Orthopedic insoles for snowboard boots. sidas company

“Tuning” for your shoes: we make individual insoles specifically for your feet in sneakers, ski boots, etc.

Exercise in comfort

Have you ever tried to calculate the distance you have covered in your entire life “on your own two feet”? If you are actively involved in sports, and also often go shopping and walk to work, then you will make up at least three hundred kilometers per month. Thus, per year your feet travel almost two and a half thousand miles along ski slopes, running paths, sidewalks, stairs, various shopping and entertainment centers in sneakers, boots, ski boots, etc.. In this rhythm of life you It will take a little more than three years to circle the Earth along the equator. If you are a professional skier, and your workload is several times higher, then you can run around the planet in just a year.

Have you ever wondered what it’s like for your feet to experience such stress day after day? It is necessary to take care of our feet, and we often begin to take care of them only when a feeling of discomfort and pain appears. Even when doing workouts in shoes that are comfortable for you, there is a real risk of developing swelling, pain in the joints and muscles. But in order to avoid such troubles, there is one way out: “tuning” for your boots and sneakers or adjusting the shoes to your feet.

The French company SIDAS, thanks to its unique technologies, has been a leader on five continents in the field of adapting shoes to the foot for 30 years. Today, the products of this company can satisfy the tastes of the most demanding customers who love comfort when playing sports, or who want to achieve maximum results in competitions. Now Russian athletes and amateurs will have the opportunity to play their favorite sport in comfort.

SIDAS products are represented by insoles - sports CONFORM'ABLE and medical (orthopedic) PODIATECH, ready-made and molded, universal and unique. Their task is to protect your legs from unexpected injuries and make your workouts more effective. The motto of the SIDAS company is “Every foot is unique, every sport is unique” - hence the desire of the company’s representatives to satisfy the individual needs of each customer.

It would seem, what role can insoles play in the training process?!.. Many of us have never paid attention to what lies inside sneakers or boots, but our shoes support our feet, so we need them to provide support for our feet in the joint area stability and support. The foot, in turn, is the foundation for the whole body, so a change in its position affects the change in the position of the pelvis and spine, which negatively affects the general condition of the musculoskeletal system (MS). If the position of the foot is incorrect, the overlying sections “suffer”, and the main shock-absorbing load falls on the knee, hip and even vertebral joints. They are the ones who take the entire “blow”, which can lead to the progression of osteochondrosis, deforming osteoarthritis and other diseases of the ODS. Also, many of you probably felt discomfort in your legs during long workouts, and let alone rubbed calluses. You can get rid of all this by putting custom-made insoles in your ski boots or running shoes. With them you will be able to stay on the track longer, your feet will feel like they are in slippers, and the effect of many kilometers of training will be noticeably greater than with the old flat “platforms”.

The procedure for making such custom insoles for sneakers or ski boots takes only five to seven minutes. First, you stand on a special apparatus with a vacuum “cushion”, press on it so that it takes the exact imprint of your foot, on which insoles heated to the desired temperature are subsequently placed (the “stove” for warming up the insoles is located in the same apparatus under the vacuum “cushion” ). Then you once again stand on the vacuum cushion on top of the insoles, as a result of which they clearly take the shape of your foot. After a few minutes, the insoles cool down and, having cut the contour to a specific size and shoe, you can immediately use them. BY FORMING THE INSOLE TO YOURSELF, YOU WILL GET THE MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE RESULT, correctly distributing the load on the muscles and ligaments of your feet. Also, in addition to individually formed insoles, you can simply choose ready-made insoles of the size you need, which differ in the types of sports in which they are intended to be used.

What to do when it’s winter and frost outside?.. It happens that your feet are cold, and then you suffer from pain when you warm your toes in warm water. This occurs due to poor circulation when the body cools down. The undesirable consequences of this are basic discomfort and even possible foot injuries associated with hypothermia. Save your energy, keep your feet warm, and prolong your skiing fun! Insoles specially designed for winter sports enthusiasts will help you with this. This heat-saving models with a soft velor top covering and more advanced ones - with a built-in heating thermoelement throughout the foot, that is, in other words, “heated” insoles. Batteries for such insoles are purchased and attached separately and can be recharged. The range also includes insoles (for example, in running shoes) with foam fillers and gel pads under the heel to soften shock and provide greater stability of movement. (You can study all types of SIDAS insoles in more detail in the next issue of L.S. magazine).

So, legs are our support. The greatest workers, they carry us through life in the daily hustle and bustle, and they need to create comfortable conditions for this. If you bought sneakers or ski boots, or some other sports shoes, and still feel discomfort or fatigue in your legs from prolonged exercise, then take care of yourself, do something nice and save yourself from possible overwork, bring your movements to perfection with a COMFORM'ABLE sports insole individually molded to your unique foot.

Once you feel comfort, stability and confidence in your legs, you will never deny yourself this need.

We all need to understand that time does not stand still, and every year new discoveries happen in the sports equipment market. As long as athletes and their coaches are interested in winning, everything possible will be done to improve the results shown in competitions, at least for a split second. Any average person can now distinguish between the athletes of our time and the athletes of the last century. The equipment these days is noticeably better and is constantly evolving. Therefore, it is not surprising that even such an insignificant accessory to your sports “wardrobe” as insoles for sneakers or ski boots can be very useful to you...

The comfort of skiing depends not only on the skills and correct selection of equipment, but also on the availability of boots. If insoles are not used, there is a risk that your legs will get tired and numb after skating. The boot comes with a simple flat insole, it needs to be changed.

It is not always possible to choose the one that fits perfectly from the models presented in the store. Sometimes the production of an ideal model has to be ordered. The process of creating a specific foot does not take much time, but not all manufacturers produce blanks for. Individual anatomical specimens are made as follows:

  1. Taking an impression of the sole in a special bath. The feet are placed in a material that remembers their shape. There is one for each foot.
  2. The workpiece is heating up.
  3. Next, the legs are removed from the baths, and the still warm workpiece is immediately placed there.
  4. The customer presses it down with his feet from above. Hardening and giving the thermoforming layer the required configuration takes 4-5 minutes.
Important! It is recommended to wear one pair of anatomical insoles for no longer than 2 years.

Features of anatomical models:

  • anatomically correct fit of the foot is ensured;
  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • prevents foot fatigue, regardless of the duration of skating;
  • You can “adjust” any boots to suit you.


Skiing takes place in the cold season, so heated insoles are comfortable. Often heating is needed if a child is riding. Heating is carried out using different methods, depending on the price. More specifically:

  1. Using a thermoelement built into the insole, which runs on batteries. Some manufacturers offer entire heating systems that are inserted and removed in one movement. They provide adjustment of the degree of heating and indication.
  2. Special chemical heating pads, heating occurs upon contact with air.
  3. Models with reflective materials that do not heat up as much as they do not allow cold to pass through to the feet, that is, they keep them warm.

These are designed for use in very harsh conditions. Wearing heated models does not affect the comfort of using boots.


Orthopedic ones are easy to use; you can buy them at a sports store or order them. Tasks they perform:

  1. Reduce fatigue.
  2. Save energy.
  3. Correct the skier's stance.
  4. The ride is convenient and comfortable.
  5. They do not cause calluses or numb fingers.

The design of orthopedic insoles varies. The number of layers is from 1 to 5, each of them performs its own task. It is recommended to buy these after consulting an orthopedic doctor.

How to make insoles yourself

Making your own insoles is possible, but their practicality and convenience are inferior to factory models. You can make them from:

  1. Papers. Thick paper is folded in several layers, the stack is outlined and cut out.
  2. Foam plastic. Here we are already cutting along the contour of the leg and along the indentations. Making such an insole comfortable is not an easy task, it requires painstaking work.
  3. Made of foam thermal insulation with foil. A kind of thermal insoles that keep the cold out of your feet. The thickness of the material is about 5-10 mm, it is elastic and can take the shape of the leg while wearing.

Insoles in ski boots provide comfort, but only if they are properly selected or manufactured. Buying them is advisable, but still not necessary if you don’t plan to ride too much.

The Sidas company was founded in France forty years ago. In almost half a century, it has managed to gain world leadership in the manufacture of orthopedic products that provide comfort and health to the lower extremities.

The company tries to do everything to make the shoes comfortable. Currently, its unique orthopedic products are used by millions of people around the world. One of its most popular products is sidas insoles, used not only by athletes, but also by ordinary people who want to feel comfortable walking every day.

In the modern world, almost thirty percent of the world's inhabitants have problems with the lower extremities. They are represented by flat feet, impaired blood flow, calluses, hallux valgus and other anatomical pathologies.

And it’s generally not worth talking about athletes and people whose work involves regular high physical activity, since these ailments have become habitual for them. If for an ordinary person flat feet are associated with discomfort, then for athletes it is not only a complicated training process and discomfort, but also a lack of the desired results, which threatens complete disqualification from one or another sports path.

But there is a way out of this situation - these are orthopedic inserts from the company Sidas. They help not only correct defects of the lower extremities, but also allow you to feel comfort and convenience while walking and playing sports. That is why these insoles have become so popular among athletes and people far from sports.


The main advantages of the product include:

  • Insoles serve as an excellent prevention of flat feet.
  • They help maintain the transverse and longitudinal arch of the foot in the correct position.
  • Improves blood flow in the lower extremities.
  • Helps avoid fatigue.
  • Minimizes the load on the spinal column and joints of the lower extremities.
  • They allow you to maintain balance and provide good fixation of the foot in the shoe.


At the moment, Sidas offers its customers several types of insoles, which are in great demand not only among athletes, but also among ordinary people.

Of course, the most famous and best-selling are insoles made using Custom technology. It ensures full compliance with the anatomical features of the lower extremities and allows you to keep the arch of the foot in the correct position, which allows you to feel comfortable and have the correct foot placement.

As a result of wearing such insoles, you can forget about leg fatigue and problems with blood flow. These insoles are very popular among people involved in skiing, as they allow you to “customize” special sports shoes to fit your foot, taking into account the individual anatomical structure of each athlete’s foot.

It was for skiers that the first orthopedic inserts from Sidas began to be produced. At the moment, without exception, all sports stores in Europe have products from this company in their assortment. In Russia there are also salons for the manufacture of individual Sidas insoles. The process of creating this orthopedic element can take up to fourteen days.

These orthopedic inserts are also popular among Russian hockey players and figure skating athletes. Insoles for people not involved in sports are made many times faster; a specialist spends only half an hour on one pair of inlays.

Sidas heated insoles

Sidas also offers another type of heated tabs. When creating such an insole, a heating mechanism is built into it, connected to batteries, which allows you to retain heat for up to six hours. These orthopedic inlays are very popular among people living in the northern regions of the country. They help protect your feet from freezing and make walking more comfortable.

For those who do not have the time or desire to order custom insoles, the manufacturer offers universal, no-moulding inlays for three existing foot types.

Such orthopedic inserts can be used in regular shoes for everyday wear and in sports shoes. They not only prevent and correct pathological conditions of the lower extremities, but also provide comfort when walking.

Everyone knows that a shoe insole, used even in the most expensive shoes, is a regular piece of material shaped like a shoe. To avoid foot deformation or correct anatomical pathologies, it is necessary to use orthopedic inlays, since ordinary insoles that come with shoes cannot cope with this problem.

It is for this reason that you should use Sidas orthopedic inserts and then fatigue, discomfort and deformation of your feet will not affect you. Be healthy.

Review (video)

The French company Sidas was founded in 1975 and for almost 40 years it has been one of the world leaders in the production of products to ensure the comfort and health of your feet.
The main goal of the company is to make any shoes comfortable!
Today SIDAS is a large company with a multi-million dollar turnover, whose products are used by thousands of professional and amateur athletes around the world.
The main activity of the SIDAS company is the production of special anatomical insoles, both for sports, where the use of SIDAS insoles is becoming more and more popular, and for everyday life, providing comfort and convenience every day! Why are Sidas products so popular and in demand?

In modern society, only about 30% of people do not have “problems” with their legs (various forms of flat feet, poor circulation, calluses, bumps and other anatomical abnormalities), and the percentage of healthy legs among professional athletes or people regularly involved in sports is even lower. And if calluses and flat feet are an inconvenience for the average person, then for an athlete it is the complexity of the training process, discomfort and, as a result, a lack of results, and simply health and pleasure from doing what you love.

What are sidas insoles for?

Currently, Sidas offers several models and options of insoles, each of which is in great demand among both professional athletes and generalists.

Of course, the most famous and in demand (especially in alpine skiing) technology is the CUSTOM technology, in which the insole from a blank is 100% molded to your foot using special unique SIDAS equipment. Thus, the insole completely follows the anatomical structure of your foot and additionally holds the arch of the foot in the correct position, providing comfort and anatomically correct fit and fixation of the foot, normalizing blood circulation and preventing foot fatigue. This technology is used by hundreds of thousands of skiers around the world, as today it is the most affordable and effective way to customize a boot for yourself, taking into account only your individual anatomical features.

It was skiing that became the starting point for spreading the popularity of Sidas products in the world. Currently in Europe, not a single serious store selling ski equipment can do without SIDAS equipment. Following Europe, Sidas products have become in demand in Russia. For example, in Moscow during the season, an appointment with a specialist to make individual SIDAS insoles or bootfitting can take up to two weeks!

Also, this technology is successfully used in other sports, for example, for hockey players. In the NHL, the strongest hockey league in the world, more than 200 people skate in insoles made using SIDAS technology. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, insoles using this technology are made for figure skaters.

The production of individual anatomical insoles is carried out using unique SIDAS equipment and takes about 30 minutes per pair of insoles.

Another popular trend is Sidas heated insoles. In this technology, a heating element is built into the insole, which in turn is connected to a special battery that can provide heating for up to 6 hours. Accordingly, the scope of application of these insoles is very wide... from, again, athletes to ordinary people walking in the cold, for example, with a dog, these insoles are easy to use and very effective!

Also in the SIDAS line there are insoles that do not require molding, but are already pre-molded for three different types of feet (Sidas 3D technology). These insoles can be used for almost any sports and regular casual shoes and will provide comfort and convenience!

It is no secret that sometimes, even in the most expensive shoes, the insole, as a rule, is an ordinary piece of material, cut to fit the shape of the shoe. In this case, a pre-formed insole with arch support is an ideal and simple solution that will provide you and your feet with comfort during sports and everyday use.

Another important and interesting activity of Sidas is,
so-called, BOOTFITING– full individual adjustment of the ski boot to your foot.

This is a very complex technological process performed by a professional, highly qualified craftsman, using complex special equipment, high-tech foams and materials. As a result, you get a boot that is completely made taking into account the anatomical features of your foot. This includes, for example, SIDAS BlackProject technology, which is a comprehensive solution for individualizing ski boots.

Considering the complexity of the insoles manufacturing process, and even more so bootfitting, Sidas regularly conducts training and training for new specialists, triples master classes and produces training materials for those who are just starting to work with Sidas products. In addition to insoles and boot fittings, all kinds of SIDAS accessories are in great demand, such as, for example, electronic boot dryers with an antibacterial effect, bags with heating and boot drying, socks, silicone foot protection and even special shoes.

Well, the third direction is medicine and orthopedics itself, this division of the SIDAS company is called PODIATECH. This includes orthopedic equipment, consumables and accessories for orthopedic doctors. Since 2013, our company Sidas Group Russia has become the exclusive distributor of Sidas in Russia. We have worked closely with the Sidas company for many years, and we are well aware of the goals and objectives that its management sets for itself. The Sidas company is a modern and dynamically developing company that does not stand still, year after year offering its customers the best and most progressive, constantly expanding its range, and introducing new and interesting products to the market. Recently, interest in Sidas products in Russia has increased noticeably. In Russia, more and more equipment is appearing for the production of insoles and boot fittings, and as a result, places where you can make custom insoles or fit a boot to your foot. Also, more and more people are paying closer attention to their health and turning their attention to modern technologies that provide additional comfort, convenience and protection from injury.
Understanding and seeing this, we will make every effort to make the Sidas brand more popular and recognizable in Russia.

Do you experience discomfort in ski boots? Is skating marred by rapid leg fatigue? Don’t despair, there is a simple solution - Sidas insoles, this is the story about them.

Sidas insoles instantly make your ski boots more comfortable. Over the 40 years of its existence, Sidas has done everything to ensure that its products are trusted around the world. I also used Sidas insoles, this is discussed in the article.

Whatever one may say, ski boots cannot be called comfortable. And any improvement in this direction is perceived with enthusiasm by skiers. And when such a decision does not require large investments (like a full-fledged trip to a bootfitter), then three times more tears of joy come into the eyes of the skaters.

Sidas insoles - friends of unique feet

Manufacturers put insoles in ski boots for the average foot, and, as we know, identical feet do not exist in nature. Like snowflakes. Hence the inconvenience among those whose legs differ from the average.

This is where Sidas, having recognized the problem and come up with a solution, comes into the picture. She begins to respect our uniqueness and offers three different insoles for different foot types:

  • Low arched
  • Average
  • Low

One conclusion can be drawn here: those feet that differ more from average will receive the maximum benefit in comfort from special insoles.

Sidas insoles ensure even distribution of weight throughout the entire foot. The foot is in a natural position, ski control improves, and fatigue is reduced. How could I not have thought of this first!

How to find out what kind of legs you have?

Come to a reputable store that sells Sidas insoles, find out your foot type on a special platform (a consultant will help) and leave with a set that will make life easier for your feet in uncomfortable ski boots.

Sidas insoles markings

On the packaging of the insoles you will see one of three marking options:

  • High - for high arches
  • Mid - for average
  • Low - for low

And here's how the leg assessment process happens in the store:

Or maybe like this (on more modern equipment):

Price of insoles Sidas Winter 3 feet

I bought insoles for 3200 rubles. in the Sport Marathon store. provides a list of all stores that offer insoles (and other products) from the company.

More comfort with Sidas insoles

In the video, Sidas Flashfit Winter+ insoles are being adjusted. They will cost 1000-1500 rubles more. But they also offer more comfort.

Sidas products are not limited to just insoles: there are liners for ski boots and the boots themselves, special socks and dryers, buckles and much more. You can view the entire catalog in Russian.

Let's surface!

If your feet are uncomfortable in ski boots, don’t wait, don’t suffer in vain, spend 3000-4000 rubles and enjoy skiing. After all, this is why we go to the mountains.

I hope the material was useful.

Let's float up... no, one second...

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many of you know that in mid-2016 I decided to launch the Powder project - to produce high-quality T-shirts for you, skiers and boarders (remember, you selected the prints for the first batch of printing, thank you for that, you helped a lot).

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