you also shouldn’t waste energy and try to dilute the mascara.
  • Incorrect use. To wet the brush well, you need to twist it in and out. Most women, when using mascara, move the brush in the same way as a piston works. Along with such forward movements, air gets inside the package, which causes the carcass to dry out.
  • A poorly closed tube causes air molecules to penetrate into it. Naturally, the mascara will harden.
  • Wide neck packaging. A responsible manufacturer always makes sure that the hole through which the brush enters is narrowed. This prevents the mascara from drying out prematurely.
  • Mascara can be found in every woman's makeup bag.

    Thus, you should not “fight” for mascara if it has expired or has an unpleasant odor - this means that it has hopelessly deteriorated.

    In other cases, known breeding methods can be tried.

    Ways to restore mascara at home

    Before you start bringing mascara back to normal, you should familiarize yourself with its composition, since one or another method may turn out to be absolutely useless in a particular case.

    Warming up

    If the packaging of the mascara indicates that it contains paraffin, then it is enough to leave the tube for 5-7 minutes. into hot water. After this, the mascara should be shaken thoroughly. As a result, the paraffin will return to its plastic state, and the mascara will acquire the desired consistency. However, it is worth noting that such procedures will have to be repeated periodically.

    Dilution with water

    If the mascara is made on a water basis, then its properties can be restored using ordinary water. An important point is that the water must be purified or distilled. You can also use non-carbonated mineral water. If you just take tap water, there is a high risk of introducing pathogenic microflora into the mascara, which can cause the development of infectious diseases of the mucous membrane of the eye or allergic reactions. In addition, running water has a high chlorine content, which also has a negative impact on the condition of the eyes and eyelashes.

    To dilute frozen mascara, use a pipette to drop 1-2 drops of water directly into the bottle or onto the brush. Shake the closed tube well. After dilution, it is advisable to store mascara in the refrigerator to reduce the likelihood that it will spoil.

    Sometimes, after diluting with water, mascara becomes uneven in consistency, and lumps may form.

    Using eye drops to prevent thickening

    If your eyes are too sensitive by nature, then you can restore frozen mascara with eye drops, since these products have antimicrobial and moisturizing properties. In this case, you should choose drugs that specifically moisturize the cornea. These include Oftagel, Pure Tear, Visine, etc. You cannot use formulations that contain antibiotics, hormones or substances that affect blood vessels.

    Place 1-2 drops of eye product into a bottle of mascara or onto a brush and shake well.

    The composition of the eye drops is hypoallergenic

    Using lens storage

    The composition of solutions for contact lenses is quite complex and contains many components, each of which has its own purpose. Liquids for lenses combine the functions of cleansing and moisturizing. In addition, they prevent the development of allergic reactions, reduce the concentration of microorganisms and prevent their reproduction. These properties of solutions for storing contact lenses can be successfully used when diluting frozen mascara.

    However, in this case there is a fly in the ointment. Some lens liquids contain additional lubricants that can harm your skin and eyelashes.

    Add two drops of contact lens liquid to the tube and shake it thoroughly.

    You can try diluting your cosmetics with makeup remover.

    A good way to thin out thickened cosmetics is to use liquid makeup removers. They contain many useful components and may well revive mascara. It is advisable to use makeup removers from the same manufacturer that made the mascara.

    Attention! Do not use lotions and tonics containing alcohol!

    Add 1-3 drops of makeup remover to the tube and shake the packaging well. It is advisable to apply frozen mascara diluted in this way to the eyelashes for no more than 3–4 hours, since the makeup remover contains components that are not intended for long-term contact with the skin.

    Black tea not only quenches thirst, but also prevents you from drying out.

    As surprising as it may sound, ordinary black tea will help restore thickened mascara. The freshly brewed drink has long been famous for its properties in strengthening and growing eyelashes, as it contains a large amount of vitamins and other useful components. And black tea also has a therapeutic effect on the mucous membrane of the eye, since it has disinfectant and antimicrobial properties. Many people have known since childhood that sometimes it is enough to rinse an inflamed eye with strong tea leaves, and the illness goes away quite quickly.

    To dilute dried mascara, you need to brew strong black tea (preferably loose leaf) and add 1-2 drops of the resulting tea leaves to the tube.

    Vegetable oils will extend the life of your favorite mascara

    Vegetable oils can be used to restore thickened cosmetics. In this case, preference should be given to those oils that have a light texture, since “heavy” compositions make the mascara viscous and lead to the formation of lumps. The most commonly used oils are:

  • almond;
  • peach;
  • apricot;
  • jojoba oil;
  • burdock
  • All of them not only dilute thickened mascara, but also have a beneficial effect on eyelashes, as they saturate them with useful components and minerals. Particularly prominent is burdock oil, which is often used in various masks designed to stimulate eyelash growth and increase their thickness.

    To dilute the mascara, add 1-2 drops of oil to the bottle. Excess oil will make the mascara blurry, and the makeup will be not only on the eyelashes, but also on the skin around the eyes.

    Special products for waterproof mascara

    Some global manufacturers provide solvents that can be used to dilute waterproof mascara. Brands such as Dior, Chanel, Maybelline took care of their consumers and made it easier for them to restore their cosmetics.

    The only drawback of these funds is their high cost. But it is justified by the fact that you don’t have to conduct experiments on the carcass and your own health, and the result is guaranteed to be positive.

    What not to use when restoring frozen mascara

    There are methods for updating mascara that are widely used by many women, but they can have a detrimental effect on the quality of the product and negatively affect health.

  • Under no circumstances should the brush be wetted with saliva. It contains many microorganisms, which, once in a bottle of mascara, will begin to multiply, and the product will deteriorate very quickly.
  • The use of colognes, perfumes and other alcohol-containing liquids is strictly prohibited. This is fraught with the occurrence of burns and inflammation of the eye mucosa. In addition, alcohol lightens and dries out eyelashes, which leads to damage.
  • Among the prohibited solvents is hydrogen peroxide. This substance is also dangerous due to burns and inflammation.
  • It is not recommended to use sunflower oil, as it will not only not dilute the mascara, but will also completely ruin it.
  • Frozen mascara can be diluted with many means. However, you should choose those formulations that will not harm eye health. In addition, you should not restore mascara if its expiration date has passed or there are obvious signs of deterioration.

    Is it possible to dilute mascara at home? Of course. In this article we will talk about dilution methods and consider their main advantages and disadvantages. It is important to note that all methods will help if the mascara has not expired.

    How to dilute mascara?

    How to dilute dried mascara

    Before diluting mascara, pay attention to its composition. If paraffin is present among the components, then the closed bottle must be immersed in a container of hot water for 10 minutes. This simple procedure will help return the mascara to its original consistency.

    If the mascara does not contain paraffin, it can be diluted with plain boiled water. However, this method has a couple of disadvantages:

    Suitable only for those who do not have allergies;

    Water causes irritation to the mucous membrane of the eye;

    Lumps form or the mascara becomes too liquid;

    After some time, the water evaporates and the mascara becomes thick again.

    Before diluting, it is necessary to boil and cool the water. Then add it to the mascara using a pipette to the desired consistency, then remove and store in the refrigerator. By the way, instead of boiled water, it is better to use distilled or mineral water, since they are purified from various impurities.

    It can also be diluted with eye drops. For this, products such as Visine or Oftagel are suitable. They relieve irritation and eye fatigue and also have antimicrobial properties.

    Contact lens liquid can help remove dried mascara. It does not cause allergies, so it is suitable for sensitive eyes. The chemical composition of liquid and tears is almost identical. However, the opposite effect should not be ruled out when lens liquid comes into contact with mascara.

    You need to be very careful when diluting mascara with makeup remover, as it provokes irritation, redness and an allergic reaction. Using this method, choose mascara and makeup remover from the same manufacturer. Give preference to those products that do not contain alcohol.

    How to dilute moisture-resistant mascara

    Moisture-resistant mascara is diluted using special products that are sold in the cosmetics department. They are already produced by such cosmetic brands as Dior, Chanel, Maybelline and many others.

    Some brands offer ready-made fluids for restoring mascara. Such formulations are rarely found in the mass market, but luxury companies like Dior regularly release a diluent. It does not harm the natural ingredients in the mascara that are added to care for eyelashes. The fluid allows you to achieve a long-lasting effect, unlike water, which evaporates over several days.

    Using a special fluid is very simple: just add a few drops to dried mascara and mix it thoroughly. Thanks to the convenient dispenser, it is almost impossible to make a mistake in the dosage of the fluid and get too liquid mascara.

    How can you dilute mascara using available products?

    Since dry mascara most often comes as a surprise, a special fluid is not always at hand. In such cases, cosmetics can be restored using ordinary improvised means.

      The best solution would be eye drops. Their composition is absolutely safe for the eyes and most often they are sold in convenient packages with dispensers that allow you to monitor the thickness of the diluted mascara. You need to add a few drops to the mascara and mix it thoroughly.

      If you don't have eye drops on hand, you can use lens solution. It is also absolutely safe for the eyes and perfectly dissolves dried mascara.

      Finally, if there are no other options, you can use eye makeup remover. It should not contain alcohol. It can be replaced with micellar water, which also dilutes dried mascara well.

    What should you not add to mascara?

    Sometimes, in a hurry, we make not the best solutions to everyday problems. This happens with mascara if at the most inopportune moment it turns out that it has dried out.

      They try to dilute it with alcohol-containing liquids: perfumes, colognes, alcohol tonics and even pure alcohol. The use of such agents will cause burns to the mucous membrane. To restore the carcass, you should use substances that do not contain alcohol.

      You should not dilute mascara with saliva, since pathogenic microorganisms that do not harm the oral mucosa can be extremely dangerous for the eyes.

      Despite the widespread belief that mascara can be diluted with vegetable oil, it is better not to do this. The oil does not mix completely with the mascara, as a result it can weigh down the eyelashes and delicate eye skin. This will lead to the development of conjunctivitis or stye. Therefore, it is better not to use the “folk secrets” of restoring cosmetics.

    In order for diluted mascara to serve you as long as possible, it is enough to follow a few simple rules for its use:

      Do not leave the tube open.

      Do not use baby powder to lengthen your eyelashes. It stays on the mascara wand and then gets into your makeup, causing it to thicken.

      Store mascara in the refrigerator - this slows down the process of moisture evaporation.

    You should not dilute dried mascara if its bottle was opened more than 3 months ago. Regardless of the intensity of its use, mascara deteriorates just from contact with air, which is inevitable after opening the package. Therefore, the permissible time of its use may differ from the expiration date stated on the bottle. It is better to buy new mascara and not expose yourself to the risk of developing inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the eye.

    How quickly does your favorite mascara dry? Share reviews of various cosmetics and tell us about the best mascara in your cosmetic bag.

    Mascara is very tricky! You don’t have time to buy a new one, and it’s already starting to dry out - is that really the point? Every girl has probably encountered this phenomenon; this fact cannot but irritate, since she has to give up her planned makeup and run to the store for a new product for beautiful, long and fluffy eyelashes.

    Many representatives of the fair sex have more than one mascara in their cosmetic bag, but of course - each appearance needs its own effect! For work - discreet brown or gray, for going to the pool - waterproof, for the club - mega-lengthening and charcoal black. And we haven’t yet remembered about the fashionable colored mascaras this season - purple, blue, emerald, which look so wonderful with the appropriate make-up and outfit!

    If you follow the rules, then the mascara should only be used for three months after opening., and then you have to throw it away. But this is pure robbery and deception - it’s rare that a girl will be able to completely use a full tube of mascara during this time, but she will be able to dry out the mascara from frequent opening. Dried mascara can be revived by diluting it to its previous consistency, and don’t let this scare you, there is nothing dangerous to health in this, you just need to act, of course, wisely. Not every product is suitable for diluting mascara, but most of them are at hand - in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the medicine cabinet, and you have no idea that they can be effectively used for your own purposes.

    let's consider all options for diluting mascara, let's find out their pros and cons.

    The first in our hit parade will be, if not the best, but definitely the most shocking way to dilute mascara - using saliva. Well, remember all the mascara in the box called “Leningradskaya” - what do you think it was diluted with? Of course with saliva. It is not entirely clear what is happening there at the chemical level, but after such an intervention the mascara is really revived, it begins to paint better, lengthen, and add volume. We completely agree that this method is not aesthetically pleasing, but if there is no other option, you know how to make your mascara do its job.

    You can dilute the mascara using your favorite perfume- one small spray in a tube of mascara is enough. But this method has several disadvantages - the mascara will become thinner only for a short period of time, for a day or two. After the alcohol evaporates, the mascara will dry out again. Essential oils contained in perfume can also negatively affect the properties of mascara, so it is better to use eau de toilette rather than perfume to dilute mascara. Another negative component of this method is the danger of diluted mascara getting into your eyes - you will feel a burning sensation from the alcohol and your eyes will turn red. To prevent this from happening, after you add the perfume to the mascara, leave it on for 5-10 minutes.

    You can also dilute the mascara with alcohol- cognac. At one time, you could often find advice in magazines to dilute mascara with this particular alcoholic drink. Apparently, this cosmetic product is favorably influenced by the tannins and oils contained in cognac. The alcohol will quickly dilute the mascara, and all other ingredients will maintain its consistency. It is enough to add one or two drops of cognac to the tube, then vigorously stir the contents with a brush, wait 5 minutes and, voila, the mascara is ready for use.

    Plain water is also suitable for diluting mascara.. Of course, it is better to use filtered or boiled water, although regular tap water is also suitable. The water should be warm, room temperature. You can add a couple of drops of water to the tube or simply wet the brush and then stir the mascara. If the mascara has not yet dried, but has become too thick, then you can correct the situation by simply rinsing the brush thoroughly under running water. Remove excess water from the brush, but do not wipe it dry - the remaining moisture will be enough to return the mascara to its normal consistency.

    Helps restore mascara well ordinary eye drops(no antibiotic!). Add a couple of drops to the tube, actively move the brush, and the mascara will instantly become suitable for use. This method is also absolutely safe for the eyes; the drops are sterile and do not contain harmful impurities. But don't rush to buy eye drops specifically for diluting mascara, since the drops can only be used for a month after opening. All medicines must be handled more strictly than mascara.

    Such products as glycerin or castor oil. Lubricate the mascara brush with one of the substances, and then quickly mix it with the dried mascara in the tube. However, keep in mind that after using glycerin and castor oil, mascara will take a little longer to dry.

    • How to dilute dried mascara?
    • Secrets that will help extend the shelf life of mascara

    Please note that the recommended period for using mascara is six months. After this time, the product must be replaced to avoid possible eye infection. But, you must admit, rare mascara lasts up to six months - as a rule, it has to be renewed after one and a half to two months. Fortunately, there are a few simple rules that can help you use mascara for much longer.

    Why does mascara dry out?

    • It dries the fastest and is also the thickest in texture. The formula of such products contains special waxes, which are responsible for the effect of thickening eyelashes. The shelf life of other types of mascara is also not so long - it is better to check it based on the packaging. For example, the “6M” icon means that the mascara can be used for six months after opening the tube. Once the mascara is opened, air enters - and after that it begins to gradually dry out.

    To ensure that your mascara dries as slowly as possible, try repeating the technique of professional makeup artists. Having unscrewed the brush from the tube, they cover the latter with a finger or a silicone cap. So, while you are painting your eyelashes, no air gets into the tube and, therefore, the mascara dries much slower. By the way, they apply the same rule when using eyeliners - liquid or gel.

    • One of the common reasons for premature drying of mascara, including waterproof mascara, is a loosely closed tube. The reason may be excess product around the thread, which prevents the mascara from closing completely. Thus, a certain gap is formed between the cap and the tube: thanks to it, air gets inside, and the mascara dries quickly. To avoid this, remove the threads regularly. You can even do this with a regular napkin soaked in warm water or a micellar solution.

    Why does mascara become thick?

    Another common problem with mascara is that its texture becomes thick. If this is your case, try using a mascara that is oil-based rather than water-based. Oils do not evaporate over time - and this guarantees that the mascara will not change its texture.

    How to dilute dried mascara at home?

    Your mascara has dried out, but you have no opportunity or desire to change it? Fortunately, there are several proven methods that can help correct the situation. You can repeat them at home. What tools will be useful for this?

    Eye drops

    The easiest way to restore dried mascara is to add eye drops to it. Ten drops of the product will be enough to revive the mascara. Close the tube and shake it thoroughly to mix the drops with the composition. After this, the mascara will be like new!

    Liquid for lenses

    You will need lens cleaner (just five drops is enough). The formula of this product is safe for the eyes - therefore, you can safely add it to mascara. The sequence of actions is the same as in the case of eye drops.

    It is not recommended to add other solvents such as alcohol and hydrogen peroxide to mascara. They are definitely not suitable for the delicate eye area.

    How to dilute thickened mascara?

    Three methods that will help make the composition of mascara more liquid, but will not affect its properties in any way.

    • Add two drops of preheated coconut oil to the mascara: it will make the consistency more flexible.
    • Another trick will help return thickened mascara to its normal texture. Pour hot water into a container and place the tightly closed mascara in it. After ten minutes, you can check the product: the product will heat up and the formula will become softer.
    • Perhaps it just seems to you that the mascara has thickened - and the reason for this is the brush, on which too much product has accumulated over time. In this case, it is better to clean the brush with soap and rinse under running warm water.

    Secrets to help extend the shelf life of your mascara

    • It is better to use open mascara every day: so, you use it completely until the moment when the formula begins to dry out or thicken. If you opened the mascara once, it means that air has already entered it and the drying process has begun. It cannot be stopped, even if you close the product tightly and put it aside. Therefore, it is better to use only one mascara at a time - this way you can get the most out of your purchase.
    • Study the storage conditions of the mascara: they are indicated on the packaging. As a rule, the rules are simple: it is better to keep mascara in a cool, dry place
    • If you notice that the mascara has changed its smell, this means that the product is spoiled and it’s time to change it, even if the period of use is shorter than stated on the package.
    • To make your mascara last longer, apply the product to the wand carefully and do not make numerous up and down movements with it. Each time you lower the brush into the tube, you force a certain amount of air inside. And, as you understand, the more air inside, the faster the mascara dries.
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