How long does it take for exes to return? Why do men leave and return? When and why men return after a breakup: psychology

I take care of my homeland, live and relax abroad..... Reply with quotation Up ▲

  • 01/05/2010, 00:48 #4 After any, and after a year it happened. Reply with quotation Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 00:51 #5 Ex-husband. In two years. When I found out that I was having an affair. Well, just think, well, he died, he wouldn’t have died from such and such a life... (c) Reply with quotation Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 01:59 #6 after 11 years…… Reply with quotation Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 03:01 #7 it usually depends on how quickly a man manages to find a new sexual partner, of course it also depends on whose initiative they broke up... in my relationships I am usually the initiator of breakups and the statistics are as follows - they begin to return in about a month . But I understand your situation is different? not you him, but he you? Then oh. may not come back at all...

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For example, a woman does not suit him in bed, she cooks poorly or is too intrusive, she stops taking care of herself or taking care of her husband. Hence the anecdotal “darling, you are the best, today I was convinced of this once again.” Or maybe he has not yet fully matured, and therefore is not entirely confident in himself and the correctness of his choice, and is simply afraid to connect his life with one single woman? Women's nature is different.

One ironic folk saying very aptly characterizes this difference: “a man wants the same thing from many women, a woman wants a lot from the same man.” some sent them away and that was the end of it. I was wondering how it was for you. girls. After a divorce or after a serious relationship. well, or after (God forbid) he left for someone else. YOUR man showed up after a while. and if so. then after what time and how exactly he did it.

How long did it take for them to return to you?

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  • 01/05/2010, 14:45 #15 And they returned to me, and I returned. There was always a painful feeling that they left too early, that they didn’t love me. And then I realized that if you were once loved, then it is impossible to love to the end.
    At least this is the case with me - not a single marriage, not a single story ends due to indifference or anger, or some other nasty thing. The hunger for each other, unfortunately, remains forever, and is acute, and can catch up in years. In general, these returns are a dangerous and very sad topic.
    Everyone is terribly dear. I love mine (each one) very much. Reply with quotation Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 14:53 #16 Ptashkano, as I understand it, your situation is different? not you him, but he you? It’s somehow not clear to me who is who and why.

How long does it take for ex-husbands to start trying to get their family back?

You're burning, diamond!

  • 01/05/2010, 10:24 #13 Message from Sharon Stone they come back exactly when they become “former” A controversial point.)) Why do people believe that they have the right to destroy other people's lives? Leaving, offending, not calling, throwing words to the wind... Are you, Gods, to decide who should suffer and who should live happily? If you already said “I love”, then be kind enough to love until your last breath. If you said “I promise,” then break into pieces, but keep your promise. If you said “I won’t let you go,” then do everything to stay.
    Otherwise, what is the point of living if every word you say is equal to zero and has no meaning? © Ivan Okhlobystin Reply with quotation Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 13:19 #14 Message from Ger Finita la comedy. Back - no, no.

To whom did ex-husbands return from their mistresses and after what time?

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  • 01/05/2010, 15:34 #18 Message from Ger I take care of our good relationship with my friend, which is significantly different from the one I had, and I like it much more. Why should I return? The relationship with a friend will deteriorate and again the memories will come flooding back and you will want completion of what was not completed with your wife. Your condition is generally very unstable. Reply with quotation Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 15:37 #19 Message from Call Did it ever happen that you never, ever got in touch again? Some tried to get in touch, but there were no comebacks.

what I don’t remember didn’t happen Reply with quotation Up ▲
  • 01/05/2010, 15:43 #20 Message from Call to renew the relationship I didn’t get anything good as a result of resuscitation.
  • Men always come back


    If we face the truth, sexual relationships really play a huge role in every person’s life. How long does it take for ex-husbands to return? - Sometimes you hear: “He left for someone else, then came back, she left, went for a walk, came back...”, the specialist argues. - Few people think that behind these events there is a serious human drama. It's not just that people come and go. And who knows what mental strength it might cost a former partner to forgive betrayal? A very common problem with which people turn to a psychologist, according to Olga Mshanskaya, is precisely the inability to rebuild a relationship with a former partner who has returned or wants to return.

    Do ex-husbands return to their wives after divorce?

    Interested in others' experiences. How long after a quarrel / leaving / talking about breaking up / just silently disappearing did men try to get in touch and renew the relationship? Reply with quotation Up ▲

    • Interesting on Boots for all occasions How to understand that your husband wants a divorce Her Majesty pasta
    • 01/04/2010, 22:20 #2 Call, It depends on the circumstances, in fact, if it’s just a silent disappearance, maybe it won’t appear at all. But if it seriously depends on how they melted away and the reasons, God died (c) NietzscheNietzsche died (c) God of God (c) Death Reply with quotation Up ▲
    • 01/05/2010, 00:41 #3 Message from Call Interested in the experience of others. How long after a quarrel / leaving / talking about breaking up / just silently disappearing did men try to get in touch and renew the relationship? From 2 hours to 2 months or never.

    Have your exes come back to you?

    How often, looking back, we note that a personal tragedy followed one of those scenarios that, years later, even seem hackneyed to us. One of them is as old as time: men return to their exes. He left, and in an instant a wave of resentment made him hateful.


    Then, for some reason, I remembered only good things, but vague flashes of desire for revenge flared up in my soul. Later, the hatred passed, but pain and longing for the beloved remained. The bad has disappeared from your memory, and it seems to you that such wonderful moments as with him will never happen again.

    You start to blame yourself and continue to wait for him, maybe because you’re just used to waiting. The men who come into your life do not pass the test of being “like him.” And you do not allow happiness into your life, perhaps quite consciously.

    Maybe you are making attempts to get him back, but they have not yet been successful.

    Practical forum about true love

    You can’t step into the same river twice, and for some reason the river doesn’t become cleaner or warmer over time. It’s better to start a new relationship than to return an old one. You will drag bags of old grievances with you through life Reply with quotation Up ▲

    • 01/05/2010, 16:13 #21 Message from Arabesque It is better to start a new relationship than to return an old one. absolutely exactly.!!died like that, died) life is like a pie - you never guess which side the jam will come out from :)) victory loves precise calculation! Reply with quotation Up ▲
    • 01/05/2010, 04:22 pm #22 Message from Arabesque You can’t step into the same river twice, and for some reason the river doesn’t become cleaner or warmer over time. It’s better to start a new relationship than to return an old one.

    Reply with quotation Up ▲

    • 01/05/2010, 09:54 #11 Message from Call How long after the quarrel/leaving/talk about breaking up/simply silent disappearance did men try to get in touch and renew the relationship? He-he-he... I tried for five years in a row... Until I arranged my personal life. And now - that's it. No “attempts to restart.” Finita la comedy.
      Back - no, no. Is everything done for the better? Sure? Well, well... Reply with quotation Up ▲
    • 01/05/2010, 10:15 #12 As experience shows, they return precisely when they become “former.” That is, when they have not given up. That is, at all. And in absolute time units, this can be in an hour, and through life.

    To whom did ex-husbands return and after what time?

    General I forget, and the next day, again thinking only about him, I probably would have forgiven everything if I had come. Who have husbands left for a long period, and then returned??? Options: Less than 6 months 33 (51.56%) more than 3 years 14 (21.88%) 1 year - 3 years 10 (15.63%) 6-12 months 7 (10.94%) Total votes: 64 July 21, 2013 at 2:29 pm Reply in topics on Sovetchitsa are only available to registered users.

    How often, looking back, we note that a personal tragedy followed one of those scenarios that, years later, even seem hackneyed to us. One of them is as old as time: men return to their exes.

    He left, and in an instant a wave of resentment made him hateful. Then, for some reason, I remembered only good things, but vague flashes of desire for revenge flared up in my soul. Later, the hatred passed, but pain and longing for the beloved remained. The bad has disappeared from your memory, and it seems to you that such wonderful moments as with him will never happen again. You start to blame yourself and continue to wait for him, maybe because you’re just used to waiting. The men who come into your life do not pass the test of being “like him.” And you do not allow happiness into your life, perhaps quite consciously. Maybe you are making attempts to get him back, but they have not yet been successful.

    And finally, you feel that life begins to bring joy. You begin to be inspired by the looks of strangers, and you spread your wings. You meet a new man. You hear the familiar notes of love in your heart. And suddenly he appears...

    Why do men return to their exes, and why is their psychology such that they choose the most inopportune moment for this. As in the song: “I will stop waiting for you, and you will come... quite suddenly.”

    Why do men always come back?

    Well, first of all, let's start with the fact that it's not always the case. But often. First we need to understand why men leave us, and only then why they come back.

    Perhaps your relationship is reaching the point where he no longer feels like a man. The way he was for you at the beginning of the relationship. You are no longer admired (and perhaps even annoyed) by his sense of humor; you perceive it as a necessary appendage in your life. You don’t try to look in front of him like you just left a beauty salon. And then he meets the one who is in awe of his jokes, the one who is always cheerful and well-groomed. A man is passionate, he feels needed, loved. And he goes where he is welcome, where life is not overshadowed by scandals and everyday life.

    How long does it take for men to return in this case? As a rule, as soon as the bouquet and candy period with a new passion ends. When he discovers that his jokes are no longer as funny, and scandals happen more and more often. Why is this happening? Because we tend to choose a certain type of person that matches our worldview. And the ex begins to remember you, and his memories are often colored in warm colors. Then, having rushed about, the man often returns to the family.

    In what other cases do our men return? Let's look at this example.

    Perhaps you sacrificed yourself at the altar of your family. She took care of her husband like a small child. I forgot about myself. In such cases, a man is very tempted to behave like a small child. Taking what is prohibited. To brush aside the annoying, in their opinion, overprotection. And so the husband left. Because he is independent. Needless to say, how long it takes for men to return in such a scenario. Of course, as soon as they feel that they do not have enough warmth and care. Few women will give so much care at the beginning of a relationship. Firstly, the child went to evil, to prove that he was an adult and was looking for a woman who would perceive him that way. Secondly, women, as a rule, first seek care from their significant other.

    It happens, of course, that a man is overwhelmed by passion or love. You were an example of the best wife in the world, and now you are left with nothing. Do men often return to ideal wives? Yes. But, unfortunately, their ideality is sometimes a deterrent. Many begin to humiliate their wife, trying to prove to the whole world and to themselves that they have more strength and power. Whether it is worth accepting such a man if he returns to the family is up to you to decide...

    What we have, we don’t keep; when we lose it, we cry.” In the male community, returning to a wife is often secretly frowned upon; it is considered a sign of weakness, which is why many men never dare to return, although they suffer from depression and longing for their family. Pavlov's Dog Do we often think about how important the established order of things is for us? Men quickly get used to the way of life established in the family. Next to his wife, it is easier and clearer for him, he knows what will lead to praise and what can lead to conflict. The wife becomes a “life friend” about whom the husband knows almost everything (and who knows him just as well).

    Men always come back

    Interested in others' experiences. How long after a quarrel / leaving / talking about breaking up / just silently disappearing did men try to get in touch and renew the relationship? Reply with quotation Up ▲

    • Interesting on Boots for all occasions How to understand that your husband wants a divorce Her Majesty pasta
    • 01/04/2010, 22:20 #2 Call, It depends on the circumstances, in fact, if it’s just a silent disappearance, maybe it won’t appear at all. But if it seriously depends on how they melted away and the reasons, God died (c) NietzscheNietzsche died (c) God of God (c) Death Reply with quotation Up ▲
    • 01/05/2010, 00:41 #3 Message from Call Interested in the experience of others. How long after a quarrel / leaving / talking about breaking up / just silently disappearing did men try to get in touch and renew the relationship? From 2 hours to 2 months or never.

    Do ex-husbands return to their wives after divorce?

    Are you ready to spend the best years of your life with a man who sees you not as the woman he loves, but as a housekeeper, sponsor or relative of an important boss? If you are firm in your decision to get back together with your ex, then you should take several steps:

    1. Respect yourself. Do not humiliate yourself in front of your husband, do not cry or beg.
    2. Change, at least a little.

    Get a new haircut, sign up for a fitness class, treat yourself. Show your husband that you are a beautiful woman who attracts attention and who you want to be with.
  • Take your time.

    Give your husband time to think. Talk to him politely, friendly, ask how things are going, offer help (but everything in moderation).

  • Don't blame yourself for what happened.
  • Why do men come back?

    He is ready to try to start over, but he is not sure whether his ex-wife will want this. He takes a wait-and-see attitude. He needs time to prepare for a responsible conversation with his wife. If a man has left for another woman, then over time he begins to compare his wife and his mistress.
    He develops a feeling of confusion and nostalgia, especially if he has been married for several decades. A man comes to understand how much he loves his wife and children.


    He finds it unpleasant to hear his relatives and friends talk about his ridiculous act. 3 When does the spouse decide to return? After a year and a half, the man becomes a hostage to his new position. In family psychology, this period is usually called the “seventeenth month syndrome.”

    This stage is characterized by the appearance of sexual disorders, depression, and decreased interest in life.

    How long does it take for ex-husbands to start trying to get their family back?

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    • 01/05/2010, 14:45 #15 And they returned to me, and I returned. There was always a painful feeling that they left too early, that they didn’t love me.

      And then I realized that if you were once loved, then it is impossible to love to the end. At least this is the case with me - not a single marriage, not a single story ends due to indifference or anger, or some other nasty thing.
      The hunger for each other, unfortunately, remains forever, and is acute, and can catch up in years. In general, these returns are a dangerous and very sad topic.
      Everyone is terribly dear. I love mine (each one) very much. Reply with quotation Up ▲

    • 01/05/2010, 14:53 #16 Ptashkano, as I understand it, your situation is different? not you him, but he you? It’s somehow not clear to me who is who and why.

    Let's drink coffee and raise our power! (c) Reply with quotation Up ▲

    • 01/05/2010, 05:59 pm #24 Message from Sharon Stone As experience shows, they return precisely when they become “former.” That is, when they have not given up. That is, at all. And in absolute time units, this can be and in an hour, and through life. PPKS….Unfortunately, many friends have started getting divorced lately, but the trend is obvious.

      Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom (c) Terry Pratchett Reply with quotation Top ▲

    • 01/05/2010, 20:06 #25 Message from Stripes The hunger for each other, unfortunately, remains forever, and acute, and it can catch up with PPKS in years, and it’s the same for me. There are 2 people - very close, and I still love both of them (secretly). But this is about those with whom there were truly strong feelings.

    When do husbands return? how long do you need to wait?

    I take care of my homeland, live and relax abroad..... Reply with quotation Up ▲

    • 01/05/2010, 00:48 #4 After any, and after a year it happened. Reply with quotation Up ▲
    • 01/05/2010, 00:51 #5 Ex-husband.
      In two years. When I found out that I was having an affair. Well, just think, well, he died, he wouldn’t have died from such and such a life... (c) Reply with quotation Up ▲
    • 01/05/2010, 01:59 #6 after 11 years…… Reply with quotation Up ▲
    • 01/05/2010, 03:01 #7 it usually depends on how quickly a man manages to find a new sexual partner, of course it also depends on whose initiative they broke up... in my relationships I am usually the initiator of breakups and the statistics are as follows - they begin to return in about a month .
      But I understand your situation is different? not you him, but he you? Then oh. may not come back at all...

    Do husbands return to their ex-wives after divorce?


    It becomes almost impossible to maintain peace and harmonious relations between spouses in such an environment.2 Behavior of a married couple after a divorce Women experience a breakup much more difficult, especially in a situation where there are children and if financial problems arise. They worry about whether they will be able to put the child on his feet and provide himself and him with everything he needs.

    Even if a woman herself kicked out her husband and is angry with him, she hopes that her husband will return, ask for an apology and everything will work out. But, unfortunately, this does not happen. However, after some time, a woman begins to take care of her own appearance, visits a beauty salon and a gym, updates her wardrobe, changes her hairstyle and makeup, and makes new acquaintances. She feels quite happy without her husband.

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    How often, looking back, we note that a personal tragedy followed one of those scenarios that, years later, even seem hackneyed to us. One of them is as old as time: men return to their exes.
    He left, and in an instant a wave of resentment made him hateful. Then, for some reason, I remembered only good things, but vague flashes of desire for revenge flared up in my soul. Later, the hatred passed, but pain and longing for the beloved remained. The bad has disappeared from your memory, and it seems to you that such wonderful moments as with him will never happen again.

    You start to blame yourself and continue to wait for him, maybe because you’re just used to waiting. The men who come into your life do not pass the test of being “like him.”

    And you do not allow happiness into your life, perhaps quite consciously. Maybe you are making attempts to get him back, but they have not yet been successful.
    In the first months after a divorce, regardless of who initiated the divorce, the ex-husband enjoys his freedom. The psychology of men is such that at this time almost no one returns back to the family.

    They find many positive aspects in breaking up with their ex-wife. Nobody asks about your salary, you can meet and drink beer with friends as much as you like, meet new girls.

    If a husband left his wife for his mistress, then he enjoys the relationship with her and believes that he did absolutely the right thing. But sometimes, having received the long-awaited freedom, a man begins to bother his ex-wife with endless calls, reproaches, and plays on her feelings. Some people try to offer their help when the woman does not ask for it, they try to find a reason for meetings. The ex-husband seems to be trying to sit on two chairs at the same time.

    Statistics on how long it takes for men to return

    In these cases, men often choose a drastic solution - divorce. However, if the marriage is married, then divorce is virtually impossible for a believing man, only in the event of his wife’s betrayal. According to psychologists, a man experiences divorce more easily than a woman. They have virtually no “post-divorce syndrome,” when separation from their wife is acutely experienced. However, the much-desired new life that men who decide to get a divorce strive for often disappoints their expectations. Sometimes after a divorce, not even six months have passed before the ex-husband begins trying to return to his wife. Sometimes people leave for ex-wives from new families: there all the difficult stages of family life need to be gone through again, whereas in the old family much has been settled long ago and each other’s habits have been studied. Only after leaving their family and returning to a single life do many men realize how much they loved their wife and children.

    It is unlikely that anyone today will argue with the fact that how much more convenient they have made our daily lives bank plastic cards. But even here it is not without its nuances.

    For example, you can always be faced with the need to return money for the purchase of a product that did not suit you or turned out to be defective, and at the same time you find out that, unfortunately, it will not be possible to do this instantly.

    Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

    If you want to know how to solve exactly your problem - contact the online consultant form on the right or call free consultation:

    How long will you have to wait to get your personal funds back? if you paid for an item you were not satisfied with using a bank card?

    Conditions and grounds

    It should be remembered that it is possible to issue a refund for an unsuccessful purchase, but you can contact the store exclusively plastic card holder.

    Therefore, when purchasing any new product, do not immediately put it aside, but carefully consider, test and check it in action. And, if you are not satisfied with something, do not hesitate to return this product back.

    When visiting a store you should have with you:

    • passport;
    • two receipts for the purchase: a cash receipt from a fiscal device and a receipt for withdrawing money from a bank device;
    • payment bank card.

    What to do if the check is lost?

    According to Russian law, you have the right to return the goods, but for this you will definitely need witnesses who can confirm the accomplished fact of the transaction (if necessary, in court).

    It's best if they are not your close relatives.

    What if the deadlines are delayed?

    How many days does it take for money to be returned to the card? If the funds are not returned for a long time, what should I do? Sometimes it happens that at one of the stages of the refund annoying errors occur and the money is not returned to the buyer within the time period specified by law.

    In this case, you can try to resolve the problem yourself by contacting the store and the bank with the relevant claims, or you can apply for collection of funds.

    It all depends on how determined you are and how long you are actually willing to wait for your money to be returned.

    Please be aware that return periods in case of translation error can reach 140-160 days.

    Receiving funds when returning goods already paid for by credit card is a process that, depending on various conditions, can take only a few days, and may take several months and cost the buyer a lot of nerves, sleepless nights and personal time.

    Therefore, when purchasing any product using a card, try to carefully examine and evaluate it, so that in the future I didn’t have to arrange a long multi-step quest for myself for the return of the money paid for it.

    Why, after breaking up with a woman, some men return some time later and try to start all over again?

    But first, a small digression. Many girls, especially those who are experiencing a breakup for the first time, are for some reason convinced that the man must return.

    People often come to me and ask something like this: “ How long does it take for ex-boyfriends to come back?».

    Why do such questions arise? Oddly enough, this is mainly a consequence of attempts to console the girl who was left by the guy. Older or “more experienced” friends try to ease the girl’s plight and say something like: “Don’t be upset, he’s not going anywhere. As he left, so he will come back,” “All men come back,” etc.

    A girl who encounters her for the first time is ready to believe in anything. Therefore, she begins to wait for her boyfriend to return to her again. Days, weeks, months pass, and he does not return. After this, the girl frantically searches for information on the Internet to find out “the exact or approximate timing of the return of her ex-boyfriend.”

    But she doesn't understand the naivety of her question, because according to statistics, such returns are the exception rather than the rule, and they are very rare.

    Having not found an answer, the girl continues to wait, depriving herself of the opportunity to move on and build new relationships. It is sad.

    Let’s finish the digression and return to the topic of the article.

    Let’s get to the answer to the question “Why do ex-boyfriends come back?” in a business way. Any romantic relationship is a kind of contract drawn up on some specific basis: sexual, financial, emotional, or a combination of all of the above. Failure to fulfill the obligations of one of the parties leads to termination of the contract. And although there are many exceptions, statistically such breakups occur more often in the early stages of a relationship.

    For a variety of reasons, mainly the woman initiates the breakup. If a woman is sure that her self-esteem has been violated by a man (cheating, lying, etc. by a man), then at the initial stage of the relationship, she, as a rule, does not forgive this. Therefore, it acts as the initiative party to “terminate the transaction.” Thus, the relationship ends abruptly and the man is told (in no uncertain terms) that he must leave. After such a breakup, the man’s chances of returning are highest.

    If the initiator of the breakup was a man, then the chances of him returning on his own are almost zero. And although I know the successful results of its use, it requires considerable effort on the part of the woman and remarkable determination.

    And now the million-dollar question: Why, after such a breakup, do some men come back and try to start a relationship with a woman again?

    Why did HE return and what to do about it?

    Let's understand the reasons and what to do if the ex returns? Men learn from their mistakes, but for the most part they do not do it as quickly as women. They come back to try again, but after they have realized something. I must say that such comebacks rarely end well. But the main question still remains - why do they come back? There are several explanations for this phenomenon:

    1Unforgettable sex. No man can refuse good sex. If he felt good with a woman physically, this can serve as a very serious incentive to return.

    It all depends on whether the woman will be able to separate the physiology from the emotional and moral aspects, which she will miss as much as during the first attempt?

    2Rethinking behavior. When it comes to relationships, most men learn empirically (from their own experience). After making enough mistakes, they may eventually change some aspects of their behavior and try to get back to basics, but better prepared. If a man has made a bunch of mistakes in a relationship, but is not indifferent to a woman and feels some kind of connection with her, he is quite capable of trying to return to the “second round”.

    It should be noted that the relationship dynamics will usually remain the same as they were in the first attempt. After all, if you take something out of the refrigerator and find it has gone bad, you throw it away. I hope you don't have the idea of ​​putting it back in the fridge in the hope that it will be fresh for tomorrow? In this case it’s about the same – it’s still better to “throw it away”.

    3He's lonely again. Men, once again left alone, usually try to reconnect with their former girlfriends. The reasons may be different, but they are all basically already mentioned above. It usually starts with an innocent phone call, SMS or email. Using these simple techniques, a man “tests the waters” and tries to determine, based on the woman’s reaction, whether something is “shine” for him or “not shining.”

    Although some relapse relationships can work out well, women need to approach rekindling an old romance very carefully. If the man really hasn't changed fundamentally, you run the risk of starting right where you left off. Always remember why your relationship didn’t work out the first time.

    FROM THE AUTHOR: My responses in the comments are the opinion of an individual and not the advice of a specialist. I’m trying to answer everyone without exception, but unfortunately I don’t physically have time to study long stories, analyze them, ask questions about them and then answer in detail, and I also don’t have the opportunity to accompany your situations, because this requires a huge amount of free time, and I have very little of it.

    In this regard, I kindly ask you to ask specific questions on the topic of the article, and do not expect that I will advise in the comments or accompany your situation.

    Of course, you can ignore my request (which many people do), but in this case, be prepared for the fact that I may not answer you. This is not a matter of principle, but solely of time and my physical capabilities. Don't be offended.

    If you want to receive qualified help, please seek advice, and I will devote my time and knowledge to you with full dedication.

    With respect and hope for understanding, Frederica

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