5 feedings at 2 months. Nutrition for a two-month-old bottle-fed baby

The baby is actively growing and exploring everything around him, and all the baby’s organs are improving and developing. The baby already recognizes his mother, gives her his conscious smile and greets her with movements of his whole body. Let's find out what else a two-month-old toddler can do and how parents can help the development of a baby of this age.

Physiological changes

  • By the age of two months, the baby's salivary glands begin to function fully. And although their functioning is not so active as to cause the formation of a large amount of saliva, breastfeeding becomes more comfortable for the baby. In addition, due to tighter contact between the baby’s mouth and mother’s breast, the baby swallows less air, which reduces the occurrence of colic.
  • The baby's digestive system is actively developing. In a two-month-old baby, digestive juices and enzymes are more actively produced, beneficial microflora develops in the intestines, and stool changes.
  • Physiological hypertonicity begins to fade. First, it decreases in the upper extremities, and a little later in the legs. The crawling reflex also disappears - if you place your palm under the feet of a baby lying on his stomach, the child will no longer push off.
  • By two months, the communications that were in the child’s heart during intrauterine development begin to close. Changes also occur in the child’s blood formula.
  • Baby's vision improves– the baby already sees everything better at a distance of 50 centimeters, but the baby’s eyes are not yet able to fix objects that move quickly.
  • A child has at least 6 urinations per day, and the type of feeding a child has affects his bowel movements. A baby receiving mother's milk can defecate from 1 time every few days to 12 times a day, and the frequency of feces in artificial babies is on average 1-4 times a day.

The child begins to develop a daily routine

Physical development

The height and weight of a two-month-old baby can vary greatly. A child can grow 3-5 centimeters in the second month of life or gain only 1 centimeter in height, and this will be normal.

On average, in the second month, children gain about 800 grams of weight, but some toddlers may gain less, while others may gain more. The average increase in chest volume is 2 centimeters, and head circumference is 1.5 centimeters.

If you are in doubt and worried, find out the limit values ​​of the main physical parameters of a child’s development, which we have noted in the table:

Insufficient weight gain (if a 2-month-old boy weighs less than 4.3 kg, and a girl weighs less than 3.9 g) should be a reason to consult a pediatrician. An excessive increase in head circumference should also cause concern - this is a good reason to show the baby to a neurologist to rule out problems with the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid.

Monitor the dynamics of your baby’s development and consult a pediatrician

What can the baby do?

  • The two-month-old baby responds with a conscious smile to his mother’s affectionate speech and games. The range of emotions of a baby becomes very extensive - the baby can be happy, offended, indignant, silently laugh, flirt, attract attention, protest against the actions of an adult.
  • Thanks to improved function of the eye muscles and increased ability to concentrate, the look of a baby of this age has become studying and attentive. The baby recognizes the mother's face and examines it carefully. The baby is also attracted to various bright objects. He fixes his gaze on them both when they are motionless and when they move slowly in space.
  • The baby is already better at recognizing different sounds, at the same time distinguishing the mother’s voice and turning his head towards it.
  • In the tummy position, the baby raises his head more confidently and is able to hold it for about a minute. At the same time, the baby’s shoulder girdle comes off the surface. The baby can hold his head up for just as long when his mother holds him vertically in her arms.
  • The 2-month-old baby's noises have become louder and more frequent. The baby's sounds become clearer. They are predominantly vowels - “e”, “i”, “u”, “o”, “a”.
  • If you place your fingers or toys in the palms of a 2-month-old toddler, the baby will reflexively grab onto them.
  • Lying on its side, the baby has already learned to turn to a position on its back.
  • The child began to understand some connections between cause and effect. For example, the baby has already realized that his crying causes his mother to appear nearby. At this age, the baby still uses crying to inform his parents about any discomfort.

At 2 months the baby is already smiling consciously

Development activities

To stimulate the physical development of the baby, parents should use:

  • Massage and light exercises.
  • Air baths. The baby should be placed on the changing table and completely undressed, leaving him lying naked. Start with 1 minute of such a bath, and then gradually increase the duration to 10 minutes.
  • Walks in the fresh air for 2-4 hours daily (duration depends on weather conditions).
  • Frequently placing it on the tummy so that the baby can practice holding his head up.

Carry the baby in your arms, holding him up, showing him the surrounding objects and introducing the baby to other people. Give your baby the opportunity to explore the faces and voices of adults and other children. Provide the opportunity for the baby to explore his own body, as well as his parents’ face by touch.

Many children calm down faster in the upright position

In order for a child to learn to hold objects and improve tactile sensitivity and motor skills, small balls made of different materials (wood, rubber, plastic, etc.) with different weights are regularly placed in his hands. Such balls can be soft and hard, smooth or embossed. You need to place objects in the child’s open palms and get the baby to reflexively grab them. Balls can be tied to ribbons and lowered towards the child, and when the baby grabs objects, pull them towards him, thereby encouraging him to grasp the balls more tightly. The balls can be replaced with sticks (smooth or ribbed) and inserts of different fabrics.

Try to do the exercise “Here is a gift for the baby,” which Tatyana Lazareva shows in the next video.

To develop the baby's hearing, it is worth using quiet classical music, rattles and bells. Lay the baby on his back, take a bell in your hand and, holding it 60-70 centimeters from the baby's chest, make a few rings. After waiting for the sound to die down, make two or three more calls. You can also tie a fishing line to the bell and move it, stimulating the baby to look for the source of the sound with its eyes. Such ear training can be carried out several times a day, but after 3-4 days of training it is worth taking a break for a week.

To stimulate the organ of vision, put on bright clothes for the baby and surround the baby with objects of different colors. Hang bright toys over the baby's crib about 50 centimeters from the child. The baby will not only look at them, but will also begin to try to grab them.

Conduct unique dialogues with the baby, copying the babble of a toddler. The baby will hear himself from the outside and repeat after you, while training articulation and speech. Children also really like it when mom imitates animal sounds (meows, moos).

After introducing your baby to a regular massage, try using objects for this procedure that can be rolled over the baby’s body, for example, smooth sticks, small balls, pencils. If you take a large object for such a massage, roll it only on the baby’s back, and small objects can be used to stroke the toddler’s entire body.

Massage activates brain cells and promotes child development

For “self-massage”, you can scatter cereals (millet, rice, buckwheat, beans) on the changing table and lay the baby on it with its back down. If the baby’s hands are not yet very dexterous and cannot grasp the grains, you can place the baby on the cereal and on the tummy. Moving on such a massaging material, the child will develop tactile sensitivity.

Daily regime

Many babies develop their own daily routine by the age of two months. It is important for parents to take into account the baby’s biorhythms and adjust the main routine moments to suit them (walking, developmental activities, bathing).

A two-month-old baby spends most of the day sleeping. The baby sleeps at night for about 11 hours, and in the daytime 4 times for 1.5-2 hours. It will also be normal if several daytime naps last up to 3 hours, and the rest are very short (half an hour each). Periods of wakefulness at this age are still short. On average there are 4 of them, lasting from 1 to 1.5 hours.

The number of feedings in 2 months is 6-7, and the interval between them is approximately 3 hours. There is no night break in feeding at this age, and during night feeding the baby no longer fully wakes up.


A two-month-old toddler should not be left alone - let the baby always be under the supervision of an adult. When caring for the baby, you need to wash the child every day, wiping his eyes, nose, ears and face. Wash the baby under running water after each fecal discharge and after several urinations.

Daily bathing of a 2-month-old child should last 5 minutes in water at a temperature of 36-37 degrees.

A 2-month-old baby's head is washed two to three times a week.

Various herbs can be added to bathing water.


Breast milk is considered the best food for a 2 month old baby. It provides the baby with the necessary nutrients and changes simultaneously with the growth of the baby. The best option for breastfeeding is called feeding on demand, when the baby is fed as many times as he needs.

The baby can be attached up to four times an hour to suck for a few minutes, and fully feed on mother's milk with an interval of 40 minutes to 2 and a half hours. A two-month-old baby usually always asks for the breast after waking up and while falling asleep. At night, the baby is latched mainly from 3 to 8 am.

Feeding Hours Schedule

There is no hard and fast rule regarding the number or importance of feedings; We reiterate that each infant has its own rhythm and nutritional needs. The role of the mother and health visitor is to identify them and adapt the regime accordingly.

By 4-6 weeks, most infants become accustomed to a regimen of 6 (or even 5) feedings per day. If a baby is breastfed, he gradually increases his milk supply (at each feeding) because he suckles more and more energetically.

A weaned baby also needs gradually larger quantities of milk. Many infants do not yet have regular feeding hours. This often happens due to the mother's fault.

It is not necessary that the intervals between feedings be exactly the same, but it would be necessary to develop a pattern and some regularity regarding feeding hours, at least after 5-6 weeks.

Feeding at night

Many mothers ask when should a baby sleep continuously at night, without night feedings. It is impossible to give a general answer to this question and it cannot be said with certainty that this can be achieved before the second month. Most infants get used to it, and by 6-8 weeks they no longer wake up at night. Some of them first refuse feeding at 11-12 am and only after that from feeding at 2 am.

How can you eliminate night feeding?

Most infants themselves refuse night feeding. The mother should ensure that the evening feeding is satisfying. If the baby is breastfed, he should be allowed to nurse from both breasts. If the mother thinks that with a given feeding the baby could suckle more, she should ask for advice from the local doctor, who will determine whether the baby needs an increase.

What does it mean if a baby sucks during feeding for only a few minutes, and then starts crying again after 2-3 hours?

Maybe he swallowed a lot of air while sucking (and felt temporarily full), or he wasn't satisfied when feeding. If the baby continues to suckle forcefully, it should be applied to the other breast. The next time you feed, you should let her breastfeed in the reverse order.

If, along with these manifestations, during weekly weighing it is determined that the child is not gaining or even losing weight, you should notify the pediatrician and the visiting nurse in order to accurately determine the amount of milk sucked in 24 hours. The increase is given on the advice of a doctor.

How to stop your baby from swallowing too much air

When the baby begins to suckle more slowly, the mother should wean him from the breast and let him burp, and then put him back to the breast. Sucking can be interrupted 2-3 times for burping, if the baby does not protest and then continues to suck.

Both breasts should empty at each feeding

Until milk secretion normalizes, it is recommended that the breasts be emptied several times a day. Thus, the mammary gland is stimulated due to good secretion. If, contrary to expectations, the breast does not empty at one feeding, the remaining milk should be expressed either by hand or with a suction bulb.

What to do if your mother is not at home

In the second month of life, an exclusively breastfed baby, if the mother is ever absent from home, can be given, instead of appropriate breastfeeding, either tea or breast milk expressed in absolute purity, stored in the refrigerator and boiled before giving it to the baby. .

Variations in appetite

The amount of milk your baby takes at each feeding may vary. During the first two feedings, the baby will be hungrier. Variability in appetite is not only normal, but also indicates that the child has his own personal eating rhythm.


The diets prescribed by a pediatrician or given here are for guidance only; the mother should not try to force them on her child. Therefore, if the child is hungry after taking the prescribed portion, there is no reason not to give him the required increase; if, on the other hand, he does not want to accept the amount offered to him, it is useless to contradict him.

If a mother is breastfeeding, she already knows what to do. In the event that she does not have enough milk, she is aware of which of the feedings was insufficient, without having to weigh the baby before and after each feeding.

Usually, the mother has less milk during the third and fourth feedings, in the middle of the day, when, due to morning stress, she becomes tired or loses composure. During these daily feedings it may become necessary to give small but gradually increasing supplements.

A child accustomed to the taste of breast milk and having the strength to suckle at the breast cannot be weaned, even if he receives 1-2 extra milk through a bottle. In turn, the mother is obliged to let him suckle at the breast, even if this milk does not constitute more than one third of the serving.

In addition to its biological value, the milk obtained in this way also has psychological significance. You can refuse breastfeeding only on the advice of a doctor and according to his instructions on what to do in this case.

The child should eat with appetite and pleasure. Breastfeeding and, later, nursing hours are the moments when the baby begins to feel and enjoy the closeness of the mother and her care for him. Knowing that with each breastfeeding, several of his wishes are fulfilled, he learns to trust his mother.

Anxiety or tension in the mother or other family members prevents the child from developing this sense of security and trust.

Feeding the baby should take place in optimal conditions

The mother should wait until the baby is fully awake to start feeding him. Starting from the second month, he shows a desire to eat: he turns his head to the right and left, as if looking for something, moves and stretches his lips, as if trying to suck, and only then begins to cry.

By waiting for the child to ask for food, the mother prevents disturbances in his appetite. If the baby is fed while half asleep, he will suck, but only automatically and “passively”, without the feeling of hunger, without pleasure, without all the excitement that this exceptionally pleasant moment the child spends next to his mother causes.

Thus, there is a risk of interfering with the progressive awakening of appetite, which only occurs as a result of repeated experiences of pleasant feedings and satisfied hunger.

During breastfeeding, the mother should try to be calm and detached from other worries. She should retire to a quiet corner so that the child feels safe and perceives feeding and the presence of the mother as a joyful moment.

The family should try to create favorable material and mental conditions for the mother’s mental balance. In the second month of life, the baby sucks much more energetically and faster.

After feeding, while the mother holds the baby in her arms, pressing her head to her chest on her shoulder, for burping, she should talk to him in a quiet, gentle voice.

After belching, caress, the warmth of the mother's body, her soft voice quickly calm the child, and he falls asleep in a few minutes, after which he is carefully laid on his side, or better yet, on his tummy. For a breastfed baby who is developing normally, it is not necessary to supplement the diet with fruit juices.

For two-month-old babies, mother's breast milk is the best. Despite the usefulness of cow and goat milk, it is still not possible to replace mother’s milk. The nutrition of a child at two months is practically no different. Breast milk has an ideal composition, which includes proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins. If your son or daughter is breastfed and there is enough milk, then it is not necessary to give him water. Water should be given only during the hot season. Those children who are bottle-fed must be given water between feedings. Along with breast milk, in addition to the nutrients necessary for growth, the baby also receives antibodies, hormones, immunoglobulins, and enzymes. This is precisely why a child’s nutrition at 2 months should be natural, because the immune system at this age is still practically undeveloped.

If you give an artificial mixture, it is very important to carry out vitamin correction, especially in the autumn-winter period. You can give a few drops of juice a day and be sure to give vitamin D. Your pediatrician will tell you the dose of vitamin D. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period, when there is not enough sunlight. In the summer, there are enough vitamins, and it is enough for a nursing mother to consume vegetables and fruits.

Baby's diet at 2 months

The child's diet at 2 months includes breast milk, if possible, or artificial milk formula. During this period, mothers often experience inflammatory processes in the mammary glands. The reasons for this may be poor hygiene, improper attachment to the breast, incorrect pumping or incomplete pumping. Formula milk should be introduced into the diet when there is absolutely not enough breast milk and the baby is not gaining weight. If development corresponds to age, enough weight is gained, there is no need to introduce formula. Even if you want to sleep at night, you don’t want to breastfeed for other reasons, try to convince yourself that this is very important and you simply can’t live without it.

A nursing mother should support lactation with good nutrition, daily walks in the fresh air and sufficient rest. At 2 months, you need to continue the principle - breastfeeding on demand and feeding is not limited in duration and number of feedings per day. At this age, children are still defenseless; constant close contact with their mother is very important for them.

Be sure to keep a diary in which you will note the time, date and amount of juices, water, mixture, as well as the nature of stool and urination. Calculation of nutrition is based on body weight; at 1 and 2 months the norm is 1/5 of the weight. And from subsequent months the daily norm decreases, from 2 to 4 months 1/6 of body weight. In any case, the diet and volume of nutrition will depend on health and appetite.

Baby menu at 2 months

There cannot be much variety at this age, but at this age children are more active, so the daily need for milk increases. The baby's menu at 2 months is not particularly different from. If your child is not gaining weight as expected, be sure to consult with your pediatrician. Perhaps for some reason you will stop breastfeeding, then you need to know the exact amount of adapted milk formula.

The first month after the birth of your baby flew by in troubles, worries, and joy. How much the baby can already do. He is already rejoicing in your presence, smiling, making the first sounds when communicating, holding his head. He's already quite big! This means his needs have “matured”! Some parents are at a loss as to whether they are raising and feeding their baby correctly. Don't be afraid. If you love your child, then everything is fine. Now there is a lot of information that will help you cope with these pleasant chores. And we will tell you about feeding a baby at 2 months.

What is needed for proper feeding

You probably know that your baby gains weight every month. By the end of the second month, the baby gains about 800 grams and is about 2.5 centimeters in height. Breast milk remains the main food for the baby. Nothing can completely replace this product, which is exceptional in its benefits. As your baby grows, the composition of breast milk changes amazingly, quantitatively and qualitatively, to suit your baby's specific needs. This means that for a two-month-old baby, mother's milk is the ideal nutrition.

Feeding a baby at 2 months is carried out, as before, on demand. There is no need to impose your own rules on your child. From coercion, the baby can become nervous, eat little or, on the contrary, eat more than normal, feeling constant hunger. It takes 3.5 – 4 hours for a child to digest the food he eats. After which he himself will remind you that it is time to feed him. In this order, a two-month-old child feeds 6 times a day, sucking approximately 800 grams of breast milk. When feeding, do not rush to wean your baby off the breast. The last portions of breast milk contain the most nutrients.

Most likely, your baby is already unaccustomed to night feedings. If this is not the case, continue to feed him at night as required. Remember that feeding between 4 and 6 am increases lactation.

In hot weather or after bathing, you can give your child some clean boiled water to maintain the body’s water balance. You need to give your baby water from a spoon to maintain the sucking reflex from the chest.

If there is not enough milk when feeding a 2 month old baby

Don't panic if it suddenly turns out that your baby doesn't have enough breast milk. Check your diet first. A nursing mother must consume about 100 g of cottage cheese, about 200 g of lean meat, milk and fermented milk products every day. If the mother does not suffer from allergies and the child does not have diathesis, you can eat walnuts with honey in limited quantities to increase lactation.

If your diet does not solve the problem of feeding a 2-month-old baby, try adding fruit juices to your baby's diet. You should start giving them with two to three drops after feeding. By the end of the second month, you can try offering your baby fruit puree. It is advisable to prepare juices and purees yourself. Prepared with love and care by mother's hands, they will be an excellent addition to the baby's diet. For juices and fruit purees, you can use black currants, apples, and pears. You should also add half a teaspoon of puree to your diet.

Feeding a 2 month old baby with artificial feeding

When a child is bottle-fed, everything is a little more complicated. When breastfeeding, the baby consumes as much milk as he wants and the excess does not harm him. When feeding a 2-month-old baby with formula milk, you must strictly follow the recommendations of your pediatrician. It is more difficult for a child’s stomach to digest artificial formulas, and if he overeats, the digestive juices may not be able to cope with this work.

Continue giving your baby acidophilus or adapted formulas. If there are none, you can prepare mixtures of cereal decoctions and sugar in cow's milk. Together with cereal decoctions, cow's milk is easier to digest. Decoctions of buckwheat, rice, and oatmeal are good. Just remember that oatmeal weakens, rice strengthens, and buckwheat is neutral.

Introduce kefir into your diet. It is better to take it in the children's kitchen. If there is no dairy kitchen in your immediate environment, make kefir yourself. The procedure is not complicated. Do not give your child store-bought kefir.

At about 2 months, the baby’s feeding changes slightly. It is necessary to start introducing fruit juices and purees into his diet, because... Infant formula cannot fully provide the baby’s body with the minerals and vitamins it needs.

The production of milk in a woman's body is controlled by brain cells. Therefore, avoid stressful situations, do not overwork, rest as much as possible. Let your family and friends help you with this.

Breastfeeding a baby at 2 months establishes unbreakable contact between the baby and the mother. Often, when children attach themselves to their mother's breast, they do not just ask for food, but expect maternal protection and tenderness.

A daily routine is a routine of actions performed in a certain sequence and, most often, having strict time limits. A daily routine in childhood is necessary for the healthy functioning of the nervous system, harmonious growth and proper physical development. A well-designed regimen protects the baby from overwork, allows you to organically spend energy resources and develop in accordance with age standards.

Approximate daily routine for a two month old baby

Some people believe that a two-month-old infant does not need a regimen, but this is not so. The routine may not be as strict as at the age of 1-3 years, but a certain procedure must be developed at the beginning of the third month of life - this will allow the baby to accustom himself to the traditions accepted in his family and avoid many behavioral disorders that arise due to disorganized action during the day.

How does your diet change at 2 months?

A 2 month old baby's routine includes 4 main components: feeding, sleep, physical development (massage, gymnastics) and walks. Experts consider nutrition to be the most important part of the regimen. The health of the child, the state of the immune system, the basics of intellectual development - all this depends on what kind of nutrition the child receives in the first 6 months of life. It should be regular and of high quality, especially if the baby is on mixed or artificial feeding.

The first feeding usually occurs at 6-7 am, and the last - in the interval from 22 to 24 hours. The exact time depends on the biological rhythms and character of the child, as well as the peculiarities of the daily routine adopted in a particular family.

Daily routine of a two-month-old breastfed baby

If a mother is breastfeeding, pediatricians recommend sticking to on-demand feeding, but there are exceptions to this. Despite advice to give your baby the breast whenever he wants, it is worth limiting the frequency and duration of feedings in the following cases:

  • the interval between applications is less than 2 hours;
  • the child asks for the breast during any emotional experience;
  • frequent attachments have a negative impact on the physical condition of the mother (increased fatigue, pain when touching the nipples, cracks and damage to the mammary glands);
  • the baby burps profusely after each application, and the released masses contain particles of undigested milk.

During feeding, you need to talk quietly with the baby, you can tell a fairy tale or sing songs - this helps strengthen the bond between mother and baby and has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional development of the baby.

Important! If the baby requires the breast too often, behaves restlessly and quickly lets go of the nipple after the start of feeding, you should consult a doctor - the cause of this behavior may be digestive disorders, for example, lactase deficiency or intestinal colitis. The average interval between feedings for a two-month-old baby should be from 2.5 to 3 hours.

The daily routine of a bottle-fed or mixed-fed baby

If for some reason the child receives as his main nutrition, it is necessary to strictly monitor the amount of formula eaten and the intervals between feedings. Children who are completely bottle-fed need to establish a feeding schedule already at this age. This will ensure sufficient production of enzymes necessary for the breakdown and absorption of milk protein, which is more complex in composition compared to the proteins that make up breast milk. Eating at the same time also significantly reduces the likelihood of and, so the task of parents at this age is to accustom the baby to feeding on a schedule.

Important! Children who regularly receive formula milk must be supplemented with boiled water. With a mixed type of feeding, it is better to offer drinks from a spoon; artificial children can be given water from a bottle.

Healthy two-month-old infants are usually fed according to the following regimen:

  • number of feedings – 6-7 per day;
  • the volume of one serving of the mixture is from 130 to 150 ml (depending on the selected mixture and the individual characteristics of the child);
  • The maximum daily amount of the mixture is no more than 900 ml.

Night feedings: how much and when

Night feedings in infants receiving breast milk should be done on demand. Some babies sleep well and wake up for feedings only 1-2 times a night, but there are babies who require 2 to 4 feedings during the night to meet their needs.

Formula-fed babies at 2 months usually sleep well for 5-6 hours at a time, so they rarely need more than 1 feeding per night.

Read also articles on nutrition:

How much should a 2 month old baby sleep?

Two-month-old babies' sleep is longer and more restful than a one-month-old baby's, but he still remains sensitive, since the duration of the deep sleep phase at this age is very short. The average nightly sleep time at this age is 8-10 hours, if we consider night sleep to be the period from the last evening feeding (usually at 22-23 hours) to the first morning meal (about 5-6 am). Most babies stay awake for 30-40 minutes after their first feeding before falling asleep again.

During the day, the child also continues to rest a lot - an active increase in periods of wakefulness will begin from the beginning of the fourth month of life. At 2 months, the child should sleep 3 times during the day for 1.5-2 hours. Some children sleep 2 times a day, but the duration of sleep can reach up to 3-3.5 hours. This option can be considered as a variant of the individual norm, but only if the child develops in accordance with generally accepted indicators. If a baby with this regimen becomes lethargic, capricious, eats poorly and shows no interest in the world around him, his regimen should be reconsidered and adjustments made, after consulting with a pediatrician.

Important! The total sleep duration in 2 months should be between 16 and 18 hours.

What to do if your child does not sleep during the day

Difficulty falling asleep during the day, frequent waking up at night - all this may be a variant of the norm, since the sleep of children at this age in most phases is superficial. To help your child sleep more peacefully, you can use the following tips.

  1. During sleep, the child should be protected from loud and unexpected sounds, since a child’s hearing becomes more acute at 2 months, and any sources of sharp sounds can wake him up.
  2. Sleepwear should be made of 100% soft cotton. It is best to choose closed sleepsuits - they will help keep warm if the child opens up at night. If financial capabilities allow, it is better to choose clothes without internal seams.
  3. The temperature in the room must comply with sanitary standards. For a two-month-old baby it ranges from +16° to 18°C.
  4. Three hours before bedtime, you should not feed your baby so that he eats well at the last feeding and does not wake up at night from feeling hungry.
  5. The light should also be dim. Some babies need to turn off the lights completely in order to sleep well through the night. Some people need to leave a dim night light. Parents need to observe the baby and note under what conditions he sleeps more calmly.

The cause of sleep disturbances at 2 months is very often painful intestinal spasms. You can fight them with abdominal massage, dry heat and medications (“Baby-Calm”,).

Child care and walks

An integral part of the 2-month regimen is hygiene measures and walks. You can walk with a two-month-old baby for a long time, since at this age children sleep well outside and can go without feeding for 2-3 hours. It is better to split the walks into 2 times of 1.5-2 hours, but in bad weather conditions you can limit yourself to one two-hour walk. At this time, it is good to be close to home so that you can quickly feed or change the baby if necessary.

Among the hygienic and hardening procedures, the pediatrician especially emphasizes. It is best to bathe the child before going to bed, but there are children who, after water procedures, are in an excited state for a long time and cannot fall asleep. It is better to bathe such babies during the daytime. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 10-15 minutes - longer bathing will tire the child, and he may fall asleep before he eats the required amount of milk, which will lead to disruption of night sleep.

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