What disrupts the mood. Questions related to the post

We were created for worship, and fasting is one of worship, and secondly, Allah himself rewards fasting.

In the Qur'an, you have probably seen many verses that say that Allah knows what is in our thoughts, what our intention is. But the angels cannot know this, they are recorders, they record our deeds, and the Almighty will make the calculation. That is why there is an opinion that angels cannot know the reward for fasting, since they do not know whether this person fasted or not, with prayer everything is clear, when a person prays it is visible, but fasting, how to define it? It is worth paying attention to the saying of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in which he said: “Every good deed of the son of Adam will be multiplied, and the smallest reward for a good deed will be rewarded tenfold, but it can increase up to seven hundred times.”

Allah Almighty said: “With the exception of fasting, for, truly, fasting is done for My sake, and I will reward it, since a person refuses to satisfy his desires and food for My sake!”, this inspires hope for a truly great reward.

Along with the above, fasting is a cleansing from committed sins. Thus, the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever prays at night during Ramadan with faith and hope for a reward from Allah will have his previous sins forgiven,” and, importantly, it is good for health. Speaking about this, the Messenger of Allah said: “Fast, you will be healthy!”

Ramadan is a kind of catalyst; good deeds performed this month have a much greater degree of reward than those performed on other ordinary days. Therefore, most Muslims try to pray more during the month of Ramadan, give alms, pay zakat, and the wealthy go on umrah (minor pilgrimage). Good deeds done during Ramadan are more rewarding.

Fasting time

Fasting is observed from dawn to sunset throughout. You can eat before morning adhan. But given that the correct time with dawn is relatively set according to what is written in the calendars, eating should be stopped 30 minutes before sunrise, in order to protect yourself from spoiling the day.

The basis of fasting is to fulfill three main points:

Do not eat

Not to drink

Do not have sexual intercourse

Moreover, all three basics must be performed from dawn to sunset.

These points relate in part to the external manifestation of fasting, however, one must not miss the part that is not visible to others, but is also important for fulfillment in order for the fast to be correct.

It must be taken into account that during fasting one should not swear, be hostile, talk idle talk and waste time on things that are useless from the point of view of Sharia.

Knowing the basics of the Eid, you can answer most questions that arise on the topic of fasting in the month of Ramadan. However, some questions require some explanation, which will be discussed in this article.

What spoils the post?

Violations of fasting are divided into two groups:

1. That which breaks the fast and requires its completion (kaza is the completion of the fast one day in one day) and atonement (kafarah is the obligatory observance of continuous fasting for 60 days for one day of broken fast. Who is not able to atone for the fast by due to illness, weakness, is obliged to feed 60 poor people in one day of broken fasting).

1) Eating intentionally without any valid reason;

2) Intentionally committed sexual intercourse.

2. What breaks the fast and requires only replenishment:

1) Taking food or medicine due to illness;

2) Eating by mistake, that is, if you ate or drank after dawn, assuming that dawn had not yet come, or ate during the day, thinking that the sun had already set, but it turned out that it had not set yet. An example can also be given where a person mistakenly swallowed water while performing ablution;

3) Intentional vomiting;

4) Intentionally consuming an item other than food, such as dough, tree sap, or chewing gum;

5) The appearance of menstruation;

6) Ejaculation during love games.

What does not ruin fasting in the month of Ramadan?

1. Swimming. The Prophet, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, advised “to wet yourself during fasting due to heat or thirst” (Reported by Ahmad, Malik and Abu Dawud). If water is involuntarily swallowed, this does not break the fast.

2. Use of antimony. Anas reported that the Prophet used to use antimony during fasting.

3. Kiss your wife or husband while maintaining control over yourself. Aisha reported that the Prophet used to kiss and touch her during fasting.

5. Swallowing something that cannot be avoided (for example, your own saliva or street dust, etc.)

6. Tasting food when purchasing (or cooking) with the tip of the tongue.

7. Smell flowers or use perfume, etc.

9. You can continue your fast even while in junub (Junub is a state of defilement, after sexual intercourse and before bathing). Also, after the end of menstruation or the postpartum period, a woman can begin to fast if the bleeding stops at night (any time before sunset). In all the above cases, bathing can be postponed until the next morning and the fast will remain valid.

10. The one who forgets that he is fasting and starts eating or drinking. Most scholars said that in this case the fast does not deteriorate and is valid. The argument is the words of Allah Almighty: “O our Lord, do not punish us if we have forgotten or made a mistake.”

11. Involuntary vomiting. The Prophet said: “If anyone vomits involuntarily, his fast is not broken and he should not make up for (that day). But if anyone deliberately causes himself to vomit, then he must make up (for this day).” (Reported by Ahmed, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah). In any case, a Muslim must fast for the rest of the day after vomiting.

When can you make up for missed fasting days in Ramadan?

There are no special provisions in Islam regarding special days for fasting. But it should be taken into account that the best solution is to make up for the missed days as quickly as possible at the best time for the missed days. For example, if a person missed the month of Ramadan due to illness, then it is best for him, due to the nature of the illness, to make up days in the winter, when it will not be particularly difficult for a person to fast. If a person cannot fast in winter, then he needs to feed the poor for each day he misses.

Allah Almighty says in the Qur’an: “And if anyone is sick or on a journey, then let him fast for the same number of days at other times.” Qur’an, Surah “Bakara”, 185 verse. Disabled, old and sick people who are not expected to recover and improve their condition, such as patients with asthma, diabetes, are allowed to replace fasting by feeding the poor (in accordance with feeding one poor person for one day of missed fasting). The concept of “to feed” in Muslim law means either in the morning or in the evening.

Marriage in the month of Ramadan

You can get married in the month of Ramadan, however, during daylight hours you cannot have a feast and the newlyweds cannot have sexual intercourse. There are also no prohibitions on performing nikah between two gayats.

Ramadan and pregnancy

A woman can keep her spirits up during pregnancy. But if the fast becomes the cause of malaise, impotence or insufficient nutrition for the child, and also the nursing woman has a fear of loss of milk or strength, then in this case they are allowed not to fast on the basis of the rule of Islamic law: “On the inadmissibility of causing harm and grave consequences.” But they must make up for the fast after the birth of the child, as well as feeding him - day after day of the missed fast. It should also be noted that it is not necessary to observe consistency in completing the fast. This is evidenced by the words of Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him: “You can not take into account the sequence in completing the fast, since Allah Almighty says in the Qur’an: “And if anyone is sick or on a journey, then let him fast the same number of days at another time” ( that is, Allah did not indicate that it is necessary to observe the sequence of missed days for the specified reasons.You can first fast one day, and a week later - another missed day of the month of Ramadan). Qur'an, Surah "Bakara", 185 verses. The same applies to a woman who has not fasted for several years due to successive births and breastfeedings. Ibrahim An-Nahgi said: “Even if the second Ramadan comes, then it is necessary to keep both fasts (obligatory and compulsory), and fasting cannot be replaced by feeding the poor. Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “It happened that I could only complete my fast in the month of Shagban.” Section “Completing the fast”, “Sahih Bukhari”, hadith No. 1849, Sahih Ibn Hibban, hadith No. 3516.

The position of pregnant and lactating women is equal to the position of a traveler and a sick person (temporary permission to interrupt fasting due to difficulty), therefore they should definitely make up for fasting whenever possible and cannot replace fasting by feeding the poor, like a traveler.

Intimate relationships in the month of Ramadan

If you have read about the basics of fasting, then the ban, as you understand, on sexual intercourse applies to daylight hours of the month of Ramadan. At night, spouses are allowed to have intimacy without restrictions, but within the limits permitted by Sharia.

Get pregnant in Ramadan

There are no prohibitions on pregnancy (due this month) in Islam. On the contrary, some couples who were unable to get pregnant in normal months became pregnant in this month. This can be associated with diligent worship in the month of Ramadan and with asking forgiveness for sins.

Wet dream in Ramadan

Ejaculation that occurs in a dream does not spoil the fast, even if it happened during the daytime.

Periods in Ramadan

A woman cannot fast during her period - it is prohibited. Although there are methods to delay the onset of menstruation by taking pills. This option is possible, although it is worth leaving everything as it is, because in this case, even without fasting, the woman fulfills the command of the Almighty, for which she will receive a reward.

Smoking in Ramadan

Smoking breaks the fast, and this action is not appropriate for a Muslim. If earlier it was possible to say that smoking cannot be regarded as haram, now, when cigarette packs say that smoking kills or causes cancer, we can say with confidence that smoking is haram. Because it causes damage to health, even death.

Pricks (injections) in Ramadan

In this case, injections are divided into vitamin injections and injections for other purposes, for example, painkillers. Injections with vitamins and glucose spoil the fast, but injections necessary to maintain normal life or painkillers are allowed and do not spoil the fast.

Death before compensation for missed post

If a person died before he had the opportunity to make up for the missed fast, then he is supposed to be given fidia (especially if it was bequeathed by the deceased), or food, or the amount of money that the kazy established for a certain region.

What is undesirable to do during fasting?

1. It is not advisable to stay in water or a bath for a long time, as there is a possibility of water entering the body;

2. Do not engage in amorous advances (hugs and kisses);

3. Do not gargle;

4. Do not perform bloodletting, as this can weaken a person so much that he will have to break his fast;

5. Don't taste food.

6. Do not swallow your saliva that has previously accumulated in your mouth.

What is advisable to do during fasting?

Performing Taraweeh prayers collectively. It is performed after the obligatory night (Isha) prayer.

Observing Suhoor (eating before dawn). Even if you don’t feel like eating, it’s best to drink at least a couple sips of water. The Messenger of Allah said: “Eat before dawn, for at that time there is grace” (Bukhari);

Break your fast as quickly as possible. The Messenger of Allah said: “People will be in good health as long as they hurry to break their fast” (Bukhari);

When breaking the fast, it is advisable to turn to Allah with a prayer. It is reported that Abdullah b. Amr reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “The prayer of a fasting person when he breaks his fast is not rejected.”

Perform as many prayers as possible and turn to Allah as often as possible;

Dedicate more time to reading and studying the Holy Quran. The Messenger of Allah read the Quran most of all, especially in the month of Ramadan (Bukhari).

Thank Allah for the opportunity to fast during Ramadan.

Prepared by Abdussabur Khairutdinov

Praise be to Allah.

Allah Almighty commanded to fast in the most perfect manner and in accordance with perfect wisdom. He ordered the fasting person to observe a moderate type of fasting, which does not harm the person, and during which the person does not engage in (does not commit) acts that violate the fast.

Therefore, actions that break fasting are of two types.

The first type includes those that devastate a person: sexual intercourse, intentional vomiting, menstruation and bloodletting. The release of these substances from the human body makes it weak. So that the fasting person does not feel weak due to the release of these substances in addition to the usual weakness that he experiences due to fasting, Allah Almighty has decreed that these actions spoil the fast. Otherwise, fasting would harm a person and go beyond the limits of moderation.

The second type includes those actions that fill a person: eating and drinking. If a fasting person begins to eat, he will not achieve the goal, the wisdom that fasting itself presupposes. Cm.: Majmu'ul-Fataawa Ibn Taymiyy (T. 25. P. 248).

Allah Almighty has listed the basics of all actions that break fasting in His words:

فَالآنَ بَاشِرُوهُنَّ وَابْتَغُوا مَا كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ وَكُلُوا وَاشْرَبُوا حَتَّى يَتَبَيَّنَ لَكُمْ الْخَيْطُ الأَبْيَضُ مِنْ الْخَيْطِ الأَسْوَدِ مِنْ الْفَجْرِ ثُمَّ أَتِمُّوا الصِّيَامَ إِلَى اللَّيْلِ

From now on, enter into intimacy with them and strive for what Allah has prescribed for you. Eat and drink until you can distinguish the white thread of dawn from the black one, and then fast until nightfall(Surah al-Baqarah, verse 187).

In this noble verse, Allah mentioned the basis of actions that break the fast - eating, drinking and sexual intercourse. The remaining types of actions that violate fasting were listed by the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, in his Sunnah.

There are seven actions that break fasting:

1. Sexual intercourse.

2. Intentional ejaculation.

3. Food and drink.

4. Acceptance of what plays the role of food or drink.

5. The release of blood by bloodletting or the like.

6. Intentional vomiting.

7. Leakage of blood due to menstruation or postpartum bleeding.

First: sexual intercourse.

This is the most sinful action among the actions that violate fasting.

If a fasting person intentionally committed sexual intercourse (genital contact) during the day during Ramadan, then his fast will be ruined, even if ejaculation did not occur. This person must repent to Allah, complete the fast of this day, and then make up for the fast of this day and atone for his sin (kaffarah). Proof of this is in the hadith from Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him, that one day a man came to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and said: Messenger of Allah, I am lost! The Prophet asked him: What ruined you? He replied: I had sexual intercourse with my wife during Ramadan. The Prophet asked: Can you free a slave? The man replied: No. Can you fast for two months in a row? He answered: No. Can you find food to feed sixty poor people? He replied: No (al-Bukhari no. 1936 and Muslim no. 1111).

Atonement is obligatory only when the fast is broken by sexual intercourse.

Secondly: intentional ejaculation.

Intention to ejaculate using the hand or the like.

Proof that masturbation breaks fasting are the words of Allah Almighty, which are conveyed in the sacred hadith: He (that is, the fasting person) leaves his food, drink and desire for My sake(al-Bukhari no. 1894 and Muslim no. 1151).

A person who deliberately ejaculates during the day during Ramadan must repent of his act, fast for the rest of the day and make up for that day after.

If a person began to engage in handjobs, but did not come to the point of ejaculation, then he is obliged to repent. However, his fast remains valid, since ejaculation did not occur, and therefore he is not obliged to make up for this day. A fasting person should try to distance himself from everything that tempts him and drive away all obscene thoughts.

As for the release of pre-ejaculate, according to the correct opinion, this does not spoil the fast.

Third: food and drink.

This means taking food and drink, that is, getting them into the stomach through the mouth. And also if food enters the stomach through the nasal cavity. This is also considered eating and eating.

That's why Rinse your nose as well as possible unless you are fasting(at-Tirmidhi no. 788). Al Albani in Sahih at-Tirmidhi(No. 631) said that the hadith is authentic.

If getting water into the stomach through the nose did not break the fast, then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would not have prohibited excessive rinsing of the nose.

Fourth: acceptance of what plays the role of food or drink.

Two cases relate to this.

1.If a person receives a blood infusion during fasting. For example, a person received an emergency blood infusion. In such a case, the fast is broken, since all substances from food and drink enter the blood.

2. If during fasting a person is given a nutritional injection, with the help of which he can do without food and drink. In this case, the injection plays the role of food and drink, as Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said in Majalis Shahr Ramadan(p. 70).

As for injections that do not replace food and drink, but are medicines (penicillin, insulin or stimulants, or vaccinations), they do not break the fast either if they are administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Muhammad ibn Ibrahim said this in his fatwas (Vol. 4, p. 189). But as a precaution, it is better to make them at night.

Hemodialysis (hemodialysis machine is called artificial kidney), in which blood is removed from the body, and after cleansing and adding some chemicals and nutrients (glucose, salts, etc.) it is returned to the body, breaking the fast. More details in Fatawa-l-lyajnati-d-daimah(Vol. 10. P. 19).

Fifthly: the release of blood through bloodletting (Ar. Hijama) or the like.

Because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: The fast of the one who does bloodletting and the one to whom it is done is broken.(Abu Dawud no. 2367). Al-Albani in Sahih Abi Dawud (No. 2047) said that the hadith is authentic.

Donation (giving blood for another) is equivalent to bloodletting, since it affects the body in the same way as bloodletting.

Therefore, a fasting person should not become a donor unless it is a case of extreme necessity. If there is an urgent need, then it is possible, but the person donating blood breaks his fast, so he is obliged to make up for it afterwards. For details, refer to the book of Ibn ‘Uthaymin Majalis Shahr Ramadan(p. 71).

If a person observing a fast has a hemorrhage, then his fast remains true. Because this did not happen by his choice. Cm.: Fatawa-l-lyajnati-d-daimah(Vol. 10. P. 264).

This also applies to cases where hemorrhage occurs due to a tooth being removed, or due to a wound, or if a person has had their blood tested. In these cases, the fast is not broken, since this is not bloodletting and is not equivalent to it. Indeed, in this case, hemorrhage does not affect the human body as much as bloodletting.

Sixth: intentional vomiting.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: If vomiting occurs involuntarily, then you should not compensate for the fast; if the vomiting was caused deliberately, then the fast must be compensated(at-Tirmidhi no. 720). Al Albani in Sahih at-Tirmidhi(No. 577) said that the hadith is authentic.

Ibn al-Mundhir said: All scientists are unanimous that the fast of a person who intentionally induces vomiting is broken(Al-mughni. Vol. 4. P. 368).

If a person intentionally causes vomiting with his finger, or by pressing on his stomach, or intentionally listens to an unpleasant smell, or deliberately looks at something that causes him to vomit, then he is obliged to make up for the fast of that day.

If he has an upset stomach, he should not hold in his vomiting as this may cause him harm. See more details in the book of Ibn ‘Uthaymin Majalis Shahr Ramadan(p. 71).

Seventh: leakage of blood due to menstruation or postpartum bleeding.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Doesn't a woman, when she menstruates, give up prayer and fasting?(al-Bukhari no. 304).

When a woman detects the onset of menstruation or postpartum bleeding, her fast is broken, even if this happened a moment before sunset (before the end of the fast).

If a woman feels that menstruation will come soon, but blood will appear only after sunset, then her fast is correct.

If a woman has completed her menstruation or postpartum bleeding at night, and she intends to fast, but does not perform a complete ablution before dawn, then most scholars consider her fast to be correct. See: Fathu-l-Bari (Vol. 4, p. 148).

During menstruation, it is better for a woman not to take medications that prevent the onset of menstruation, but to be content with what Allah has prescribed for her and not to do what is prohibited to do in such a state. Let her obey what Allah has ordered her to break her fast, and then make up for the missed days. After all, this is what the mothers of the faithful did. Cm. Fatawa-l-lyajnati-d-daimah(Vol. 10. P. 151).

In addition, from a medical point of view, it has been proven that delaying menstruation causes harm to a woman, and many women subsequently experience cycle irregularities for this reason. If a woman takes medicine that delays menstruation, and her menstruation ends, then she is considered clean and can fast.

These are all the reasons and actions that break the fast. All of them, except menstruation or postpartum bleeding, break the fast if:

· the person knew that they were breaking the fast;

· the person remembered and did not forget about it;

· the person committed these actions of his own choice, and not under duress.

Let us mention some actions that do not break the fast: an enema, instillation of eye and ear drops, tooth extraction, wound treatment. See: Ibn Taymiyyah. Majmu'u fatawa. T. 25. pp. 233, 245.

Tablets for the treatment of angina pectoris, etc., that are placed under the tongue, do not break the fast, if you are careful not to swallow what is secreted; Gynecological examination by hand or a mirror, as well as the introduction of lotion, suppositories and the uterine device, do not spoil the post. Also, inserting a catheter into the bladder, or an x-ray substance, or a medicine, or a solution for rinsing the bladder does not break the fast. Drilling a tooth, removing it, or brushing your teeth with a miswak or toothbrush will not ruin your fast, as long as you are careful not to swallow substances that reach your throat. As well as rinsing your mouth and using topical oral treatments, as long as you avoid swallowing anything that reaches your throat. Also, inhaling oxygen or anesthetic gases does not break the fast if the patient is not given nutrient solutions; something that enters the body through the skin (creams, ointments, medical patches with drugs or chemicals), the insertion of a catheter or thin tube to examine the arteries or treat cardiovascular diseases and other diseases. It also does not interfere with post laparoscopy of the abdominal wall, treatment of internal organs or surgery; taking a biopsy of the liver or other organs, if this is not done by injecting solutions; swallowing a gastroscope, if this is not accompanied by the introduction of solutions or other substances; as well as the introduction of any instruments or drugs and the brain or spinal cord.

And Allah Almighty knows better.

For more information please refer to the book Majalis ramadan Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, and also read the brochure Seventy questions about fasting, which is in the books section of the website.

The ninth month of the Muslim calendar, Ramadan is one of the four holy months of the year. At this time, men and women keep a strict fast of Uraz, which is one of the main pillars of Islam. The main specificity of this fast is that the quantitative composition of food is not regulated - everything is allowed to eat, and only the timing of meals plays an important role. Let's figure out how a woman needs to keep the Uraza correctly so that long-term abstinence will benefit the body. Indeed, in addition to spiritual cleansing, Muslims fast to improve the health of the body.

Why keep Uraza in the month of Ramadan?

Fasting on Uraza helps atone for sins that were committed during the year. Ramadan is 30 or 29 days (depending on the lunar month) of strict fasting. During this period, Muslims should set aside time for donations, alms, reflection, contemplation and all kinds of good deeds. However, the main task of every believer is not to drink water or eat food from dawn to dusk. Unlike the Orthodox fast (Assumption or Great), during which it is forbidden to eat meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, during Uraza it is allowed to eat any food in moderation.

The main activity of Muslims during Ramadan is prayer. Before sunrise, each believer makes a niyat (intention) to observe the Uraz, and then eats food 30 minutes before dawn and prays. Prayers during the holy month are held in mosques, where Muslims come with their children or at home with relatives and neighbors. If a believer is in other latitudes during the month of Ramadan, then, according to the Hanafi madhhab (teaching), he reads the obligatory morning prayer according to Meccan time.

How to keep a cheer for a woman

During Uraza, Muslim women, like men, are prohibited from intimate life during daylight hours, and some especially believers prefer complete abstinence from sexual contact throughout the thirty-day fast. Traditionally, after sunset, believers gather in large families to eat food after a day of fasting. Women prepare food during the day, so they are allowed to taste the food as it cooks. This is strictly prohibited for men.

How to eat properly

In the first days of Ramadan, you have to fast for about 20 hours, so imams (Muslim priests) advise eating foods with a lot of fiber: oats, millet, barley, lentils, brown rice, wholemeal flour, millet, legumes. The morning menu of a Muslim woman must necessarily consist of fruits, berries, vegetables, meat, fish, bread and dairy products.

It is better not to complicate your menu with culinary delights during Ramadan, but to give preference to light salads seasoned with yogurt or vegetable oil. Such food does not irritate the stomach, improving digestion. To make it easier to fast, broths made from lean beef, chicken, lean fish or vegetables are useful. During Ramadan, women should refrain from fried foods, completely replacing them with steamed or stewed foods. In the process of preparing food, you need to dose the following products that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid, which irritates the walls of the stomach:

  • spices;
  • garlic;
  • caraway;
  • cilantro;
  • mustard.

For dinner, Muslims are advised to cook low-calorie dishes and not get too carried away with meat. During the day during Uraza it is forbidden to drink water, but after sunset it is advisable to drink 2 to 3 liters of water to replenish the water balance. Nutritionists, while observing Uraza, call for the exclusion of carbonated drinks, replacing them with natural juices, mineral water, and herbal teas.


The obligatory prayer for all Muslims who observe Uraza is Tarawih prayer. Her time begins after the night Isha prayer and ends shortly before dawn. It is better to read Namaz Tarawih together with other believers, but if this is not possible, then it is permissible to read the prayer individually. In general, Islam is a religion that welcomes attendance at collective prayers, and the mosque promotes communication when joint prayers are performed that praise Allah and the Prophet Muhammad while reading the Koran.

What not to do - prohibitions

Prohibitions during the Uraza period are divided into strict and undesirable. Strict prohibitions refer to actions that violate fasting and require mandatory compensation for one day of Ramadan for 60 days of continuous fasting at any other time. These include: deliberate eating, vomiting and sexual intercourse. Also, during Uraza you cannot take medicines, capsules, tablets, give injections, drink alcohol or smoke. Undesirable actions in Ramadan that require only replenishment (1 day of fasting per violation) include:

  1. Eating out of forgetfulness.
  2. Involuntary vomiting.
  3. Swallowing anything that is not medicine or food.
  4. Touching the husband, kissing that does not lead to sexual intercourse.

At what age do girls start fasting?

A girl begins to fast from the age of majority. A Muslim child reaches puberty when he reaches 15 years of age. Girls are allowed to fast earlier if they are menstruating or have their own desire. If all of the above signs are absent, then according to Muslim customs the girl should not fast.

It is now difficult to overestimate the importance of a 30-day fast for human health. Even science has proven that by fasting, the human body is cleansed of excess weight, salts, bile, under-oxidized metabolic products, and breathing is normalized. The experience of centuries shows that Uraza is the most effective method of getting rid of various chronic diseases: allergies, gallstones, osteochondrosis and migraines. During fasting, defense mechanisms are enhanced, the immune system is stimulated, and the aging process is delayed.

Beginners need to know that during this month all sorts of excesses are excluded, and there are special rules for the intake of food and liquids. Immediately after sunset, the fasting person eats only light food, and a couple of hours before dawn - a dense meal. Such food is considered godly, and therefore serves for the forgiveness of sins. At the evening meal, it is advisable that a mullah or a person who knows the Koran well be present; he will read surahs and talk about the deeds of God. Small talk is not prohibited during the evening breaking of the fast.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women to fast?

Women in the postpartum period or during menstruation do not observe Uraza - this is confirmed by the corresponding Sunnahs. As for pregnant and nursing mothers, they can completely or selectively refuse fasting at their own discretion, especially if they are afraid for their or their child’s health. As for making up for a missed post, the woman makes this decision on her own.

Without complete ablution

Sometimes, for some independent reason, a woman does not have a complete ablution, and the fast has already begun. For example, menstruation ended at night, or marital intimacy took place, or the spouses overslept the morning meal. This should not bother a woman in any way, because complete ablution and observance of Uraza are in no way interconnected with each other. Ritual purity is needed only for performing namaz.

When do you get your period?

According to the rules of Islam, during menstruation, Uraza must be interrupted in any case, regardless of marital status and age. Prayers and namaz are not performed, since the woman does not have ritual purity. According to the rules, the missed days of fasting at the end of Ramadan must be made up one to one in a row or in a breakdown at the discretion of the Muslim woman. But the woman does not make up for missed prayers.

What to do if it’s hard to keep Uraza in the heat

When the month of Ramadan falls in the summer heat, it is very difficult for Muslims to keep Uraz, because on hot days thirst increases, and refusal of water can negatively affect human health. Moreover, during a 30-day fast, it is forbidden not only to drink, but even to rinse your mouth, because drops of water can get into the stomach. In this case, Islam gives some concessions for pregnant women, children, travelers, the elderly and seriously ill people.

Fast one day or with breaks every other day

If a Muslim woman has serious illnesses, for example, diabetes, pancreatitis and others, then she can keep Uraza not every day, but every other day. Fasting is not so much abstinence from food and water as it is the promotion of spiritual growth and purification of thoughts. But if a woman can keep Uraza with such diseases, then she should eat fresh raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, not overeat, and not throw on food at the holiday of breaking the fast of Eid al-Fitr, when Ramadan ends.


When a woman holds Uraza for the first time, long before the onset of Ramadan, she needs to prepare herself for the fact that this is not a hunger strike, but a great joyful holiday, so that there is a feeling of a cheerful event. It should be remembered that the fasting person receives a reward, which during Ramadan multiplies all the good deeds of a person. And for violating Uraza without a good reason, a Muslim woman will have to pay the needy a certain amount and make up for the missed day with any day of fasting. Watch the video for advice for women starting to keep the Uraz:

Fasting for Muslim women and men in 2019

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, the date of which changes annually. In 2019, Muslims begin to hold it on May 16, and on June 15, Muslim men and women around the world celebrate the greatest holiday of Eid al-Adha. On this day they give alms, remember relatives and friends, and visit the graves of deceased relatives.


The pre-dawn meal (Suhur) ends 10 minutes before the morning prayer (Fajr). At the end of the evening prayer (Maghrib), you should break your fast, preferably with water and dates, after making an appeal to Allah. Night prayer is Isha, after which 20 rakats (cycles) of Tarawih prayer are performed for men, followed by Witr prayer.

Mandatory actions Mandatory actions are divided into two categories: internal obligations (rukn) and external obligations (shurut) and the following things can be attributed to them:

The internal obligations of fasting (rukn) are its basis, non-compliance with which leads to breaking the fast: abstinence from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset.

External obligations (shurut) are divided into three types:

  • Conditions of obligation (shurut wujub).
  • Conditions for fulfilling obligations (shurut adai wujub).
  • Conditions for correct execution (shurut sykha).

Conditions of the obligation:

  1. Islam. As is known, fasting is worship for the sake of Allah Almighty, which means that the fasting person is required to be a Muslim and show his submission to Allah and fast for the sake of His face. Fasting is not accepted until a person fasts for the sake of the One Almighty Allah.
  2. Intelligence.
  3. Coming of age. These conditions are also mandatory for fasting. In Islam, a child or a madman is not legally capable, they are not required to comply with the canons of Islam, but it should be noted that if the child fasts, then the reward will be recorded for both the child and the parents. It is advisable to teach children to fast from the age of seven, but they should be forced to fast when they reach ten years of age. The basis is the words of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace: “Teach your children to prayer by the age of seven and beat (force) them when they reach ten years.” Sunun Dar Qutani Making a comparison to prayer, Islamic scholars say that the same situation applies to fasting.
  4. Knowledge of the onset of the month of Ramadan. Ignorance in Islam has significance for the forgiveness of sins and the removal of obligations.

Conditions for fulfilling the obligation:

This point differs from the previous one in that those listed above are not required to observe fasting at all, and these two categories are obliged to observe fasting in principle, but are not obliged in this provision, but have the right to observe fasting.

  1. Be healthy to fast
  2. Not to be on the road (that is, not to be a traveler). These two conditions for allowing breaking the fast are mentioned in the Qur'an in Surah al-Baqarah in verse 184: "Whoever among you is sick or on a journey for a number of other days."

Conditions for correct execution:

Failure to comply with these conditions leads to breaking the fast.

  1. Intention for fasting. As the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Every deed is by intention.” Hadith cited by Al-Bukhari No. 1. It is enough to make an intention to fast in Ramadan at the beginning of the month. Even if one does not intend to do Ramadan, the fast will still be considered as if one were holding Ramadan.
  2. A woman needs to be clean from menstrual and postpartum bleeding. Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “During menstruation and postpartum bleeding, we left fasting and prayer, and only made up for fasting.” The hadith is reported by Imam Muslim No. 335;
  3. It is necessary to refrain from actions that spoil the fast.

Desirable actions during fasting:

  1. Taking "suhoor" (ed. - breakfast of a fasting person before dawn. As transmitted from the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace: "Eat before dawn, truly in suhoor there is grace (barakat)." The hadith is reported by al-Bukhari;
  2. Do not delay breaking the fast (ed. - iftar). The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “People will be in good health as long as they rush to break their fast.” Hadith reported by al-Bukhari;
  3. Avoid actions that may later lead to breaking the fast (such as long swims in the pool, bloodletting, tasting food while cooking, gargling;
  4. Feed those who are fasting. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever feeds a fasting person, his reward is similar to the reward of the fasting person whom he fed, and the reward of that fasting person will not be diminished.” This hadith is reported by at-Tirmidhi in the book “Targhib and Tarhib”;
  5. Do not begin fasting in a defiled state. And in case of desecration, it is advisable to bathe before dawn;
  6. Pronunciation of dug when breaking the fast (ed. - iftar): "Allahumma lakya sumtu wa ala rizkykya aftartu wa alaika tawakkaltu wa bikya amyantu fagfirli ma kaddamtu wa ma akhhartu";
  7. Restrain the tongue from unnecessary words and parts of the body from unnecessary actions (such as idle talk, watching TV). Here we are talking about empty deeds; as for prohibited deeds, leaving them is obligatory, such as, for example, spreading slander, lying;
  8. Do more good deeds. The reward for good deeds during the month of Ramadan increases up to 70 times;
  9. Constant reading of the Quran and remembrance of Allah;
  10. Observance of “Igtikaf” (ed. - being in the mosque), especially in the last ten days. Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in the last 10 days worshiped in a way that he never worshiped in ordinary times." The hadith is given in the Collection of Muslim No. 1175;
  11. Frequent pronunciation of the word “Allahumma innakya afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fagfu anni”, which means, “O Allah, verily you are Forgiving and you love to forgive, so forgive me!”
  12. Waiting for the night of Predestination.

Secondary actions, in the observance of which there is neither sin nor reward:

  1. Kisses if the person controls himself. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) kissed his wife while fasting. The hadith is cited by al-Bukhari and Muslim;
  2. Application of antimony and incense;
  3. Brushing teeth, using miswak. “As reported from the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, he constantly used miswak during fasting.” This hadith is reported by at-Tirmidhi;
  4. Rinse mouth and nose;
  5. A short swim. "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) bathed from defilement while fasting." This hadith is reported by al-Bukhari, Muslim;
  6. Involuntary entry of snow or dust into the mouth;
  7. Unintentional vomiting;
  8. Smell the smells.

Provisions that are reasons for allowing a person to break his fast:

  1. Disease. If fasting is the reason for stopping treatment or intensifying the disease;
  2. A path whose distance is more than 89 kilometers. A person becomes a traveler from the moment he leaves the locality in which he lived. If a person began to fast and if he had to go on a journey during the day, then he is strictly forbidden to break the fast on that day. A traveler is allowed to fast during the journey if he is confident in himself and it does not cause him any inconvenience. This is indicated by the verse of the Koran: “And whoever of you is sick or is on a journey for that number of other days.” Surah al-Baqarah 184 verses;
  3. Pregnancy and breastfeeding if there is a threat to the baby's health. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Truly, Allah Almighty has removed the obligation of fasting for the traveler and shortened the prayer, and He has also removed the obligation of fasting from pregnant and lactating women.” Narrated by Imam Ahmad, "Ashab Sunnan" book Nailul-Avtar;
  4. Frailty due to old age, incurable disease, disability. All scientists are unanimous in this law. Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said regarding the words of Allah, “And for those who are able to do this, there is a ransom of feeding the poor.” Surah al-Baqarah 184 verse: “These verses concern old infirm people who cannot fast. for breaking the fast, they must feed one poor person for each missed day." This hadith is reported by al-Bukhari;
  5. Coercion that does not depend on the person himself.

Undesirable actions during fasting:

  1. Taste food;
  2. Chewing something;
  3. Kisses if a person cannot control himself;
  4. Performing actions that lead to weakness of the body and can cause a violation of fasting, such as donating blood during fasting;
  5. “United fast” is fasting for two days or more consecutively without breaking the fast in between. Messenger. Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, fasted for several days in a row and did not break his fast. His companions also fasted and the messenger. Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, forbade them. Then the messenger. Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “I am not like you, truly Allah feeds me and gives me water.” Hadith cited by Bukhari and Muslim Nailul Avtar;
  6. Gargling;
  7. Wasting time on empty talk.

Prohibited actions are actions that violate fasting; they are divided into two types:

Actions that violate fasting and require replenishment and compensation (60 days of continuous fasting for one broken day in the month of Ramadan).

There are two such violations:

  • Intentional eating during fasting. If a fasting person takes food out of forgetfulness, then his fast is not broken. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever eats or drinks during fasting out of forgetfulness, then let him not break his fast - truly Allah has fed and given him something to drink.” The hadith is reported by al-Bukhari No. 1831 and Muslim No. 1155;
  • Intentional sexual intercourse during fasting. When one Bedouin had sexual intercourse with his wife, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ordered him to free the slave, and if not, then fast for 60 days continuously, and if he cannot, then feed 60 poor people. Hadith reported by Al Jamaga, Nailul Avtar

Actions that violate fasting and require only replenishment (1 day of fasting for 1 broken day in the month of Ramadan). There are more than 75 (seventy-five) such violations, but they can be arranged in three rules:

  • Swallowing something that is not food or medicine, such as a button;
  • Taking food or medicine according to the above provisions, allowing breaking the fast, for example, in case of illness. Mistakenly swallowing water during ablution, making a mistake in breaking the fast (eating food, thinking that the sun has set, but it has not), deliberate vomiting;
  • Incomplete sexual intercourse (when two genital organs do not touch each other), such as the release of sperm when touching the wife.


Hazrat salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh! Could you elaborate on the reasons for not fasting? It’s quite difficult for me to keep a fast, I ask you to list the points when I have the right not to keep a fast, I have health problems and a hard job - assistant secretary, the boss constantly yells, I often make tea for him and it’s quite difficult to keep a fast. (Aminych)


In the name of Allah, Merciful to everyone in this world, and in the next world, Merciful only to believers.

As-Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!

In the religion of Islam, one of the main principles is lightness. Allah Almighty says in the Quran: “Allah does not impose on a person beyond his capabilities” (al-Baqarah, 2/286). “Allah desires ease for you and does not desire difficulty for you” (al-Baqarah, 2/185).

Special cases where fasting may not be observed include:

  1. Disease. Those people who, due to illness, are not able to fast throughout the month of Ramadan, as well as those who fear that fasting may lead to an increase in their illness, can postpone the fast to another time. In this case, it is not the patient’s personal concerns that are taken into account, but the recommendations of a specialist doctor. After a person recovers, he will have to make up for the missed days of fasting. The permission not to fast in this situation is based on the following verse: “And if anyone is sick or on a journey, then let him fast for the same number of days at another time” (al-Baqarah, 2/185).
  2. Journey. From the point of view of religion, a traveler is considered a person who sets off on a journey at a distance of at least 90 km and stays at the destination for no more than 15 days - according to the Hanafi madhhab, or no more than 4 days - according to the Shafi'i madhhab (Shirazi, II, 590 ).

Anyone who travels during Ramadan need not fast. However, if a person went on a journey after dawn, that is, having begun the fast of that day, then in this case he cannot break it and must continue to fast until the evening. But if a person nevertheless breaks this fast, then he will only have to make up for the missed day and should not make atonement (Mavsili, I, 134).

Days of fasting missed due to travel are made up after the end of the month of Ramadan. The above verse of the Quran clearly states this.

  1. Pregnancy. Pregnant women may also not fast if they are afraid of harming the child (Tirmidhi, Saum, 21). The missed days are then reimbursed as debt.
  2. Lactation. Breastfeeding women, as well as pregnant women, if they fear that the milk may disappear and the child will be left without nutrition, may not fast. They then make up the missed days as debt. In this situation, it does not matter whether the woman breastfeeds her own child or someone else’s.
  3. Old age. Old people whose age no longer allows them to fast may also not keep it. For each missed day of fasting, they give a ransom in the amount of fitr sadaq. The Koran says the following about this: “And those who find it difficult to fast should feed the poor as an atonement” (al-Baqarah, 2/184).
  4. Unbearable hunger or thirst. If the health of a person observing a fast is in danger due to unbearable hunger or thirst, then he can break the fast. In this situation, the degree of danger is determined by the experience or opinion of a medical specialist (Muslim).

And Allah knows best.

Mufti Ildus Faizov

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