Psychology of stress management. Effective methods of dealing with stress

Stresses have become constant companions of our lives, and they have become such a strong part of our lives that many people stopped noticing them and even more, not being in a state of stress, began to feel discomfort. Meanwhile, according to modern scientists, constant nervous tension is a direct path to neurosis, heart disease, stomach disease and other health problems. This is why it is so important to know how to cope with stress and learn how to respond correctly to irritating factors.

What is stress and what are its consequences?

Our world is so structured that it is almost impossible to avoid nervous experiences and worries in it. No one is immune from stress, neither adults, accomplished people, nor children, nor the elderly. They can be caused by anything, even harmless, in the opinion of others, things or circumstances. The most common causes of stress are troubles at work, in your personal life, problems with children, etc.

Translated from Latin, the word “stress” means “tension”. And indeed, at the moment when the body reacts to any stimuli - events that differ from the usual way of life that are happening or have happened, a portion of adrenaline enters the blood, and the more emotionally a person reacts to what happened, the greater it is. At the same time, the heart begins to beat faster, the muscles tense, the brain is more supplied with oxygen, the pressure rises - in general, the body mobilizes all its reserves and comes into combat readiness. But what will happen to him if he constantly remains in this state? Of course, nothing good.

Consequences of severe stress may well be the most deplorable. First of all, the blow is dealt to the functions of the brain - sleep is disturbed, hysterical states, nervousness, etc. arise. Stress becomes a common cause of decreased immunity, gastritis, ulcers, hormonal imbalance, skin diseases and sexual dysfunction. It significantly increases the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases, often leading to hypertension, heart attacks, etc.

However, thinking that stress is caused by a stressful situation is not entirely correct. It originates inside a person as a reaction to one or another event that is perceived by him as stressful. Therefore, all people react differently to the same circumstance: some get irritated only from a sideways glance, while others are absolutely calm even if everything around them is collapsing. The amount of stress a person experiences depends more on himself than on what happened to him. Based on this, you should develop the right tactics and choose ways to deal with stress.

Methods for dealing with stress

Unfortunately, there is no one universal way that would help relieve stress for everyone at once. What is perfect for one person may be completely useless for another. However, several general methods of dealing with stress can be identified - eliminating the causes of stress, alleviating the condition and preventing stress.

Eliminating the causes of stress

In this case, you need to try to change the situation that led to stress or your attitude towards the current situation. However, the problem should not be solved instantly. Give yourself some time to “cool down” and take a break. Distract yourself from something, occupy your head with more pleasant thoughts. Finally, just lie down and sleep. After such a rest, the current situation will probably no longer seem so terrible, since emotions will be replaced by logic.

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Remember, there are two types of problems - solvable and unsolvable. You need to learn to distinguish them. Direct all your efforts to what can be fixed and forget about what cannot be changed. If you constantly think about unsolvable problems, stress will only increase. It’s better to take them for granted, as life experiences, and move on without looking back.

Relief from stress

When the cause that led to stress cannot be eliminated. It is advisable to think about how to relieve tension and stress so as not to aggravate the condition in the future. There are quick ways to do this that can alleviate the condition for a while. These include:

  • Switching attention. Try not to focus on the situation that caused stress. Switch your attention to something that can distract you from negative thoughts. For example, watch a fun movie, meet friends, do something fun
    business, go to a cafe, etc.
  • Physical activity. As mentioned earlier, when stress occurs, the entire body tenses, mobilizing its strength. At this moment, more than ever, he needs to throw out a charge of energy. By the way, this is why many people in such situations want to slam the door, break a plate, yell at someone, etc. Perhaps this will help get rid of tension, but it is still better to use the energy in a more peaceful direction. For example, wash the dishes, do general cleaning, go for a walk, swim, play sports, etc. By the way, yoga is considered a good remedy for depression.
  • Breathing exercises. Breathing exercises, which can be a good alternative to physical activity, can also help get rid of tension. They will calm your heartbeat, reduce stress and normalize blood pressure. For example, you can do this exercise: lie down or squat, straighten up, close your eyes and place your hand on your stomach. Now take a deep breath and feel the air filling your chest, slowly moving down and slightly lifting your stomach. Exhale and feel how your stomach goes down, and the air leaves your body and takes away negative energy with it.
  • Drinking herbal teas. All kinds of herbs or their infusions, which can be taken in the form of teas or decoctions, can have a good calming effect. However, such relaxation methods should not become the norm for you. It is recommended to take herbs either in courses or only during periods of severe stress. Oregano is often used to combat stress,

If you want to manage stress, follow these tips.

Switch between home and work modes

Do what works for you. Perhaps it's a walk, a cup of coffee or meeting a friend. In any case, you need to try to switch between work and home modes. You'll feel significantly less pressure and your kids will thank you.

Be active

Exercising won't completely relieve you of stress, but it will help you relieve the emotional stress you feel, clear your mind, and be able to deal with your problems more calmly.

Form connections with people

A good support network of colleagues, friends and family can ease all your suffering and allow you to see the problem in a new light. What you do with friends will allow you to relax. Very often you laugh with them, and laughter is a great stress reliever.

Challenge yourself

By setting goals and challenging yourself both at work and in everyday life, such as learning a foreign language or a new sport, you can build your self-confidence. This will help you fight stress.

Work smarter, not harder

Working smarter means prioritizing, focusing on the tasks that are most important.

Eat a balanced diet

Eat a balanced diet, including as many fruits and vegetables as possible, as well as foods containing complex carbohydrates. The ideal diet has enough protein and little fat.

Go outside whenever possible

A little sunshine and physical activity can do you a world of good and improve your overall life.

Think positively

Try to counter every negative thought that comes into your mind with a positive one. Always look for the good in everything.

Set realistic goals

Don't set yourself up for failure by setting unrealistic goals. For example, if you are on a diet, you should understand that you cannot lose ten kilograms in one month. Give yourself enough time to achieve your goals and accept that you may encounter challenges along the way. If possible, avoid expectations entirely. Expectations and reality are most often two completely different things.

Take time for yourself

You should be at the top of your priority list. Take care of your needs first. When you take care of them, you will realize that you have enough time for other people. You'll enjoy helping others more when you don't feel like you're always putting other people's needs ahead of your own.

Practice good sleep habits

Make sure you always go to bed and get up at approximately the same time every day. Avoid stimulating games and take a warm shower before bed to help you fall asleep. Try to solve all problems before going to bed. If possible, solve them during the day.

Mindfulness Meditation

Try mindfulness meditation. Meditation has steadily grown in popularity in recent years, with many people practicing it to not only relax their minds, but (more importantly) also to find peace of mind. In other words, you need to concentrate on the specific moment that is happening right now.

Laughter is the best medicine

You should listen to humorous podcasts, watch comedies, or at least watch short videos at the end of the day or on your way home from work. Laughter has both short- and long-term benefits, improving both mood and immune system function. So it is recommended to laugh as often as possible.

Perhaps you're upset because you didn't get the promotion you've been waiting for, or you're worried because you're having financial problems due to an unexpected medical bill. Stress is a natural reaction in such situations. But try to stop and ask yourself, will this problem still matter a year from now? In five years? If the answer is no, then you should take a deep breath and try to move forward. If you want to combat stress, it's important to look at things from different perspectives.

Try to exercise regularly every day

Exercise is one of the best ways to combat stress because it will allow you to relieve both the physical and emotional effects of stress. You should also think about specific sports or physical activities that can achieve specific results that relieve you of stress. We are talking about activities such as yoga, tai chi, Pilates or martial arts. All of them are a great way to get rid of accumulated stress and negativity. Exercise can productively control stress hormones produced in the brain.

Psychologists are specialists who help us solve problems, overcome fears and understand ourselves so that we feel calm. However, they are also people and, like all of us, are subject to stress, which needs to be dealt with somehow.

1. Write down everything that comes to mind

John Duffy John Duffy, a clinical psychologist and author of a book on parenting teenagers, says: “To relieve my stress, I write. Thoughts, situations, relationships with people, ideas for future articles. I write down and structure everything that comes to my mind. This creative process is effective because we are distracted from problems, the head is cleared and tension subsides. After this I can look at things from a new perspective.”

2. Prepare the dish and be extremely pedantic in choosing ingredients

Psychotherapist, writer and teacher Jeffrey Sumber(Jeffrey Sumber) uses several aesthetic ways to deal with stress:

“When I'm nervous, I like to eat well. But it must be healthy food or a new dish for me. I spend a long time shopping, choosing the right ingredients, then carefully cutting them, preparing dressings and slowly, with pleasure, eating the dish. I also often post the results on Facebook to make my friends jealous!”

3. Tighten all your muscles

American psychotherapist Kevin Chapman(Kevin Chapman) uses the method of progressive muscle relaxation, which was developed back in 1920, to combat stress.

The principle is simple: After any strong tension, strong relaxation occurs. That is, you need to tense your muscles for 10 seconds, and then concentrate for 20 seconds on the subsequent feeling of relaxation.

A total of 200 exercises have been developed for all muscle groups, but it is enough to use 16. You can find exercises and choose the ones you like here.

4. React correctly or not at all.

Psychologist Susan Krauss Whitbourne(Susan Krauss Whitbourne) does not fight stress, but tries to avoid it in advance. To do this, she has a mantra that she repeats when she gets into a stressful situation. She says, “I can’t change the situation, but I can change my reaction to it.”

A positive reaction to a negative event helps not only to avoid stress, but also to gain some experience if you look at it as a test and learn from mistakes.

5. Stop the flow of thoughts

Psychologist Martin Seligman(Martin Seligman) advises using one simple and very popular method to get unnecessary thoughts out of your head.

Clap your hands and shout " Stop! I'll think about it later!" You can also wear a rubber band on your wrist and snap yourself with it (or just pinch yourself). Use such stimuli to stop the cycle of thoughts and postpone the problem until later, for a certain time. Then try to switch your attention to some unusual object or activity.

6. Set aside 1 hour for your favorite activities and pleasures.

Psychotherapist Amy Przeworski(Amy Przeworski) advises setting aside a period of time during which you will do only what you want. Read, draw, eat delicious food - in general, do what gives you pleasure. No work, no responsibilities, negative thoughts and everything that you don’t like and ruins your mood.

An unusual but effective method based on physiology is offered by a therapist Tony Bernhard(Toni Bernhard). Lightly run your index finger over your lips several times. This movement affects the nerves on the surface of the lips, stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and helps to quickly calm down.

8. Try different classic methods

Of course, there are also classic methods for relieving stress and relieving tension that work just as well.

For example, clinical psychologist and author of the book “Living with Depression” Deborah Serani(Deborah Serani) during times of stress tries to give the body what it wants. “I use everything that touches the senses. For example, I can just sit in the car and listen to jazz on the radio, draw, lie in a hot bath, or enjoy delicious gourmet tea.”

Therapist Joyce Marter(Joyce Marter) uses the method practiced by members of Alcoholics Anonymous groups: to distract yourself, you need to do something productive. For example, clear your workspace, wash the dishes, or put things in order in your photo album. The main thing is that this action helps to distract yourself.

Psychologist Susan Newman(Susan Newman) believes that there is no better antidepressant than talking with friends. And the doctor Stephanie Sarkis(Stephanie Sarkis) uses yoga, exercise, or just good sleep to clear her head.

Main principle

The main principle of getting rid of stress is to completely abstract yourself for some time from the problem and from any source of anxiety. And the better you do this, the faster you will recover and be ready for new achievements.

Which way of dealing with stress did you like best? Maybe you have your own unique method?

In the modern world, people experience stress almost every day, which, in turn, tends to accumulate and cause harm to both the psychological and physical health of its carrier. In our article, you will learn what it is to deal with stress and how to use effective psychological methods that will help you let off steam.

Don't try to suppress stress

This is one of the most common behavioral mistakes people make in stressful situations. By trying to suppress anger, you only accumulate it in yourself in huge quantities. This is very harmful to your body.

Subsequently, it can break out uncontrollably, causing harm to your family and friends. Effectively dealing with stress involves one fundamental principle: stress is energy, which means it can be spent. Proper anger management can help you cope with any situation.

Physical impact

Sometimes, in order to relieve accumulated stress, the method of physical influence helps very well. A fairly large list of actions can serve as this method: beat a pear, break some old furniture from the garage, crumple and tear paper. And sometimes you just need to go for a short jog at a slow pace.

Long, but not too exhausting physical work will help you quickly and effectively take control of anger into your own hands and remove stressful energy from your body. Finally, you can take a contrast shower, which will finally calm your frayed nerves.

Say everything you think

This method is also very effective. To do this, it is enough to tell the person everything that you think about him, in a calm but persistent tone. Well, if you can’t do this calmly, or the anger has accumulated through no fault of the person, you can simply speak loudly about the situation that has developed at the moment.

The main thing is that this process is isolated from strangers, and even better if no one hears you.

Loud statements and shouting release a huge amount of psychological energy, therefore, accumulated negative emotions are spent. The fight against stress passes, bringing calm and peace in return.

Relocation of impact object

Another good way: anger management is carried out with a 100% guarantee of success, and dealing with stress in this case will take virtually no effort from you. To do this, you need to draw the object of irritation on paper, then cross out and sketch the image, and then tear the paper into small pieces.

This method primarily helps to cope not so much with the consequences of stress, but with their source. When transferring the object of irritation to a piece of paper, you can use the previous method, simultaneously expressing everything you think about this person or situation.

Respiratory system

If we take the psychological and physiological levels of influence as the basis for the factors influencing the stress indicator, then they intersect at the level of the respiratory system. It is not without reason that many highly qualified psychologists advise controlling your breathing.

The correct technique of using your respiratory system allows you to manage anger both at the incipient level and during its outbreak. At the same time, it is advisable to visualize how with each inhalation you absorb positive energy, and with each exhalation you give out negative energy. This type of stress management brings very good results.

These psychological methods will help you quickly and effectively cope with stress, receiving in return a healthy, calmer mind and a strong nervous system. We hope you will listen to our advice and stress will no longer cause you any inconvenience.

If you want to clearly see methods of dealing with stressful situations, we advise you to watch the following video:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Stress is a physiological (which can be considered natural) reaction of the human body to a certain non-standard situation. Stress is divided into several types, which are distinguished by the nature of the influencing factor. One of the most common stresses in everyday life is emotional. Positive emotions are often not considered stress, so we will only cover stress that is characterized by negative emotions. But first of all, you need to remember and assimilate important information: in order to effectively overcome stress, first eliminate its factor!

Symptoms of stress tension

So, what are the signs of normal stress?

  • Loss of concentration;
  • The occurrence of systematic errors in work;
  • Memory loss, forgetfulness;
  • Rapid onset of feeling tired;
  • Unintelligible, accelerated speech;
  • The inability to “gather” all thoughts into one pile;
  • Frequent pain in the head, back, stomach;
  • High nervous arousal;
  • Loss of satisfaction from favorite activities;
  • The emergence of psychological cravings for alcohol and tobacco;
  • Loss of appetite, sense of taste;
  • Violation of work deadlines.

Have you experienced similar symptoms of stress? Psychology says: only after the cause of the problem is clarified will it be possible to promptly eliminate the germ of stress. Below we list the most common factors that can cause stress in a person.

Causes of stress tension

  • More often you need to do not what you have a craving or interest in, but what is necessary, which is your daily routine duties;
  • Constantly lacking time means increased academic failure;
  • Constant rush, criticism from relatives and superiors;
  • You are not allowed to get enough sleep or replenish your body with new energy;
  • You often abuse alcohol for one reason or another;
  • There is no mutual understanding with family and friends, there are only differences in interests and needs;
  • Dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs in any area of ​​life;
  • Increase in debts, systematic pressure from creditors;
  • Dissatisfaction with one's appearance, complexes, including inferiority;
  • There is no opportunity to “vent” your anger to someone, to “give vent” to accumulated emotions;
  • Lack of opportunity for full self-realization.

Short-term stress relief

If your health condition allows this, it is recommended to take a hot bath or contrast shower. In the case of the first option, you will get good relaxation, and if you take a tonic shower, you will give “new breath” to your nervous system.

Hello, a long sleep is probably the best cure for all stress. A new day should be accompanied by new emotions, new sensations, it’s time to leave all the troubles in yesterday.

What to eat? Tea with lemon, black strong coffee, dark chocolate will lift your mood, make you more cheerful, and calm your nerves.

If you use short-term methods of calming, you are unlikely to get rid of the root cause of stress and will forget about it for a long time. It is impossible to ignore and put off solving your problems that promise irreversible damage to the nervous system. The cause and options for eliminating them must be sought immediately! Why? It is unlikely that you dream of the development of depression and its transformation into more threatening forms: neurosis, asthenia and even schizophrenia.

Psychological ways to deal with stress

Psychology, its sphere of the inner world of a person, contains sources of stress. Often, when we are faced with problematic, insoluble situations that may threaten our normal life, the body triggers a psychological reaction in the form of stress. There are two components of psychological stress: the problem and the attitude of the human psyche towards it. If we are unable to get rid of the problem, it is worth changing our attitude towards it. Make sure you do everything possible to eliminate the causes of your dissatisfaction, and convince yourself that if you perceive the current situation in a simpler way, the negative impact of stress will automatically decrease until it “goes away” completely.

Communication factor

Under no circumstances should you isolate yourself. Imagine how many people around you are struggling with their problems in the same way, and do not always win these heroic battles. Talk to them, vent, or distract yourself with more positive topics. Eliminate this self-criticism that haunts you at every step. New experiences, communication with new people are very useful for prolonged stress. Find the best option for you (go on a visit, to a club, with friends for a beer, with girlfriends on a swing), and go ahead - jointly suppressing the obsessive blues and depression.

Easy in words, more difficult in deeds? All the methods listed above do not lead to the desired result, or do you have no desire/strength to do something specifically to get out of stress? Then it's time to think about benefiting from the offerings of modern medicine. Drug treatment for blues does not consist in correcting psychological symptoms, but in taking drugs with an anti-anxiety (anxiolytic) effect, for example, Phenibut or Noobut ​​(developed back in Soviet times to reduce stress levels in astronauts; there is no relaxing effect). These drugs have complex effects: anxiolytic and antidepressant.

Of course, if our inner world were simpler and more primitive, we would not have to react painfully to all the difficulties and troubles. But each of us is a human being, a rational being, endowed with extraordinary emotional wealth, and therefore stress is our eternal companions. Remember that problems tend to arise and disappear, but this will not give us health. Take care of yourself!

Proper nutrition, relaxation and exercise as ways to combat stress

Eliminating the source of stress itself is not always the right solution that gives the desired result. It would be much more correct to learn how to manage stress and subordinate it to your will. Never deal with stress by eating too much. It should also be noted that some foods contain nutrients and are able to effectively counteract stress. One of the most famous is magnesium. Chocolate is not the only source of magnesium; it can also be found in lipids and carbohydrates. Cereals and dried fruits also boast high magnesium content. include foods rich in vitamin B1 in your diet. It will strengthen your nervous system. If you need to overcome weakness, take vitamin C.

Regarding physical stress and relaxation. This is an excellent way to relieve stress. Fresh air, long walks, admiring nature, listening to the gentle singing of birds - all this will help improve your mood and allow you to take another step towards overcoming stress. Combating stress may include yoga, meditation, and going to the gym. In addition to the fact that you will have a positive effect on your mood, you will also be able to get rid of unnecessary pounds. However, sport must bring pleasure, and not the other way around, so give preference to the sport that you love most.

Learn to identify the real causes of stress in your soul, determine your real, most pressing priorities, because during the experience of stress, even small problems can seem insurmountable. Free your mind from the imaginary problems that fill your head. Optimism and frequent smiles are an additional + to your mood.

Don't overuse pills. It is often irrational to resort to the use of various medications in case of minor blues or mood changes. However, if your stress has entered a more serious, complex stage, take such drugs with great caution. For example, the antidepressant benzodiazepine reduces anxiety, but at the same time, it can impair memory, disrupt concentration and provoke addiction. If you cannot avoid taking these medications, monitor dosage moderation and treatment breaks. Special beta blockers, for example, are able to block the action of adrenaline and reduce unpleasant symptoms, such as rapid heartbeat, trembling, and unnatural sweating. However, they have many contraindications, so their use is permissible only in the most extreme cases, for example, when you need to overcome fear and anxiety before an important event or life event.

Creativity as a way to deal with stress

Determine what you like to do in your free time and give it your all when anxiety suddenly floods your soul. Balance the negative with the positive through creativity, and inspiration will come on its own. The main thing in this process is not even getting the desired result, since this can only be achieved with experience and practical skills. You need to concentrate on enjoying your favorite activity. Find your positive in this, look for even more good in the good, and then any causes of stress will fade into the background and lose their epoch-making significance for you.

If you are friends with the art of words, write some fascinating story, or look on copywriting exchanges for an order to write a turnkey article on a topic in which you are well versed. In this way, you will gain experience in a new activity for yourself, and will take your mind off thoughts about the bad, and on top of everything else, you will earn money. He who seeks himself in the flow of life will definitely find his haven, even if depression has surrounded this person from all sides and does not allow him to break the shackles of despondency and melancholy.

Shopping as a way to combat stress

Do you like to go shopping? Update your wardrobe, buy for yourself a few things that are not so valuable and useful, but rather pleasant to the soul. However, be careful - this can lead to a painful addiction. Focus on your financial capabilities - an empty wallet after purchasing unnecessary things can further aggravate an already stressful state.

Interestingly, the shopping process can have a double anti-stress effect. Let’s say that if you buy a bicycle and use it for its intended purpose, physical activity will cause a possibly irreparable blow to your stress.

How to leave stress at work?

Sometimes, exhausted at work, you come home and begin to rant and rant, be negative and lash out at everyone around you. How to prevent this? “Hold on” for about ten minutes after you cross the threshold of your home. Do something pleasant, warming, listen to good music, take a bath, have sex, if this is appropriate and all your energy has not been left at work. Immerse yourself entirely in pleasant moments, and throw bad thoughts and all negativity out of your head - the next working day will be set aside for this. In general, draw an invisible boundary between the working day and rest in your home.

In conclusion...

Remember: overwhelming anxiety and empowerment are mutually exclusive concepts. Every time stress minimizes your performance, fight it, don’t let it happen. Human psychology is a complex science, but, nevertheless, who should be the master of whom: Are you in your mood, or is it your mood?

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