What does Sofia mean? How is the name Sofia translated and what does it mean? Sofia in love and marriage

Names: origin and forms

Sophia- (from Greek) wisdom.

Old: Sofia.

Directory of Russian names

Wisdom(from Greek).

With rich vitality. Knowledgeable. Righteous. Healthy. People are drawn to them for confession. Judges by nature, bringing help and healing. They may hurt, but the person will be strengthened. Usually chosen and made happy by their husbands. Mother of Faith, Hope, Love - traditions are passed on through them.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Sofia, Sophia- wise (ancient Greek).
The name is rare, one in a thousand in the city, only a few in the countryside, and it does not become popular.
Zodiac name: Scales.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: dark blue.
Talisman stone: lapis lazuli.
Auspicious plant: linden, lovage.
Patron name: praying mantis.
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Diminutive forms: Sofyushka, Sofa, Sonya, Sonyusha.
Main features: sociability, activity, generosity.


Sophia of Egypt, martyr, October 1 (September 18).
Sofia Slutskaya, princess, on the third week after Pentecost, April 1 (March 19).
Sophia of Rome, martyr, September 30 (17). She died of grief at the grave of her daughters - martyrs - Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov - on the third day after their execution for the faith of Christ. The icon of Sophia, the wisdom of God, occupies a special place in the Russian Orthodox Church. The icon depicts the Mother of God and the Wisdom incarnate from Her - the Son of God. By Wisdom (or Sophia) we mean Jesus Christ. The Mother of God is depicted standing in the temple under a canopy supported by seven pillars. Her arms and palms are spread out, the pillars are established on the crescent moon. She holds the Infant God blessing with his right hand, and in His left hand is the orb. On the cornice of the canopy is inscribed: “Wisdom created for herself a house and established seven pillars.” Above the canopy are God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. From the mouth of God the Father come the words “I established Her feet.” On both sides are depicted seven Archangels holding signs of their service. Under the feet of the Mother of God is an ambo with seven steps, depicting the Church of God on earth, on the steps are the forefathers and prophets. There are inscriptions on each of the steps. "Faith, hope, love, purity, humility, goodness, glory." The seven steps are established on seven pillars, on which are inscribed images taken from the Apocalypse.


See name Vera.


Sonechka is a charming curly-haired creature, very loved and spoiled. She knows this and understands which string to play in order to insist on her own. Very observant and resourceful. It is impossible to force her to do something if she doesn’t want to, you just have to persuade her.

At school she is friends with everyone, knows girls from other classes, participates in sports competitions, various competitions and debates. She supervises the lower grades and helps those who are lagging behind. Everyone knows that they can rely on her.

She learns easily on her own, she has a sharp mind, a wonderful memory, she is diligent, and will not go anywhere without doing her homework. He loves music very much and plays the piano.

Active since childhood, Sophia manages to do a lot in adulthood. She is always in sight, fast, talkative,

Sophia likes cheerful companies, she loves to be the center of attention, to know everything and about everyone. Sophia can understand other people's weaknesses, she will forgive everything except betrayal; Sophia often plays the role of a lightning rod in other people's problems, but copes with her own. Sophia knows how to manage, arrange life, organize it, in a word, she simply knows how to live. The name Sophia was studied especially deeply by P.A. Florensky:

“The name Sophia is the feminine aspect of the masculine name Vasily, but not in the sense of the manifestation of the masculine name in a female personality, but as a phenomenon parallel to this latter and independent of it...

Sofia is more divine than Vasily. However, it is understandable that female activity, as more intuitive, coming more from the depths, less conscious and less dissected - activity, which by its nature may be closer to the creativity of spiritual power in nature... Sophia is powerful and believes that power by nature, by the make-up of her personality, of course, it should belong to her. Sofia takes power as her own, and does it with a clear conscience, because her hand will never waver from doubt whether it is right. And she cannot waver, since Sophia takes power, and others do not interfere with her, as long as this is done in the name of truth and good - the only truth and the only good known to Sophia. Sophia has an innate self-awareness of herself as superior to those around her by nature - not by her personal merits, but by her birth itself; this can probably be compared with the self-awareness of crowned heads, who can think very modestly about themselves, be aware of their shortcomings, be easy to handle and helpful and yet feel separated from other people by a special kind, natural power. This self-awareness of Sophia as power is so alive and bright in her that any non-recognition of her power by those around her causes an internal protest, but not because of hurt pride or unsatisfied vanity, but as some kind of untruth, as a distortion of the proper order. Hence the impression of pride that Sophia often produces on those who are not thoughtful enough, although this is not pride, but something else, much deeper..."


Sofia Fominichna (Zoya Paleolog) (c. 1448-1503) - nee Byzantine princess, Grand Duchess of Moscow.

Her childhood coincided with difficult years for her homeland: Mohammed II, at the head of a large army, dealt the final blow to the fading Byzantium. In 1453, Constantinople fell. In 1460, her father, Thomas Palaiologos, fled from the pressure of the Turks from the Peloponnese, went to Italy to Pope Pius II, to seek an alliance against the Turks. He left his wife and children on the island of Corfu. In 1465, Zoya was left an orphan; first her mother died, and months later her father died.

Thomas Paleologue's faithful friend, Cardinal Vissarion, took care of Zoya's life. Zoe lived in Rome, officially called "the beloved daughter of the Roman church, the nurse of the apostolic see." She received a good education.

The initiator of the marriage of Zoya and Ivan III was Vissarion, he acted with the knowledge of the pope, since the expenses of the ambassadors to Moscow were paid by the pope. The strong Moscow prince aroused hopes in Rome for help against the Turks and even dreams of Rus''s annexation to the papal throne.

Preliminary negotiations have begun. The Russian chronicle tells: On February 11, 1496, the Greek Yuri arrived in Moscow from Cardinal Vissarion to the Grand Duke with a sheet in which Sophia, the daughter of the Amorite despot Thomas, an “Orthodox Christian,” was offered to the Grand Duke as a bride. Our chronicles everywhere call Princess Zoe Sofia. Apparently, she changed her name when she got married, that was the custom. The ambassadors brought a portrait of Sophia to Moscow - “the princess is written on the icon.” She was not a beauty, but Ivan liked her big, intelligent eyes. Ivan III, after consulting with the metropolitan, his mother and the boyars, sent an embassy to Rome for the princess.

The ambassadors introduced themselves to the pope, already Sixtus IV, expressed respect on behalf of the Grand Duke and presented him with a fur coat and 70 sables as a gift.

The betrothal was performed with a commissioner from the Grand Duke in the Basilica of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and was celebrated with luxury and splendor.

Sophia with a huge retinue triumphantly moved through the western lands to the borders of the Moscow state. Many cities met and saw off her with royal honor, and festivities were held in honor of the princess.

Having entered Russian soil, the princess showed herself in the most favorable light: she forgot Latin and showed herself to be a zealot of Orthodoxy, and when Bishop Anton, her companion, did not want to express respect in front of the icons, she insisted on it. Pskov and Novgorod greeted the princess with great respect; she was touched, but was in a hurry to go to Moscow.

On November 12, 1472, the princess entered Moscow, and a large crowd of people greeted her. She was brought straight from the road to the church, where the Metropolitan blessed her, and then they took her to the mansion. Soon the Grand Duke arrived, and the bride and groom saw each other for the first time. A solemn wedding took place, the Byzantine princess, the ward of the Pope, became Sophia Fominichna, Grand Duchess of Moscow.

Dad's hopes for Sophia's marriage did not materialize, and her family life apparently turned out well: she had 5 sons and 5 daughters, the eldest son later became the famous Prince Vasily III, the collector of Russian lands. Sophia had a significant influence on her husband. There is a legend that it was she who, at the council of the Grand Duke, when Khan Akhmat’s demand for another tribute was discussed, persuaded Ivan III, relying on military strength and God, to end the tribute and stand up for the honor and Holy Faith. And the double-headed eagle - the coat of arms of the Byzantine emperors - became the state Russian coat of arms.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

The qualities inherent in Sophia are intellectuality and impulsiveness, she is deeply moral and strives for communication.

The name Sophia is translated from Greek as “wisdom”, “science”, “reasonableness”.

Origin of the name Sophia:

The name Sophia comes from the ancient Greek "sophia", which means "wisdom". The name was very common in Byzantium, from where it came to Rus' along with the adoption of Orthodoxy.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Sophia:

From an early age, Sophia was distinguished by her capriciousness, sensitivity and mobility. Obedient, but knows how to insist on her own. In the company of her peers, she strives for fame, recognition and respect, and loves to be admired. In their studies, Sophia is purposeful, gifted, and in her youth they eagerly strive to continue their studies. They are very affectionate towards parents and loved ones and willingly help around the house.

Sophia is active in her work and tries to get as much done as possible. They are rational and know how to clearly plan their time. They are strict, but they do not demand any concessions towards themselves. They are well suited to working with people, requiring self-confidence and quick decisions. Sophia has great spiritual strength and instinctively strives for authority, recognition and self-expression. She often finds herself in art; strong intuition often draws her towards mysticism.

Sofia is sociable, loves company, is not averse to being frank, but always respects the inner world of others. She is a sensitive friend and delicate adviser, always ready to help, businesslike and organized. Sophia's shortcomings may be excessive suspiciousness and the desire for total control of loved ones. Sociable Sophia sometimes does not disdain petty lies “out of love for art.” Failures rarely mean much to them, but in response to an insult, they do not hesitate to offend themselves. They quickly form an opinion about a person and rarely change it.

Outwardly, Sofia may look dry, but in communication they are gentle and charming. They have a certain zest that makes up the lion's share of their appeal. They prefer to dress fashionably, but strictly, and do not tolerate pretentiousness. They look for affection and patience in men, they need to be loved. By nature, Sophia is loving, it is difficult to keep them, but Sophia, who is truly interested in her chosen one, is devoted and faithful. In her sexual life she needs complete unity with her partner, is painfully jealous, and constantly requires tenderness and affection. Loves compliments and assurances of love.

Sophia's family life includes wonderful wives and mothers. They rarely manage to create a perfectly organized life, but their natural charm and sincere love for loved ones fully compensate for this. They cook well. Sofia rarely strives to be a leader at home, but a strong and reliable family is a source of her personal pride. She is diplomatic and knows how to build relationships with her father-in-law and mother-in-law, but does not allow outsiders to interfere in her home life. Sofia, in love, is capable of destroying her own marriage without hesitation, but almost never stoops to accusations and scandals.

Sophia's marriage with a man named Yuri, Alexey, Arkady, Sergey and Oleg is going well, relations with Dmitry, Stanislav and Peter are less successful.

Sophias, born in winter, have good health and are good advisers. “Spring” owners of the name are friendly and charming, “summer” ones can be superficial, frivolous and amorous. “Autumn” owners of the name are intellectual and emotionally dry.

Sofia is characterized by seriousness and sensuality, she is reasonable and judicious.

The name Sophia is similar to the name “Sophia” and translated from Greek means “wisdom”. There is also speculation that this name is associated with marble and agate.

Origin of the name Sofia:

The name Sophia comes from the ancient Greek "sophia", which means "wisdom". The name was very common in Byzantium, from where it came to Rus' along with the adoption of Orthodoxy.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Sofia:

Sophia is non-conflict and appreciates the arguments of reason. Both scientific and analytical work and communication with people are equally good for them. They are born psychologists, reasonable and fair, and in a dispute they can play the role of a lightning rod, a peacemaker. Sofia loves to share knowledge, they make talented and passionate teachers. They always think globally and build a general picture of events. They are pedantic and attentive, but absent-mindedness in detail indicates that they are not interested in the matter. Sophia is stable and rational, deep inner spirituality makes them harmonious and balanced individuals.

While caring about others, Sophia sometimes forgets about herself. They tend to forgive their friends a lot, but they are intolerant of themselves to the point of acuteness, demanding and critical. They do not like unexpected visits, bad humor, or laxity. They are always ready to help, capable of selflessly working in the name of a higher goal. Deeply upset Sophias can “fall out of the world,” detach themselves from what is happening and deeply experience grievances and failures. For Sofia, a sincere apology is very important. In troubles, she tends to blame herself first of all and only then other people.

Sophia's personal life reflects their rational, sensitive nature. Many Sophias are fragile, weak-looking women, very graceful. They always have exquisite taste, they select their wardrobe carefully, and dress exclusively in accordance with the situation. In bed they can be frivolous and painfully sensitive. They need both physical and spiritual love, and are often in a state of falling in love. They choose a partner who is able to accept them as they are. Sofia is in great need of attention; she often gets married out of fear of loneliness. They respond to coldness with coldness.

In Sofia's house they prefer to control the internal routine, but do not pay too close attention to details. For them, the main thing is the big picture. Sofia's children are always neat and study well; their mother carefully monitors their progress. Sofia is rarely greedy, but does not allow laxity in finances, does not strive for money, but she is humiliated by its lack.

Sophias born in the summer months are ambitious, and in the autumn months they are unselfish and prone to self-sacrifice. “Spring” Sophias are especially sensitive, they catch colds easily, and they have a good visual memory. The “winter” ones have a difficult and harsh character, but they are kind and highly moral from birth.

Successful partners for them are Ignat, Sergey, Boris and Alexey; relationships with men named Dmitry, Andrey and Stanislav can become problematic.

Sophia was the name of the mother of the Christian great martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov.

The beautiful name Sofia (Sofia) has become widespread recently, due to the modern fashion of naming children with old names. Translated from Greek, it means “wise,” “wise,” “wisdom,” “knowledge.” Derived from the ancient Greek name Sophia. The name came to Russia a long time ago. Researchers believe that it appeared simultaneously with Christianity. At first it was common only among aristocrats, in royal families of different generations. Later it began to be found among noblewomen.

Name Astrology

  • Libra
  • Patron Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman stone: lapis lazuli
  • Color: dark blue
  • Linden tree
  • Plant: lovage
  • Animal: praying mantis
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character traits

The secret of the name Sofia is that it contains kindness and responsiveness, strength and power, wisdom and cheerfulness. As a child, little Sonya seeks support and understanding from her parents. She watches and listens to their words. He loves fairy tales and believes in good miracles, and knows how to frolic in such a way that it evokes surprise and admiration among his relatives. Sofia is able to delve into words and find meaning in them that is unknown even to an adult. Studying is not easy for her, but the charming lightness of such a child’s character forces teachers to devote more attention to her. The girl inspires people with her spontaneity, empathy and responsiveness. She has a lot of friends.

But such a character cannot be called “angelic.” Sofia is a strong, decisive and active person. She understands people well and is not easily deceived. The girl’s gaze and slightly ironic gaze disarms the enemy; rarely does anyone dare to contradict her arguments and arguments. Such a woman does not allow herself “small weaknesses”, she is quite self-critical and demanding. However, she cannot hide her pronounced vanity. And yet, the owner of this name is too trusting.

Interests and hobbies

Sofia's character combines phlegmatism with activity, so the world of her hobbies is far from monotonous. She is an excellent craftswoman and draws well. In the house it is easy to notice a lot of personal creative works that belong on exhibition.

The summer representative named Sofia is interested in politics, sociology and even military affairs. Such a woman devotes all her free time to social work, career, meetings and friendships with the “right” people. And only the autumn girl’s passion is charity, philosophy and psychology.

Profession and business

When it comes to choosing a profession, such a woman does not tolerate monotony. Sofia is a strong and creative person, gifted with the ability to think globally. The owner of this name reveals the versatility of her creative character in literature, on stage, and in the field of art. The profession of a designer, fashion designer, architect, analyst, doctor, as well as teaching brings satisfaction. It is difficult for her to work in business. She is an uncompromising and trusting person, and she doesn’t know how to take risks.


Sofia loves to eat delicious food. Abuses sweets, loves coffee and invigorating drinks. Often resorts to various diets. Failure to eat properly leads to weight gain. Such an energetic woman needs to be wary of a disease called osteoporosis.

Sex and love

Sofia is an independent girl. She likes men who are the same, but with a firm and peaceful character. She is temperamental and loves compliments. He looks closely at his chosen one for a long time, checks him many times. Does not tolerate assertiveness, does not approve of extramarital affairs. For the sake of a sincere and serious relationship, she may take risks unusual for her nature.

Family and marriage

Sofia is happy in her marriage if she gets rid of ambitions and gains patience at the beginning of her life together. She does not like routine housework, so she is looking for an opportunity to share responsibilities. It's unlikely that my husband will like it. A girl needs to learn to conduct family dialogue and find compromises. She is jealous and does not know how to restrain her impulses. For the sake of the children, Sofia allows her husband a lot, but this has a negative impact on her health. She does not know how to suppress resentment and pain in her soul.

Sofia(Sophia) is a name of ancient Greek origin, translated into Russian it means wisdom. The name came to Rus' with the adoption of Orthodoxy; before that it was common in Byzantium. The canonical church version is the generally accepted colloquial form of the name - Sophia.

The name began to be used in Rus' in the 13th century - this fact is documented in ancient Russian sources; its main bearers were girls of aristocratic blood. The name passed from one dynasty to another from generation to generation.

Even a city in Bulgaria, which at this stage is the capital of the country, was named in honor of St. Sophia. Now this name, rough to the ear, but so feminine, gentle and light, has lost its former relevance and does not show a tendency to grow.

Sofia - character traits

As a child, Sonechka is too active and energetic, she will not sit in one place for a minute, and can chat for hours, giving her parents no rest. She is somewhat wary of strangers, shows modesty and, it would seem, withdraws into herself. Fortunately, Sofia quickly adapts to the new environment and after a couple of hours she is ready not to leave a single step from the “stranger,” attacking him with her childish charm.

At school, Sofia studies well because she knows the word “must”, knowledge does not come easy to her, everything has to be achieved with great difficulty and perseverance. The girl gets along with everyone in the class, as she is able to find a compromise in any delicate situation. She participates in all school events, competitions and contests, and helps younger and slower peers in their studies.

Active since childhood, Sofia manages a lot in adult life. She is sociable and, undoubtedly, should know everything about everyone. The girl is changeable in interests and activities, does not like to remain in the shadows or anything that lasts a long time.

Sofia is too frank, she can talk for hours with her friends about her affairs, but she is always happy to listen to another person’s problem, delve into it and give practical advice. Everyone knows that you can turn to her for psychological help and advice. Sofia is a devoted friend and will not leave you in a difficult life situation.

Wise beyond the weather, firm, decisive Sonya is capable of heroic deeds and prone to adventurism. She directs the constantly outgoing flow of energy in the right direction, but don’t be surprised if Sonechka suddenly wants something extraordinary, for example, to jump with a parachute or climb the highest mountain in the world.

Sofia – name compatibility

Sonya is a very passionate person, capable of giving a man unearthly pleasure, care and love, but in return she will demand the same from her partner. The loved one must constantly feed her with beautiful words of love and compliments. This, in her opinion, is an integral part of family life. The coldness of her husband deeply affects Sofia, and most likely she will not be able to live with such a person - she will wither away.

The following are most suitable for her for marriage: Anatoly, Bogdan, Victor, Vlas, Vitaly, Vyacheslav, Evgeniy, Ilya, Konstantin, Peter, Ruslan, Semyon, Eduard and Yakov.

Relationships can be difficult with representatives of such names as Anton, Albert, Arthur, Vladislav, Georgy, Oleg, Stanislav and Yaroslav.

Great people named Sofia

Historical figures:

— S. Paleologus, the wife of Prince John III, played a significant role in the development of the state;
— Sophia of Spain;
— S. Tselskaya;
- S. Hannoverskaya;
- S. Bavarian;
— S. Nassau.

Other famous personalities:

— S. Suger – writer;
— S. Perovskaya – revolutionary;
— S. Kovalevskaya – Russian mechanic and mathematician;
- S. Bluvshtein - known as Sonya - the “golden pen”;
— S. Rotaru is a popular singer.

Sofia - name astrology

— correspondence of the zodiac sign – Libra, Capricorn;
- patron planet - Pluto, Venus;
- name colors - dark blue, purple, silver and white (the most successful);
- St. patroness – S. Rimskaya (name day September 30), Sofia the physician (June 4);
- plant - cedar;
- animal - swallow;
- talisman - agate, lapis lazuli, marble.


Sofia 11/25/2016

You know, everything depends on the parents, and not like “whatever you call the ship, so it will sail.” I’m 14 years old. I’m a terrible lazy person, there’s a scum in my house, but in elementary school I studied well, and now I’m in the 8th grade - I Trinity. I can say without hesitation that I am a whore, because... I fall for almost every boy and let myself be groped by some petty troll. And I'm no longer a virgin. Sometimes I want to jump with a parachute, without a parachute, from an airplane and crash into rubbish because I don’t want to live. All I can say is that parents pay more attention to their children, there is no child who will not like it if his mother asks “How are you?” But little depends on the name. Here

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