How do I meet...? (pickup lessons based on videos of my real acquaintances!). Pickup lessons for guys: basic rules, original dating

Pickup today is a phenomenon that is more than just meeting and seducing girls. Pickup is a whole culture and many consider pickup skills to be almost the key skills that any successful person should have. Young people thirsting for love study specialized literature and subscribe to thematic public pages on social networks. Girls don't lag behind guys and also come up with their own seduction techniques. You can find not only seminars and lectures, but also entire courses dedicated to teaching dating skills for both guys and girls. the site presents a male and female perspective on the science of seduction called “pickup.”

Pickup is bullshit. I can’t find any other definition of this hobby for moral impotents.

What do you want? Learn how to get a girl into bed in 10 minutes? Or find out in 5 minutes what she thinks about you? Then I feel sorry for you. In principle, aren’t you ashamed to LEARN what, in theory, should be inherent in you by nature itself?

Ingenious pickup hint

No, of course you can spend several thousand rubles on pointless courses on how to properly promote girls for sex. But this money will bring much more benefit if you JUST JUST THAT, and not on some date, give your friend a bouquet. Or a ring. Or a toy from a sex shop. It doesn't matter what you do, what matters is attention. Remember, if you don’t smell of masculine charisma, any attempts to cultivate the art of seduction in yourself will lead to only one thing - every time another girl, rising from your bed, will think: “How could I make such a mistake?! Who did I fall for? I probably drank too much yesterday...” There may be dozens of them, but as a significant other you will always have either your right (or left) hand, or, worse, a bottle of beer in the bachelor's apartment. And you will die alone.

The artificiality of acquaintance always leads to the artificiality of relationships. But you don't want that, right?

Oleg Chernykh


Pickup is not bad. The ability to attract attention and further captivate a person is even great. But the idea of ​​seducing a girl as quickly as possible so that she goes to bed with a guy after just 10 minutes of meeting him is not close to me.

It happens that a person is far from an empty-headed hunter of female charms, but it is difficult for him to communicate with the opposite sex, but he wants love. And it is his choice to take a pickup course to better understand the behavior of girls, work on his self-confidence and his charisma. The only question here will be the courses. They should be really interesting and useful, and not give stupid advice from the series “just ignore her, girls love it” for fabulous money.

When you're in love, but don't know how to tell her about it beautifully

It’s a completely different matter when individuals who have problems with female attention due to their own emptiness, worthlessness and uninteresting hit the pickup truck. With the desire to learn how to frame everything that moves, such heroes take courses where only their self-esteem and primitive attitude towards the opposite sex improve, but not their charisma and communication skills.

A pickup artist in love with himself is trying to attract a girl's attention

As for women's pickup, there is one simple truth - love yourself first. Exuding confidence, you will attract worthy gentlemen. Yes, it sounds banal, but an adequate attitude towards yourself contributes to the manifestation of an adequate attitude towards you from the outside.

I am not a supporter of any seduction techniques; I am for people to be confident in themselves. Yes, it is not easy and sometimes it takes time to accept and believe in yourself. Know what you want and love yourself and everything will be fine. I don’t encourage girls to be passive and wait for your princesses to be found by handsome princes. I am for not putting on absurd masks, for example, “bitch,” but being active, friendly and charming.

A girl's sense of humor is good

My conclusion: pickup as applied psychology courses that help people gain a little self-confidence and not be shy in front of people is a good thing. Spend more time on self-improvement and self-education, because it is personal qualities that play a decisive role in the formation of sympathy for a person.

Elizaveta Ryabochkina

To successfully communicate with the fair sex, you should sometimes use methods that are popularly called pick-up artists. These are dirty tricks, but they work. It will be much easier for you to break women's resistance if you resort to them. You can play fair in relationships with women and lose. Or you can play dirty and still win. What will you choose?

Break a girl's confidence

Many girls turn up their noses excessively in front of men. She is a princess that only a handsome millionaire deserves. Now we will lower her to the sinful earth. The following pickup method will come in handy for this. It is necessary to plant the seed of doubt about her beauty and qualities. Use jabs, jokes and backhanded compliments. Say you saw a similar skirt today, her hairpin looks like your grandma's, and her blouse is funny. A slight irony and she is no longer so confident in her attractiveness. You can hurt her personal qualities, intelligence or character. This should be done with humor and ease. Now the girl is not so good and no longer feels like a princess. Therefore, it is more vulnerable and accessible. This is a dirty pickup method, but it works great.

Make a girl compete with others

Another good way to interest a girl is to compete with other representatives of the fair sex. Even if they are imaginary girls. Casually mention other girls you know, receive messages and calls from them on social networks. To do this, ask your acquaintances or friends. Let the girl know that you are in demand, even if this is not entirely true. Let the girl join in the competition with mythical enemies. This will make it easier to break her resistance and fix it for yourself.

Talk about feelings and program the girl to like you

This dirty pickup method is the imposition of emotions and programming of a girl. Women are sensitive, so tell her about your love for animals, travel or hobbies. When a person is passionate about something, it is contagious. The girl involuntarily imagines herself in the place of this hobby. Ask, jokingly, if a girl has fallen in love with you? Doesn't she think about you before going to bed? More conversations about relationships, emotional topics and feelings.

Touch the girl

This is one of the main and main techniques of pick-up artists. Touch the girl as early and often as possible. Let him get used to your hands and become less timid. Give her your hand, touch different parts of her body, touch your legs or shoulders. Touch a girl and she will quickly give it to you.

Shatter the girl's nerves

If you play dirty, then play until the end. Girls are very emotional, which is good for you. A very effective method for pickup is to build up the girl’s nerves and emotions. Anger or offend the girl, but not too much. Now apologize and calm her down. Be kind and gentle. Such emotional swings will make the girl weaker and more vulnerable. Make a girl suffer periodically, and she will be yours.

If you've read this far, it means you're ready to play dirty. Fair tactics don't work with girls, and good guys sleep alone. So play dirty and beat the hottest chicks, bad boy.

There are 4 main pickup lessons, without which the rest will not work. Even if you have mastered some seduction techniques, if you don't know about the lessons listed below, you will still fail. And you won’t understand why another girl stopped communicating with you.

And all because you didn’t know about these main lessons.

Consider that the knowledge from this article is the basis for real success in your personal life.

Pickup lesson #1. Be relaxed

Why, after a date with an aspiring pick-up artist, do many girls tell their friends: “He’s kind of strange”?

Because a beginning pick-up artist is often too concerned with the result.

If you are thinking about how you can quickly seduce a girl, then most likely you will fail. I'm not saying that this is a bad desire.

However, you must understand that dependence on the result gives rise to strange behavior. You begin to tense up so much that you cannot communicate freely and easily with the girl. You can’t easily interact with her, get close to her, touch her, and so on.

Your every action is saturated with the tension that the girl feels.

This fixation on the result cannot be disguised, since girls have a powerful intuition that helps them feel this.

How can I solve this problem?

You need to start enjoying the game and stop being afraid of risk.

It is better to immediately prepare for the fact that your action may lead to a bad result. Accept that you can lose at any moment.

And just start taking risks while enjoying the game.

Looking back at the beginning of my pickup practice, I can say that the biggest shift in my level of seduction occurred precisely when I began to take risks. And sometimes he took actions that should not have led to the best result. AND even then I got a positive result, since the girls felt a lack of dependence on this result.

This does not mean at all that you should forget about your goal and perform chaotic actions for no apparent reason. No, remember your goal. But don't be dependent on the result.

Pickup lesson #2. Be positive

Emotions are what it's all for. You get your emotions from seducing a girl, and she gets hers.

If you decide to seriously seduce her and communicate with her only on deep topics, then do not hope too much for a positive result.

Girls, especially young ones, need emotions. They need fun. So that the guy can challenge them in some way. Make you worry.

Leave the seriousness for grown women who need serious men. And with young girls, use only humor, jokes, laughter and flirting. Organize your time so that you both receive a powerful charge of positivity.

In addition, positivity is an indicator of your inner strength. Weak people cannot be sincerely happy for a long time.

This is why girls sometimes deliberately behave negatively (or just weirdly) in order to test your confidence and moral strength. If in response to her negativity you start getting upset or cursing in response, this will not be the best reaction. And if you remain positive and confident, then she will will add a few points to your attractiveness score.

It's simple!

Pickup lesson #3. Don't try to live up to her expectations

More than once you will be faced with a choice: follow your own desires or meet the girl’s expectations.

And what’s most interesting: if you choose the second option, you’re unlikely to get anything. Simply because girls do not like those who strive to meet their expectations.

How can she make you bend under her?

At the very beginning of your communication, you may hear some request from her. This may be a completely minor request.

But you should know that lovers are rarely asked for anything, and that her request is a test of how much you depend on her.

That's why at the initial stages of communication, it is better to refuse her requests. Don’t be afraid to refuse and seem somehow “wrong” - after this she will begin to respect you even more, and the chances of seducing her will increase.

What else can she do to make you want to change your own desires and beliefs?

She may look offended when you make fun of her. Or he will directly accuse you of something. If you start making excuses or asking if she was offended, you will lose again.

In such moments, it is important to remain confident. Believe that she should like you for who you are. And the main thing is to under no circumstances react to her dissatisfaction. It's better to pretend that you didn't notice her reaction and continue to behave exactly the same as before.

Pickup lesson #4. Move a little faster than she allows

In seducing her, you will definitely meet resistance in the style of “it’s too early” or “we don’t know each other well.”

Many guys continue to wait, persuade or ask the girl when she will come to visit them and be seduced herself.

You can also wait until she gives you permission. And waste a lot of time seducing her.

But she will never experience real sexual attraction to you simply because you did not take her like a real male.

Women love it when a man does not listen to their words, but simply acts, despite obstacles and refusals. She should feel your slight pressure and movement towards sex.

Every time she puts an obstacle, you have to break through it and move on.

For example, if you start touching her and she says, “No” (or simply removes your hand), then continue the conversation and try again in a few minutes. The second, third or fourth time she will definitely give up. While ordinary modest guys would take her refusal too seriously and stop touching her altogether, successful guys continue to break through these obstacles. That is why decent ones lose, and “arrogant” ones win.

Remember (or better yet, learn) these lessons, and then you will be able to seduce much more effectively than those pick-up artists who are simply hunting for chips, but do not know these basics. This means that in your city you will get more girls than other seducers who do not know these secrets. ;)

Everything is, in general, simple (although complicated). When studying the advice of pick-up artists or reading the book “Sure Ways to Manipulate a Woman,” keep two things in mind.

1. Women differ from each other not only in appearance. A seduction technique that knocks one of them off her feet will cause (at best) nervous laughter in the other. Carefully, making mistakes and trying, select an individual set of “master keys” for each of them from your rich pick-up baggage.

2. The same woman can react to the same tricks differently, depending on her mood and time of year. Adjust for the wind.

These are the rules. And examples of them will be given to you by the sex editor of the British edition of Cosmopolitan magazine, Rachel Morris, whom we asked to comment on some common tips from pick-up forums.

Tip #1
“Always exude self-confidence, women are programmed to respond to confident men. A straight posture, ease of eye contact and a relaxed hand position will help you with this.”

Comment by Rachel Morris:
In reality, women are attracted to men with a certain balance of self-confidence and modesty. There is no need to forcefully pretend to be macho on the first date. If you are false, she will easily see through you - and this will be a danger signal for her.
The good news is that women understand how difficult it is to take the first steps in dating. So we even sympathize with your nervousness, it flatters us - it’s clear how important this meeting is for you. You don't need any special technique, just ask for a date and you'll already show yourself to be decisive.

Tip #2
“Her body language is a set of sex traffic lights. At the bar she moved closer to you - frankly speaking, she almost hung on your shoulder? Green for you."

Comment: This could definitely be true if we all had the same personal space boundaries. But maybe she grew up in an elevator and for her such closeness of bodies is in the order of things. We must not forget about the mood, the alcohol consumed and the surrounding environment. All this affects the distance between interlocutors. But if she touched you, the green light really lit up. Just give her the right to make the first touch, and keep your hands to yourself for the time being.

Tip #3
“In the restaurant she goes to the toilet. When she returns, it is clear that she was busy with herself there. I mean, I fixed my hair and put on my makeup. Preening for you to notice.”

Comment: Or - as an option - he wants to attract the attention of the guy sitting at the next table. Using one man to show another how sexy, pretty and attractive she is is a standard technique. Sorry.

Tip #4
“She licks her lips while talking to you or bites something - a pen, the edge of a napkin, a chair leg. She is excited and waiting for you to go to her right now.”

Comment: Possibly, but it could also be a sign of boredom. We sometimes cover our mouths to hide unspoken thoughts - not just “Let's have sex right now,” but also “God, when will he finally leave me alone!”

Tip #5
"She plays with her hair, twirling it or tossing it... She gets you hooked."

Comment: Over the course of her life, a woman spends on average an amount equal to a year’s salary on hair. It's more likely that she's just checking to make sure everything is in place. Or she read somewhere that men take this as a positive signal.

Tip #6
“You don’t seem to be the new Petrosyan, but she never stops giggling at your jokes. This is a good sign. It strokes your ego, encouraging you to take more active action.”

Comment: Here you need to figure out what made her laugh so much - your jokes or you personally, such a fool (you’ll have something to tell your friend!). Everyone says that the shortest way to get into a woman's panties is to make her laugh. But this only works if you have already passed all the preliminary tests. If she laughs right in the third minute of meeting you, then one of you two is an idiot.

Tip #7
“To hit the jackpot, you just need to press the right buttons. Set your internal timer to do what she wants before she asks you to. You know that today she will come home tired after work, which means it’s time to pull out her joker from her sleeve: “Honey, let me wash the dishes today.” All this will count and you will be rewarded.”

Comment: The relationship advice in men's magazines is a little one-sided: how to get what you need from her right here and now. “Cook her a romantic dinner, it will make her feel special and she will be ready to continue the evening in bed.” Almost true: nobility will always open a woman’s heart (and legs) for you, but only if she believes that you are always like this and not zealous for sex. Seeing sex as a reward means creating a dangerous story with your own hands, at the end of which you will receive sex only for something - and be deprived of it as punishment.

Tip #8“When conflict brews, take advantage of this unique opportunity to redirect the energy in the air into unforgettable reconciliation in the bedroom. Just follow these tips and the explosion will be under control."

Historically, everything related to dating training in Russia is usually called pickup.
Now we will not go into detail about why this happened, but will answer the main question: how exactly can you fill your life with truly beautiful girls.

Answer these questions first:

Do you want to learn how to seduce girls?
Or do you still want your communication with women to become more
open, honest and enjoyable for both parties?

Do you want to learn how to pick up girls?
Or do you still want to change in such a way as to become
objectively more attractive and desirable for girls to
Did they themselves want to have sex with you and didn’t need to be persuaded to do so?

Do you want to learn how to “dump” girls correctly?
Or do you still want girls to have a good opinion of
you, respected and appreciated?

“I went through pickup training and agree that many (and perhaps most) of the exercises from pickup training are idiotic. Their only goal is to stupidly give courage to nerds, nerds and other notorious teenagers.

Examples of exercises (when I remember that I did them myself, it becomes disgusting):
get to the bottom of men (security guards, salesmen, etc.) - fuck them with stupid claims a la “why aren’t you working?”;
get to the bottom of the girls - why they don’t carry condoms with them, etc.;
ask the girls to sing a song with you; get to the bottom so that she sends you or hits you;
beg a stranger for a gift, a glass of coffee, etc.;
somehow beg for a kiss on the cheek/neck/lips; and other insanity...

I remember how disgusting it was, how uncomfortable it was. As a result, something changed inside and I became a slob. Now I’m not ashamed of anything at all. But is that cool? I want to be a decent guy... And the pickup trainers turned me and the other participants into antisocial elements. I would like to learn how to be an interesting conversationalist, be able to give the necessary positive emotions, in general, give joy to myself and the girls from communication. And the pickup is essentially false and rude. Not for smart people."

Then maybe you don’t need a pickup truck, but something else?

You can attend pickup master classes for a very long time, take individual pickup lessons and wonder why the results do not please you.
You can find pickup truck lessons online and study them at home - it will be even less useless.
You can set a goal - how to become a pickup artist and even open your own pickup courses.
As my many years of experience show, this will not make you happier.
Using the pick-up rules for picking up, you will learn how to “spoil”, “push” and “dump” girls, but we, it seems, have already decided that this is not what you need.
What are the most effective pickup courses? None. Which pickup coaching to go for? Not at all. Pickup seduction lessons cannot be effective by definition.

My name is Thomas and I can greatly reduce your time. You won't have to study ineffective and even destructive pickup courses. And we will start right now!

First, read and feel these simple things:

The goal of dating is not to “pick up the phone,” as they say in pickup courses, but to make such an impression on the girl that she wants to see you again, thinks about you and waits for your call.

The goal of a date is not to “communicate without pause,” but to understand the essence of the girl and involve her in your world, showing her attractiveness.

The goal of a relationship is not to have regular sex with a beautiful girl, but to make her happy every day and through this become happy yourself.

In 2007 I created the TLC project.

What is the difference between TLC and pickup?
TLC's job is to make you the kind of man
which you yourself would wish for your daughter.

If you consider a girl a “victim”, a “target”, a “trophy”, and the process of communication itself as a “war” or “confrontation”, then this will never lead you to quality results with girls. It is necessary to get rid of these beliefs, and the pickup truck only takes root these ideas, offering “new weapons” in order to win this “war” more often.

The basis of TLC is that there is no war.

We have retrained hundreds of pickup training graduates. Pick-up trainers often come to us. They all have the same goal - how to meet a girl beautifully, easily and naturally.

Below we have provided 4 reviews from the most popular pickup trainings and pickup coaching.

Review of TLC after RMES

“2 years ago I passed the basic RMS. It turned out to be little and everything that the coach said boiled down to one thing - do more approaches. I “learned a little how to seduce using the brute force method, but I wanted “really efficiency. Based on a recommendation, I got into TLC and am “immensely glad that I took part in LifeStyle coaching.”

TLC's approach is fundamentally different from RMS's. If on RMS “the goal of the first date is for the girl to come on the second, and the goal of the second is to squeeze in sex so that on the third she comes ready for sex” (this is the basic model, which is called a “three-date”), then on TLC such a primitive no, not even close. On TLC, I realized that you don’t need to wait for the second date to start positioning yourself as a lover, but you need to do this while you’re dating, and the main thing is that “positioning yourself as a lover” is not “molesting” and “groping”, but this the correct internal states through which you can now excite a girl much faster. At RMS we work with the behavior “do the right actions and there will be a result”, at TLC we work with internal states.”

“The TLC coaches identified a bunch of my mistakes. For example, at RMES they said “that in a club you need to do a lot of small communications with girls and guys. Doing this made me feel kind of pestered and “wasted a lot of emotions. On TLC, they showed me how to hang out in a club for fun, with a sense of self-respect and to do fast without much emotional investment. The so-called “good fasts”. At the same time, at RMS we were all taken to factories, and at TLC to an empire. I also really “liked the fact that LifeStyle coaching includes “individual lessons with a trainer.”

Review of TLC after Alex Leslie

“My acquaintance with the topic of seduction began with Leslie’s book and, to my happiness, “as I now understand, I ended up not at some pickup training, but at LifeStyle coaching.” But my friend fell for Leslie.

As a result: I get to know girls calmly, we quickly establish mutual understanding, I immediately make an approach from above and position myself as a lover. My friend: he behaves like an inappropriate person (I’m ashamed to even go to a club with him now), he behaves like a buffoon with girls.

He runs around the club from one to another, immediately paws everyone, and then wonders why no one wants to date him. Somehow they told him that he needs to touch the girl right away, and that’s how he freezes everyone off. I don’t think about touching at all. When dating, I usually don’t touch girls at all and then everything goes fine. Another interesting point: at TLC I received a clear answer: “if you invite a girl, you pay for the time you spend,” but at Leslie it was hammered into my friend’s head that under no circumstances should you pay. As a result, he again freezes everyone off with his “alpha male principles,” and in a week I’m flying to Cyprus with a girl I met in a shopping center, and there was no question on her part that I would pay. Although I paid for the dates, and in theory, in Leslie psychology, she was, as it were, a “dynamist” and should have been able to set me up for the trip. In general, on TLC everything is somehow human and this view of seduction seems much more correct to me.”

Review of TLC after Ortega Project

“Before I got to LifeStyle, I completed the Ortega training “Project. What did I take away from there? I understood how to behave in clubs, “what to talk about and in what light to show. I learned how to do PR and, in principle, it gave good results. But very soon it began to bother me that the girls were sleeping not with me, but with the image that I create. After sex, naturally, the screen “fell and nothing went further, the relationship did not begin.

The moment of truth was the situation when I liked a very beautiful girl in a cafe. About 25 years old in appearance, aristocratic in gestures, formal suit. What I've done? I approached her and, as always, began to unwind: telling her what an interesting guy I was, what countries I had been to, how my friends and I rode on a yacht. All this, of course, to please her. She listened to me for about two minutes and then looked into my eyes so carefully and said a phrase that I remembered for the rest of my life: “What are you making out of yourself? Why are you telling me all this? I don't waste my time making bubbles." I saw the light in a moment. In reality, all this social tinsel, unwinding and status pressure only worked on the average attractiveness of provincial girls, but it did not add happiness and I did not want to build a relationship with any of them. So I decided to go learn natural seduction.

I registered on the website, listened to the audio, watched the video and decided to come to the live classes. In a nutshell, I became real! I became myself the way girls like me! Without “pe esoks”, “interests according to the list” and the correct position of fingers on pockets (those who have been there will understand). Thanks to TLC, I've matured 10 years."

Review of TLC after PICKUP RU

“Before taking the LifeStyle coaching, I took the course. Now, I can already objectively say that the whole model of “seduction was presented there as a fight with a girl, like chess, where in order to have sex with a girl, you need to “defeat” her. Real war! And in war, as you know, all methods are “good: manipulation, templates, and even outright deception. This didn’t appeal to me at all, although I saw guys who were very upset precisely because of this.

The trainers' speeches openly showed hatred towards girls and, it seems, this was the main motivation for seducing them. To make it clear, here is a typical dialogue from the training:
Student: Yesterday after the date we went to my place, I fucked her for about two hours, and then we had sex. She refused to give a blowjob, but I twisted her arms, climbed on top of her and came on her face.
Coach: Eee! Cool, you dropped it!

Of course, it brought some results, I took phone numbers from girls, but this was not at all what I wanted and I went to TLC. After, TLC was just a balm for the wound. I saw an intelligent trainer who loves girls and builds the entire model of seduction on mutual pleasure. There was no mention of the term “lowered”.
I clearly understood how to think and what to feel during the process of seduction, so that both the girl and I understood that we were in the same trench and that there was no war. I really liked this approach and all the tricks that I learned on TLC really fit into the map. The number of girls has not increased, but the quality has increased very much

I understand that it may not be easy for you to comprehend all this. Especially if you have already read some books on pickup or watched pickup courses online. Believe me, the sooner you start learning about TLC's natural seduction, it will be better for you. Don’t open it for later, start by watching my course “TLC-Basic”, fortunately you can do it absolutely free!

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