Beetroot face masks - benefits and recipes. Did you know that beets are a blessing for your hair and skin? Recipe for a nourishing and refreshing beet mask

Beetroot was used as the first cosmetic for the face; lips were tinted with burgundy juice and blush was applied to the cheeks. And today you can use the vegetable to create homemade recipes. A real storehouse of vitamins and acids gives freshness and elasticity. When used correctly, the root vegetable is also effective for whitening the skin and will protect against premature aging.

Benefits of beets for skin

  1. Cleanses and tightens pores;
  2. Soothes inflammation;
  3. Refreshes and moisturizes;
  4. Eliminates pigment spots;
  5. Tones;
  6. Stimulates renewal processes.

Healing composition:

  • carotenoids;
  • vitamins C, folic acid, group B;
  • organic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • pectin.
  1. Acne, problem skin;
  2. Dry, prone to flaking;
  3. Flabby, with the formation of pigmentation;
  4. For the care of normal dermis.

Contraindications– individual intolerance, wounds, cracks, burns, recent peeling procedure.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Rules for using masks with beets

  • cook only from fresh root vegetables, in small single portions;
  • mix in glass, ceramic or earthenware containers to avoid oxidation reactions;
  • for masks you can use juice, raw, boiled puree or decoction of leaves or vegetables;
  • the main precaution is not to leave it on for more than fifteen minutes, otherwise you can get rich burgundy pigmentation of the skin;
  • goes well with oils, other vegetables, herbs and grains.

Homemade recipes for beetroot face masks

The traditional root vegetable can be successfully used for skin care. It’s easy to create recipes for all types of dermis with your own hands. The use of beets will help restore freshness and radiance and cope with unhealthy dull color.

Beet mask against wrinkles

Beetroot juice for skin is used to keep the dermis fresh and soft. Active elements allow you to cope with age-related processes, whiten pigmentation, and smooth out wrinkles.


  • a teaspoon of milk;
  • potato.

Grind the raw vegetable into a puree, mix the mixture with milk and juice. Steam the covers thoroughly, then distribute the finished composition. Keep for no more than ten minutes, repeat the procedure twice a week.

Beet mask against acne

To cleanse pores, as well as treat purulent formations, it is worth using beet juice for the face. Homemade masks soothe inflammation, relieve irritation, the skin renews itself faster and no traces of pigmentation remain.


  • 10 gr. beets;
  • 5 gr. bodyags;
  • 2 drops of lemon ether.

Grate the root vegetable, grind the dry seaweed in a coffee grinder, dilute with mineral water. After ten minutes, add beets and lemon drops, distribute the finished mass on problem areas. After eight minutes, complete facial care and use the treatment twice a week.

Rejuvenating mask

A stale appearance, dullness and pigmentation accompany the first age-related changes. You can restore radiance and elasticity and whiten your skin with homemade recipes. Thanks to the properties of beets, it is very easy to get your skin in order.


  • Art. spoon of beet juice;
  • Art. spoon of sour cream;

Mix vegetable juice with sour cream, add banana puree. Cleanse your face with thermal water, then distribute the product in a dense mass from bottom to top. Leave on for twelve minutes and finish with your usual wash. Repeat the spa procedure once a week, before bed.

Whitening mask

An effective homemade recipe will help get rid of inflammation and pigmentation. A natural mask will refresh the color, relieve swelling, and improve skin turgor.


  • a teaspoon of beet juice;
  • Art. spoon of clay;
  • 20 drops of almond oil.

First dilute the clay with mineral water, then add vegetable juice to the thick pulp. Add the oil last and mix thoroughly to ensure homogeneity. Apply to steamed dermis, avoiding eyelids and nasolabial triangle. Wait about eight/ten minutes. Use the procedure up to three times a month.

For aging and problematic skin

A beetroot mask will help you refresh, rejuvenate, and give a velvety feel at home. Vitamins and minerals saturate the epidermal cells, help improve oxygen respiration and regeneration processes.


  • 10 gr. beets;
  • 15 gr. avocado;
  • 5 gr. rice starch;
  • Vitamin B12 ampoule.

Peel and chop the fruits in a kitchen machine, add cereal starch and pharmaceutical solution. Distribute the mixture onto the skin, following the massage lines. Enjoy the effect for about fifteen minutes, repeat the caring session once a week.

For oily skin

You can remove oily shine, cleanse pores, relieve inflammation and redness with vegetable recipes. The peeling mask removes dead skin cells and stimulates renewal processes.


  • a teaspoon of beet juice;
  • aspirin tablet.

Squeeze the juice out of the vegetable, mix with tomato puree and crushed aspirin tablet. Distribute the paste in a circular motion and leave for no more than six/eight minutes. Apply the procedure once every three weeks in the evening so that the skin has time to recover during sleep.

To moisturize dry skin


  • 10 gr. beets;
  • 5 gr. shea butter;

Chop the boiled beets, add nutritious oil and natural yogurt. Distribute after cleansing, following the lymph flow lines, keep for about twelve minutes. It is useful to use homemade cosmetics in the winter and off-season up to three times a week.

To cleanse pores

For deep cleansing, strengthening facial capillaries, and freshness of the face, it is worth using an effective product. Natural cosmetics have a gentle effect and help tighten pores.


  • 15 ml beet broth;
  • 5 gr. chamomile;
  • 5 gr. oatmeal.

Grind the chamomile flowers along with oat flakes in a coffee grinder and dilute with the decoction. Distribute the finished mixture and leave for seven/eight minutes. Repeat the cleansing session every two weeks.

For elasticity and firmness

An effective recipe will help restore tone and elasticity and smooth out static wrinkles. The mask allows you to cope with the first age-related changes, and is also effective for rejuvenating the mature dermis.


  • 5 ml beet juice;
  • 5 gr. coconut oil

Warm up the healing mud by putting it in a bag and immersing it in hot water for ten minutes. Then mix with vegetable juice and nutritious nut butter. Distribute the mass with a spatula from bottom to top, slightly pulling the skin upward. Keep it on for up to twelve minutes, after which you can wash your face. Use in courses of seven/ten sessions.

Video recipe: Beet mask for problem skin at home

Every woman, regardless of age and status, makes every effort to look attractive and impeccable. First of all, lovely ladies pay close attention to their hair and, of course, their facial skin. To ensure that your skin is always happy, a variety of cosmetics are used, which can be easily purchased in specialized stores or pharmacies. However, recently, representatives of the fair sex prefer to give their preference to nourishing masks created independently, that is, in ordinary home conditions.

Homemade cosmetic compositions are based exclusively on natural ingredients, including vegetables and fruits, which are always present in the kitchen of caring housewives. For example, from beets, a well-known healthy vegetable, you can prepare several recipes for nourishing masks that will not only help get rid of unwanted wrinkles, but also add freshness and blush to the delicate skin of the face. Why is beets used as a basis, and because the benefits of this vegetable were noted by our great-grandmothers. It is not for nothing that the vitamin component was used in ancient times both to treat various ailments and as a basis in the manufacture of cosmetic compositions.

Benefits of beetroot mask

Among the numerous natural ingredients used to prepare nourishing masks, not the least, as noted earlier, is beets. Taking into account the reviews of the fair sex, which can be found on the forum, the vitamin root vegetable perfectly helps fight age-related changes. By applying a beet mask to your face, you can really restore metabolic processes, which, unfortunately, slow down after 35 years. After all, beets have, one might say, a vitamin complex, which will nourish the skin of the face after applying the vitamin-nutrient base:

  • will help to establish the process of producing the necessary collagen - vitamins C;
  • a sufficient amount of potassium will perfectly moisturize the skin;
  • firmness and elasticity will be maintained due to the presence of pectin;
  • Curcumin will act as a natural cleanser;
  • betaine will help moisturize and maintain elasticity.

Moreover, the necessary microelements and vitamins are contained not only in the root crop, but also in the tops.

And besides, a fresh beet face mask is considered a universal and one might even say unique cosmetic product, because the vitamin composition has practically no contraindications.

Considering the reviews of the fair sex, who have already tried homemade cosmetics based on beets, we can come to the conclusion that the main ingredient has different effects on the skin of the face, depending on the skin type. Eg:

  • normal or combination skin types will be perfectly nourished by beetroot cosmetic mass;
  • problematic skin can be perfectly cleaned;
  • dry skin will be moisturized;
  • Using a beetroot mask for oily types, it will be possible to normalize the action of the sebaceous glands.

No matter what type of skin nature gives to lovely ladies, a beetroot mask will certainly nourish the epithelium with vitamins, help relieve fatigue and give a fresh glow.

Homemade beetroot mask recipes

There are a huge number of recipes for preparing nutritional and vitamin face masks based on beets. We will analyze the most effective and popular ones, taking into account reviews from women. Whatever cooking method you choose, you must remember to adhere to the basic rule - the root vegetable should never be used without an additional ingredient. If beets are used as an independent product, then after removing the remnants of the mask, the skin of the face will take on a red, to put it mildly, unattractive tint.

The most effective and simple recipes for nutritional compositions from beets, which can be prepared independently at home, are the following:

  1. Vitamin-nutrient mass from raw grated root vegetables.

For preparation you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon grated beets;
  • 1 teaspoon sour cream;
  • 1 chicken yolk or two quail yolks.

You can prepare such a mask with honey if there is no allergic reaction to the natural product.

  1. A mask based on beet juice is best suited for problem skin. For preparation you will need:
  • 4 tablespoons of freshly squeezed root vegetable juice;
  • 1 tablespoon grated potatoes;
  • 1 tablespoon flour.

All components must be mixed until mushy and applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, the mask is simply washed off under running warm water.

  1. Vitamin and nutritional masks are also prepared from boiled beets, grated. You can add aloe juice, infusion of medicinal herbs or natural honey to the main component. This option is perfect for any skin type.

Beets are an exceptional product. Due to the presence of a huge amount of anthocyanins, its consumption has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. Beets improve complexion, relieve inflammation, eliminate flaking, lighten freckles and age spots, including age spots. This amazing root vegetable rejuvenates the skin of women of Balzac age and copes with teenage skin acne. Depending on the additional ingredient, beetroot masks are suitable for both dry and oily skin. In addition, the vegetable helps get rid of dandruff, and the hair, into the roots of which beet pulp is rubbed, becomes shiny and vibrant.

In a word, the benefits of beets are also useful in cosmetology.

Beetroot face mask recipes

All the beetroot masks below have a complex effect: they nourish, cleanse, improve complexion, and brighten. If they have an accent, it is indicated.

  • Grate the beets, add a little low-fat kefir if your skin is oily, and cream if you have dry skin, and apply to your face. You need to remove it after 30-40 minutes with ice cubes from the refrigerator (cosmetologists advise to always keep cubes of frozen mineral water there).
  • Lubricate your face with a piece of beetroot, without rinsing it off, and massage the nourishing cream on top with your fingers. Wash off after half an hour and then apply cream. Very refreshing, instant effect.
  • Combine beetroot gruel with oatmeal and spread thickly on the face and neck: nourishes, relieves inflammation, cleanses. If you add grated potatoes, the mask will help cope with vitamin deficiency of the skin, which manifests itself as peeling.
  • Recommend this product to a teenager with problem skin! If you mix the broth left after with apple cider vinegar (1 liter per 1 tablespoon of vinegar) and wash your face with this beet water every day, then over time.
  • For dry skin, a leather mask with egg yolk and rich sour cream is suitable. For fatty women - with protein. Nutrition + whitening = excellent effect.
  • Freshly squeezed beet juice diluted in half with water will help against age spots and freckles. There is only one condition: do this every day for a month.
  • “Salad” for aging facial skin. Take beets and cabbage in equal quantities, grind them on a grater or in a blender, add sour cream and olive oil to them. You can also add oatmeal and oil solution A and E. Rinse with ice cubes, then apply generously with cream. Do it every other day until the effect is achieved.

One last thing about beetroot masks: since any product can cause allergies, and beets are no exception, check its effect on your facial skin. That is, apply the mask and observe the effect. Allergies are rare, but need to be checked. As for pleasant changes, you will feel them quite quickly.

Beetroot juice improves complexion

And it has them in concentrated form. Nutritionists will note primarily its positive effect on complexion. But not only. Beetroot juice, with its cleansing effect, is an excellent remedy for maintaining slimness. It defeats depression, improves tone, promotes cheerfulness, which, you see, is important for both beauty and success in life. Only juice can be replaced. Considering that beets are also an aphrodisiac (contains boron, which is involved in the formation of hormones), drinking beet juice can turn you into a powerful magnet. Health, beauty, optimism, sexuality... - what else is needed to win the sympathy of the whole world? Beets will help you!

In order to look flawless, women have always first of all taken care of the condition of the skin of their face and body. A variety of ingredients were used for caring cosmetics, including fruits and vegetables, for example, the well-known beetroot, which can be found in any kitchen. Its amazing healing properties have been known to people since the time of Hippocrates and were often used both for the treatment of many diseases and for the preparation of cosmetic preparations.

Beets have a number of useful microelements that fight wrinkles on the face

Useful properties of the product

Today, products that you can prepare yourself from natural ingredients are becoming increasingly popular among women. Among them, not the least place is occupied by beet face masks, which are used as anti-aging cosmetics. The root vegetable contains substances that restore metabolic processes that slow down after 30 years:

  • vitamin C – helps renew cells, activates the production of collagen and elastin, thereby creating a rejuvenating effect and eliminating wrinkles;
  • potassium – moisturizes and prevents flaking;
  • pectin – maintains elasticity and smoothness;
  • fiber – protects against infections and external irritants;
  • curcumin - acts as a cleanser and performs a peeling function;
  • Betaine not only acts as a moisturizer, but also maintains skin elasticity.

A large amount of sugar, manganese, iron, iodine, B vitamins, acids (ascorbic, apple, folic), as well as microelements such as copper, cobalt, lithium are contained both in the root crop itself and in the tops. That is why beet masks are a unique remedy that has virtually no contraindications. Those who are planning to prepare homemade cosmetics with beets need to clarify what effect the product has on each skin type:

  • normal/combined – nourishes;
  • problematic – cleanses;
  • tired - good tonic;
  • dry – moisturizes;
  • oily – normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Preparing beets for masks

Regardless of skin type, a beet mask helps improve complexion, but it must be used with caution, especially if there are wounds or areas of inflammation on the surface of the dermis.

The B vitamins contained in the root vegetable have a positive effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also on the health of the hair, so a hair mask is used as a means of protecting hair from the adverse effects of the environment.

Home Recipes

The basic rule for preparing masks at home, which must be followed, is not to use beets in their pure form, since the face may acquire a reddish tint. It is recommended to add white ingredients to the recipe to soften the bright shade of the main product and select the composition based on your skin type. As a rule, boiled or fresh vegetables, as well as beet juice are used in masks:

Raw grated beets - a spoon, sour cream - a teaspoon, yolk - combine all ingredients into a homogeneous mixture. The resulting mask can be used for normal skin.

Beetroot juice - 3 tablespoons, raw grated potatoes and flour - combine one spoon of each ingredient, apply to face. Suitable for problematic types.

Boiled beets (cook for 2 hours, grate), milk - 1 spoon of each product, aloe juice and St. John's wort infusion - 1 teaspoon each, mix and apply to the surface of the face. This mask with the addition of medicinal herbs is well suited for dry skin.

The following recipe for dry skin is simple: combine beet juice - a spoon, cream - a teaspoon and spread in a thin layer over the face.

Grate the pulp of one raw beet on a fine grater and combine with a glass of sour cream, apply to the skin and keep until completely dry, clean with warm water. This recipe works well for oily types.

Beetroot with horseradish for whitening facial skin

Beetroot and cucumber juice - 2 teaspoons each, heavy cream - a spoon, combine and apply the mixture to the face, remove after 15 minutes. The mask has nourishing and whitening properties.

The following composition also whitens the skin well: mix crushed root vegetables and horseradish (equal amounts of products) and dilute with mineral water until the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse.

A remarkable result can also be obtained by rubbing the skin of the face daily with a mixture of milk and beet juice (mix in equal proportions).

Mass of fresh grated beets - 3 spoons, yogurt - half a glass, mix and use as intended. Recommended for daily use as a cleanser.

Combine the gruel from the root vegetable with oatmeal (1:3) and distribute the mixture onto clean, steamed skin, rinse after 10 minutes. The procedures must be carried out in a course: twice a week for 2 months. This scrub recipe is suitable for any skin type.

Don’t forget about the beneficial properties of beetroot juice: it is recommended to drink it daily, which will have the most positive effect on the appearance and condition of the entire body. Toning, moisturizing, cleansing products, as well as masks against wrinkles and aging skin, can be easily and quickly prepared using available vegetables, without spending a lot of time and money.

It is quite easy to prepare a hair mask from the root vegetable: grate the beets, add oatmeal - a spoon, mix well and apply the mixture to the hair, spreading it over the entire length, wrap it in a towel and leave for half an hour. The procedure should be carried out twice a month. The course lasts three months. Using the recipe will help keep oily hair full and light.

The use of beets against dandruff

One of the simplest recipes to help eliminate dandruff is done like this: grate the root vegetable (2-4 pieces) and apply to strands, wrap with film and a towel, and rinse after 40 minutes. This beet pulp hair mask will not only eliminate the problem of dandruff, but also make your hair strong and healthy.

You can use the water in which the root vegetable was boiled as a rinse, which will give your hair a beautiful shine.

To get a positive result, you need to carry out procedures using beet masks regularly, at least twice a week. In addition to cosmetic preparations, which undoubtedly improve the condition of the skin, one should not forget about the digestive processes, since inflammation on the face and excessive fat secretion can be a consequence of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

By using home remedies made from a familiar root vegetable, many appearance-related problems can be solved very easily.

Fresh, vitamin-rich beets are available at any time of the year. Beets are recommended to be included in the diet by all nutritionists and healthy eating enthusiasts. This product improves digestive processes and saturates the body with vitamins. All this is best reflected on the skin of the face. Take the risk of including this vegetable in your skin care routine. For example, try rubbing a fresh slice of beet pulp onto your face. This simple procedure instantly invigorates the skin and evens out its color. If necessary, you can wipe your face with a piece of this vegetable every morning. Or grate fresh raw beets on the finest grater and apply to the skin. You are holding mask for about half an hour. Then remove the vegetable mass and rinse your face generously with cool water. This mask tones, refreshes, eliminates excess fat and improves complexion. Suitable for all skin types, especially recommended for oily skin types.

For inflammation and flaking of the skin, try the following softening mask:

Extract the juice from a small beetroot. Next, grind the raw potatoes into a pulp. Then mix potatoes, beet juice and a little wheat flour to get a thick consistency (the mixture may resemble thick sour cream in thickness). Then soak a gauze cloth generously in beet juice. Next, apply the mask composition to the skin, apply gauze soaked in juice on top. It is better to lie down and keep the mask on for at least a quarter of an hour. After which the composition can be removed and rinsed with cool water or milk (dilute the milk with water 50 to 50).

For dry, aging and normal skin, try a nourishing beetroot mask:

Grind the beet pulp (without skin) as finely as possible (in a blender or on a grater). Next, combine a tablespoon of beetroot mass, an egg yolk and a teaspoon of sour cream. Mix this mixture thoroughly and apply to cleansed skin. Leave the mask on for less than a quarter of an hour, then remove the remaining mixture and wash with slightly warmed water.

Recipe for a tonic composition with beets against acne:

Peel the beets, cover with cold water and boil. Pour the resulting beet broth into a liter glass container and let it cool completely. Then add a tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar and stir. These compositions can be rinsed on the face or wiped with a cotton pad daily. It is better to store it in the refrigerator.

Recipe for a moisturizing beet mask:

Pre-boil the beets and prepare an infusion of St. John's wort. Next, grate the cooled and peeled beets on a fine grater. Then take a tablespoon of the resulting vegetable mass, milk, St. John's wort infusion and grind. It is recommended to add a teaspoon of aloe juice. Apply the mask to clean skin, rinse off after 10-15 minutes with cold water

Mask recipe for additional nutrition for dry skin types:

Mix a tablespoon of freshly squeezed beet juice and a teaspoon of heavy dairy cream. Lubricate your face with this mixture and leave for a quarter of an hour. At the end, wash with soft water.

Recipe for a nourishing beet mask with a refreshing effect:

Grate a piece of beet without skin on the finest grater. Next, grind a tablespoon of vegetable mixture with the egg yolk. Apply the mask for a quarter of an hour, rinse with lukewarm water. At the end of the procedure, rinse the skin of your face and neck generously with cool water. It is also useful to read about
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